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About kyeaxford1

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    United Kingdom
  • Favourite Game
    Witcher 3

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  1. I check the site everyday for a long time and I never saw any mention of any polls. And why can't there be an option to revert, that way people who like the new can stick with it and those who prefer to old can revert to that.
  2. Oh since a dev seems to be here why can't we just have the option to go back to the previous design. There seems to be a lot of people wanting to use the old design and a lot of dislike(myself included) of the new design. Lack of dev response to the dislike clearly present here and the lack of any sort of polling to even see if the dislike is present in the wider userbase is just wrong and needs to be rectified. I was gonna switch my monthly to a yearly sub but after this and the disrespect from the devs I just cancelled it completely.
  3. Just got hit by the new UI design today and I thought my browser was broke or the webpage loaded badly because its that bad. I mean does anyone actually like this new design? The old one was fine and worked well for me for a long time and now I have to put up with this new design that is frankly awful and there is no option to revert. Whoever decided this is a good idea really needs to go through all these replies and see that very few people like this. If this was steam review it would be on overwhelmingly negative. It's fine to admit you were wrong and just go back to what works.
  4. I would like someone to make a mod that changes the generic courser spawning so that at least 50% of random coursers are female and use the X-92 Courser power suit please.
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