In response to post #43759815. #43760175, #43763310, #43764475, #43764750 are all replies on the same post. heck we still have to do it for non-supported mods on the less mod friendly games. BTW for all the folks out there having issues with not being able to use NMM, there a ton of great tutorials out there on Youtube that show you how to install manually, what the readmes are saying about installation, and what different types of mods do, and where they need to go and why. You folks should check them out- back when I first was modding Morrowind all we had was the readmes, and luckily the forums. It's a learning curve, but it's not that steep- in general folks will be very happy to help out if you have issues as long as you come to the discussion with patience and respect.
In response to post #43562410. #43564460, #43564645, #43595455, #43608030, #43615050, #43615075, #43619465, #43626805, #43631250, #43631340 are all replies on the same post. Throwing in with the group, this could be very beneficial.