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Skyrim, Oblivion, Supreme Commander
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Oblivion, Supreme Commander, Total Annihilation, Crysis, Escape Velocity:Nova
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I've been hoping to see Skyrim support for Blender for quite a while. I did a little bit of looking around, but don't see much of a roadmap. Any idea as to when it might be in beta stage? Thanks for all your hard work.
This excellent looking armour would work well with just about any type of character looking for some high protection light or medium armour. It looks like Leather Armour with glass inserts and pauldrons. The weapons would be a nice touch too, although I think any of the LOTR weapons would work great. http://wallpaperscraft.com/image/girl_warrior_bow_arrows_guns_butterflies_forest_68723_1920x1080.jpg
In all of my play-throughs the Silver-Blood family ring has given a 15% boost to smithing. I just received the ring in my latest playthrough and it says 2% boost. I went looking through CK and found the ring. It says 15% boost as well. As an aside, I tried changing the attributes of the ring in CK, but to no avail. Does anyone know a mod that changes the ring? I have attached my load order just in case you see something in there.
There was a mod called Soul of Ilithiel. Basically she is a powerful sorceress who was entombed in a soulgem. She still had her personality intact and would make comments about things she was attacking. She could 'inhabit' any weapon she wanted. The first strike would detect what the weakness the target had, the next would apply the appropriate elemental damage. She would also absorb some of the victim's sould to recharge her power. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/10090
LE Realistic item weights / quivers
TolarisOmega replied to Emissaryoflight's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I agree with all of these, with the exception of maybe the quiver. I would suggest that you only need to make one quiver. Make it available in the same materials (Glass, iron etc, use vanilla meshes to start) with bonuses depending on the material. Maybe add a way to poison arrows sitting in the quiver, so you don't have to constantly reapply poisons. To the realistic item weights, I would add realistic weapon and armour weights as well. Swords only ever weigh 3-6 pounds. Full steel plate armour from 14th or 15th century weighs 60 pounds, but very flexible; a PC fully trained in Skyrim's Heavy Armour should have no movement penalties. -
I second this mod. And for Donkey's voice can you use movie dialogue? Like "Are we there yet?", his sighs, etc. Or is that copyright? There is supposed to be FRAND rules in effect.
She strikes me as a Redguard Sorceress more than anything else. Could be my preference for magic ;)
I agree. Then you can remove the quest markers from the map. Mind you, you'd have to add a lot more text to the quest descriptions. Bethsoft is cheaping out on writers. Too much pretty pictures, not enough work on backend stuff. I mean, come on, no onscreen timers?? Not even the option?
LE Is it possible to add light sources to weapons and armor?
TolarisOmega replied to AliScott's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
It must be possible. This mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11956 adds Gandalf's staff to the game. It is used as a torch and for blocking. -
Talk to the modder that made Gandalf's staff in Oblivion...Or is that the later one too? It may have been a modder's resource.
You could make quite a quest line to be able to make these. This is just brainstorming off the top of my head, so it may be a bit scattered. Say you find a book (or workshop if its a bit more involved) that describes these weapons (in a dwemer ruins, or Winterhold -make it radiant?). It initiates a quest line where you have to look through dwemer ruins to find more instructions, maybe you can make it a series of radiant quests, so each time it doesn't send you to the same sequence of ruins. Place a book or scroll or something into the boss chests in the ruins. You then need to read the books in order to learn how to make different pieces, the barrel, trigger, power source/ammunition. Or a crafting station in a Dwemer ruin? You can then find design sketches in other ruins, learn them then use it at the crafting station. So it doesn't clutter too much. Also more realistic, perhaps. Guns take a fair bit of skill to make, and the tools are different from ones used for making swords and armour. If you make a new model for it, maybe start with a metal lathe? With other stuff attached to it. A smelter to cast the barrels? They were originally created like bronze bells. You could make it level based. The first guns you make are simple hand cannons, just a cast barrel. Muzzle loading. Then after you gain more experience, you can make matchlocks, then flintlocks, wheellocks. Maybe a perk tree? Maybe gained like shouts? You read the books and scrolls to learn the "words of the shout" (the design or component) then another quest or something (dragon shouts? I have a lot of dragon souls I haven't used yet) to unlock it so you can use it (you have to work for stuff, you know ;-) ) Make the weapon designs modular, so other modders can add firearm meshes later. Quite a large mod to be sure, maybe combine with Lorecraft? To lighten the load a bit.
LE Mage Levitation Spell: Possible?
TolarisOmega replied to chaosrabbit's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
What about pulling something from the Flame Atronach? Don't they float around above the ground? Its sounds exactly what you're asking for. I don't mod much yet (just made an axe, used Blender, so can't get into 'nif' format yet, although I could just release it as a resource), so I'm not sure how easy (or legal) it is to copy animations or whatever from an NPC an reuse for your PC. I would love to see that, maybe similar to "Almalexia's Grace" (from a mod, not sure if it's similar to the one in Tribunal; just looked it up in UESP, not even close). - Single wielding could give you the floating. Increased speed like Almalexia's Grace. Normal walking speed if you're overloaded. - Single-wielding each hand would allow you to increase height- this would allow you to change your altitude, when you release one of the spells, you float back down to the ground. - Dual wielding you can use for high speed travel a few feet above the ground. -
A beautiful sword. Looks like a really large cooking knife. First place to start is to model the sword. Then you need the texture. Then the hard part. Getting it into Skyrim. I can do the first two. I use Blender3D (Free-Open-Source). Like all 3D programs, there is a steep learning curve. Swords are a lot easier than armour and clothing. I'll try to build it. In the meantime, you may have a hankering to do it yourself. Home, and other info http://www.blender.org/ http://www.blendernation.com/ Tutorials: http://cgcookie.com/blender/ http://www.blenderguru.com/ To get into Skyrim. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/Blender
Ok, so this is a while in coming, but here goes anyway. A quick 3D Modeling lesson: Mesh is the shape of the object. Things like buildings, weapons, clothing. But meshes take a lot of computer power to manipulate in realtime. That's why you use.... Texture maps. Basically pretty pictures 'faking' the appearance of the object. A pair of dice for instance, would be a couple cubes, with textures for the pips (dots) and the shading at the edges. But textures maps need.... [uV] co-ordinates. The coordinates tell the computer how to wrap the mesh. http://www.hippydrome.com/MeshDesignFace.html shows a generic UV grid of a human face, that matches with the mesh points of the model. UV turns a 3D object into a 2D image (like unfolding a box of cereal or some such) Creation Kit is indeed used to get the models and textures, and everythig else into the game world. But the model that I make in Blender (or any other 3D program for that matter) needs to be translated into a form that Skyrim can understand. Blender 2.6 (the version I'm using) doesn't have the translator yet. Not having much luck with the texturing, so I may just release it as a modders resource.
LE vote on which spell u want the most!
TolarisOmega replied to sunshinex3's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Kinda hard to pick just one. Leapfrog is kind of like the Whirlwind Sprint (Wul Nah....something) shout. Although Wirlwind is only horizontal. Whirlwind in the direction your reticle is pointing would be a nice change to Whirlwind too. Levitate would be nice. A good balance would be no attack ability (it takes a lot of energy to fly), but NPCs can hit you, to compensate for no NPC levitation. As a shout maybe. Each level provides longer flying time/ more speed. I would like to see a toggle type shout. Maybe as a level 3 (three word) shout. It could also be used in a way to replace Leapfrog. Telekinesis on NPCs would allow for some interesting tactics, size should have an affect. ie: heavier is harder to grab at lower levels; do something like needing a perk ( Illusion -Animage etc. perhaps) to allow for the already-in-game telekinesis to affect NPCs, animals etc. Each level-up in the right magic school (Alteration?) would increase the lifting capacity by say, 10 pounds.