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Everything posted by crazylion

  1. Hi Make sure your textures are in the Game folder, meaning somewhere under /Data/.... you need to adjust the lightningShader property texture-path in the nif file to that location, so it can find your texture of course you can use and copy a shader from another nife but it will then show not your texture and you need to adjust the path again. you can't find/open ingame nif files? Did you extract them from the bsa archives? CL
  2. Hi The clutter and stuff is actually not an issue at all as you can use roombound boxes to limited the load (Witcher has way more clutter) The main issue would be that all interior spaces are not identical with the exterior buildings (interiors are around 1.5-2 times the dimensions and mostly not matching at all the exterior structure) . That means you need to fit the interior to the exterior and create all interior meshes new or you match the exterior to the interior and rebuild all building meshes and consequently the whole landscape of Skyrim. I worked on a mod to rebuild the tile-set of the imperial forts and stopped as I realized that it was actually not possible doing either one (inside or outside) to make sense of the buildings but it actually would require both. Reason is that many of the exterior buildings are too small as the interior is so cluttered that NPC's or even the player can not move through anymore. A complete redesign would be required but in a way that you would not break any quests. Which is most likely the worst point, all quest need to be rewritten to work as all Quest markers would be in the worldspace cell. The amount of work would be so overwhelming that a team would need 3-4 Years easy to finish this. Also the consequence would be that every existing interior mod would not work or any mod that uses interior cells (even if its only a NPC marker), most Follower mods would need to be made compatible ….. pretty much 75% of all mods would not be usable. I don't want to go on as Skyrim is now to old for anyone to put so much effort into it particular as the next Elderscroll has been announced. as Saerileth already said it, but its not impossible, Projects like Skywind could have done it, if someone thought of it from the beginning, as they had to recreate every single mesh and every nav mesh. CL
  3. Oh my if you refer to your picture, that is not the collision geometry what you see- and has nothing to do with it. to see the collision geometry of objects in CK you need to hit F4 and it will be displayed in a black net-frame What you see is just an frame to mark the activated object, its position and size may not always fit the object but does not have any function other than that ( might help to identify axis as they are colored) So yes if in nifskope your collision looks fine - don't worry CL
  4. Hi You can adjust the position and size of the collision box by opening the nif file (with Nifskope). In Nifskope the Collision box/mesh can be made visible so its easier to adjust CL
  5. Hi This is a well known issue. All visible meshes have a invisible collision mesh, for performance reasons this collision meshes are not as detailed or exactly aligned to the visible surface. In fact there are two game worlds you play in - the high detailed visual part and the blocky low poly invisible collision mesh world for all physics calculations. So if you hide around a corner or a rock and take your aim at a target just beside the visible edge of your obstacle - there is a high chance you actually shoot into the collision mesh and your arrow sticks in front of you in an invisible object or bounces of it. Ever tried to shoot through a metal gate to kill a monster? To solve this issue, nearly every collision mesh in-game needs to be adjusted which would increase loading time and would drop performance significant for something no one can see. Hope that clarifies it a little bit CL
  6. Hi Make sure all the vertices are welted together and check the smoothing groups again, this is typical for smoothing groups errors. Did you bake a normal map in blender or in substance? CL
  7. Quick look at the nif The neck part, named Cattlleya does not have a BSDismemberSkininstance just an NiSkininstance that's why you are becoming an error as Dismemberskininstance is not equal the SkinInstance's inside the mesh. CL
  8. Hi Partition refer to the skin partitions of the nif file. If you are open the mesh in nifskope you can run the spell Make all Skin Partitions and see if that solves the issue or any error shows up. CL
  9. hi that should be pretty simple Create a new or make a copy of an enchantment (rename the copy) and set the cost of the magic spell to 0. Vanilla enchantments are use auto-calculation which needs to be deactivated so you can set the cost to 0. That's simple as that. CL
  10. ​Skyrim interior was scaled around factor 1.5 or more most likely to give more space to move around particular when you have followers. So I tried myself to make a mod which makes interior and exterior equal - but realized soon that's it would be easier to rebuild the whole world from scratch than making the changes required. In many cases the outside of buildings/forts has nothing to do with the inside structure, not in shape or form. Particular with the windows as in most cases the location of the exterior window could not be matched with the interior at all. But anyway why would you want to do place windows in-game and not with the CK? You can use the Window resource mod you mention and just place them in CK as you wish. Or do you like to re-decorate once in a while? CL
  11. I am not really surprised about some of the reactions For the Modder's who insist not to care about the Endorsement and mod only for them-selves, If that would be true explain why do you "share and publish" anything if you do it only for yourself? Yes I mod I make mod for myself and I enjoy it - but I also share some of that work with the community, if we can call that a community. The work I share I do want to see feedback I do want to know if is good or bad - I don't want to know how I could make it better or if I changed color it would look better. It is sad to see that only 3 to 10% of every user gives its feedback and this means I have to believe the judgment of that minority where as the majority is quiet. As a result the minority will shape the future projects with their responds despite the fact that maybe the real trend goes in a different direction. Same as in real life politics or even Game industry trends. Of course some of you Players are insulted by putting you all under the same bus (but you are a minority of less than 10% anyway) making noise here - but that is expected as you are the once who also open their mouth and made their vote already but the once from the majority of silent users stay quiet. If you put the figures in perspective it is even worse as on Nexus are 14Mill members - If your mod is not downloaded at least 100K times, less than 1% of this community noticed your mod and if your download to endorsement ratio is 10%(which is a great result) still less than 0.1% of the community things your mod is great. Why is that even an issue every one might ask, we all could give a f*** and obviously most do but as I mention before the danger is that the Mod makers and game developers will based their decisions and future developments on the result what is accepted and endorsed by the community. We can see that results in already existing trends in the game industry, what sells will be produced as it makes money and it is not a measurement of quality. If 1% of this community buys one of my mods for 10$ I make a million - why would I care about the rest of the community who maybe hate my mod?? So I produce more of that context for that 1% and others will follow me on that trend as they want a cut from that market. That as an example is the way the Game industry(and any other Industry) is progressing. Yes we all could give a f*** but than don't complain about the Games and their quality which will come out next years. And don't be fooled by pretty graphic as that does not make a good game. So yes here on Nexus it might not play a roll at all, but on a bigger picture it does. People who don't believe that the big Player in the Game-Industry are not watching and following trends here on nexus also believe that voting for their political leaders does not make any impact anyway or does it? CL
  12. Looking at the figures 56000 Mods for Skyrim only 2000 Mods in Category Companions and only 3000 under Followers meaning less than 10% off all mods are kind of Followers Of course we need more Wait... Omg I just realized I never used any Follower not even the Vanilla once..... I missed out on 5000 mods :(
  13. Of course SSEEdit is a great tool to remove stuff - but only if you exactly know where that object is. If you like to remove an very specific object that maybe has multiple copies in one cell than SSEEdit is absolutely useless. And if I understood Danja91 question correct , than he does not want to remove all the objects added by the mod and leave some where as he does not know how they are composed. So he has no other choice as going through hundreds of edited objects so he does not delete the wrong ones. CL
  14. Hi if you load any mod and set it as active - every cell and every object that is manipulated by that mod will be marked with an * http://i63.tinypic.com/1zw7rm.jpg so quite easy to find stuff and if you double click the object inside the cell window, your render window will jump to it and load the location where that object is. CL
  15. Ah yes I forgot about the char-gen Exporter So you can export your head but that does not work for your body, as CharGen only exports the head information based on RaceMenue settings. How did you export the body(did you just use the default body mesh parts)? When you import the body into 3dsMax did you import it with an skeleton(did you use the XPMSE Skeleton - which is in your load order)? Is the skin of the body parts in 3dsmax weighted? CL
  16. Hi as much as I understand the game engine its like that - every Human NPC and PC uses the same default mesh. The information on how the individual person looks are controlled by nodes(facial features are accessible inside CK) which are stored in the save game file(for the Player only/NPC are stored in the esp's)and not in the mesh so don't search for it - it does not exist. This facial information can be extracted from the Save file but it is pretty much useless outside the game engine as their is no support for it in 3dsmax as far as I know. CL
  17. Hi It would be helpful if you would explain what the model is you have there. Also if you did UV Mapping already and if an high-poly model is available? Also I would not waste my time downloading something from an unknown source just to check if it is interesting enough and how much work is required. So do yourself a favor and type a better description if you want people to help you out here, it helps. CL
  18. That's all what is left - as KnightuSan89 never responded I assumed he had no interest anymore and I abandon the project and deleted all files. CL
  19. hi So your headline says you like to change the texture of an custom armor but you been using an tutorial that describes pretty much on how to import an new armor made with Blender into the game? If you want help you need to describe your issue and the process you been using a bit more in detail, particular why and how your nifskope is crashing - otherwise we can only speculate what your issue is. CL
  20. mmmmh that's not much to go with particular as the hand covers the most important detail If I make this weapon/sword I would have to create my own interpretation of it and of course without the pommel hanging from the grip (weapons do not support real physic to make it work) Bit busy with other stuff but let me think of it CL
  21. The Blade you want is very unpopular its only one handed and has no guard - a mix between Katana and Saber Are there any other pic or drawings of that blade? CL
  22. Hi Reading your comment raised the question in me > If you are disappointed with the weapons mods in Skyrim - what is it you are looking for ? Their are around 3500 Weapon mods alone for skyrim - some would assume their is something for every taste. so out of curiosity - again what are you looking for in weapons mods? CL
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