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Posts posted by moobacca

  1. I'm absolute garbage at making models and textures, so I was wondering if someone could make a model replacer for Dogmeat that looks like my dog. I would very much appreciate it.


    I have plenty of reference photos and will email them to anyone willing to give it a shot.


    Thank you for your time.

  2. In response to post #10427853. #10428246, #10428685, #10442744 are all replies on the same post.

    Ok, first off, you're posting on a PUBLIC forum, so anyone can chime in.

    Secondly, compensation for WHAT? Because you've been slightly inconvenienced for a few days? Give me a break. Even major companies have down time and glitches with online services. Take any MMO for example. Servers go down, things happen, get over it.
  3. I know this is going to sound harsh, but with a competing site up available for free, officially supported by Bethesda.... Nexus, you need to get your act together. I know a lot of us choose the Nexus because we dislike anything to do with Steam, but if your site doesn't work....


    Seems like most of the problems started when the site was changed to house more social aspects. File news? Most don't care, we just check the new files and the top files sections. Comment trackers, user activity... unless it's about a mod you made, it's just stuff we don't need.


    So please, stop with all the extras, just give us a no-nonsense place for us to download mods reliably.

  4. Every file I try to download tell me that they're newly uploaded and may not be available for an hour, but all of them have been around for ages, or it's an update that was made for Dawnguard, the earliest of which that I tried was uploaded 5 hours before.
  5. For me which side I was on boiled down to one thing: Survival. The Empire becomes the only real choice.


    With any Elder Scrolls game I tend to pick the race of whatever land the setting is in. In Morrowind I was a Dunmer, Oblivion I was Imperial, Skyrim I'm a loyal Son of Skyrim and I'm going to do what's best for Skyrim. Ulfric is NOT what's best for Skyrim.


    It's very, very obvious that the Thalmor are biding their time until the next war starts, so Skyrim leaving the Empire plays right into their hands. Considering that the war between the Empire and the Thalmor ended in basically a stalemate and it took the combined forces of humans to even achieve that, how well do you think Skyrim will do if it stands alone when the Thalmor come knocking? Not very well. Now I know Ulfric is smart enough to realize this, or maybe not because he's instigated a civil war in the face of impending destruction by the elves. So that makes Ulfric either power hungry, or a completely short-sighted idiot. After seeing what Ulfric says if he wins... it's pretty obvious that he's both power hungry AND an idiot and hasn't even considered that Skyrim will be an easy target for the Thalmor.


    Ulfric has put every man, woman and child in danger of being enslaved or worse by the Thalmor just so he can be in charge. Killing High King Torygg was murder, Ulfric was in his prime, Torygg was barely a man and both knew this. How honorable is it really to challenge someone to a fight that you know you'll win easily? Ulric is a COWARD without any honor and even he says it wasn't a fair fight. He killed his king just because he could. That's not the mark of a good leader, that's the mark of a selfish, power hungry fool. I'm not even going to mention that he's a racist. Just take a walk in Windhelm and see for yourself. Go ask the Dunmer and Argonians how Ulfric and the Stormcloaks treat them.


    That's not someone I want to follow, EVER.


    Now you may argue that the Emperor is also a coward for signing the White-Gold Concordat, but what other choice did he have? It was either sign or be conquered, the Empire's citizens slaughtered or enslaved. How well do you think Skyrim would be doing under Thalmor rule? At least under the Empire you can worship Talos in secret, under the Thalmor I think it's safe to say we could make comparisons to the Nazis.


    In the meantime, the Empire could have been working to regain it's strength, but instead, Ulfric had to throw a temper tantrum to have his way. Hammerfell already bloodied the Thalmor pretty well kicking them out, if Skyrim, Cyrodiil, Highrock and Hammerfell could just ban together, maybe the Thalmor threat can be put down and people can worship whomever they wish.


    That's why I put down the Stormcloaks.

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