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Status Updates posted by Reaper0021

  1. I HATE ENB's as a general rule of thumb...they can be overtaxing on a PC and can cause no end of headaches when you go to play the game. The stutters, the FPS highs and lows...this one however is really really good. I like the colors and the way it plays. Looks really really good. Be proud you have made a great ENB and one my pc actually likes. Now, if my daughter and my G/F would try it...
  2. I commented on your post. You made a VERY good point. Glad you said it cause I forgot that there was indeed a primer already in the game. Further proof of Bethesda's preplanning.
  3. Well, with over 98 mods installed and no real way to know what I broke and how I broke it...uninstalling/reinstalling my Skyrim. Think this time I will shorten my mods to just the ones I MUST have. Go check out Luna's new ENB it's spectacular and fits lower end systems well.
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