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Everything posted by Sysreq

  1. I'm with Dark0ne here. One crap-storm for changing the front page in 12 months is enough. That being said if you want to browse, you can list by submission, number of ratings, and alphabetically, each ascending and descending and further still by doing all of these things inside of individual categories, there are many ways too look for new, popular, old, and niche mods for anything you could want. The front page doesn't need to be for digging up all new files, I personally prefer what we have now.
  2. In opening, PLEASE TAKE MY MONEY!!! Additionally HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP. And finally, it really is amazing to actually see something supporting mods from the ground up as part of the development, and the goal of putting the same tools for community development that the Dev team is using is shocking. Also awesome. I'd support this with all of my being if it weren't a spiritual DK3. That just makes me perhaps slightly evangelical about it.
  3. I guess I can open by saying when the change first went live, I didn't just not like it, I HATED it. It's kind of ugly, tracking a mod craps up the feed with endless posts by people I could care less about, any of the reasons that have been listed a hundred times previously. In short, I come here for mods, not for people. After tinkering around in the preferences however, I can say I think it's at least a mildly positive change. All the above holds true, but when you crop a feed down to only the mod author, it makes it easier to watch progress on mods without manually viewing 50+ mod pages. My complaint here is that generally when one change is made, 4-5 or more are made, so 2 mod updates may fill the entire feed. Perhaps it could be altered such that if 5 consecutive posts are all about one mod, they get lumped together? My primary standing complaint is still the overall ugliness of the new layout. It just seems that a central feed with smaller images for other mods on the sidebar just doesn't look great. Not awful, just kind of sloppy. I do like the below suggestion of adding a "Feeds" tab at the top. If that's your bag you could like straight to it, or if like me and apparently many others, you just like to hop on to see new stuff, the recent and hot files would be available right off the bat such as they have been previously, without all the stuff people seem not to like.
  4. I haven't seen anybody else mention it, but BOSS ( http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35999 ) is a great tool, it auto sorts your mods into something that should be playable. It will not work 100% of the time with every mod, but it at least gives you a good baseline to work with.
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