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  1. I would use EFF spell to call relaxing followers i have planted around my player homes.I have Dread Prison and i use 100 cap followers.Insted of dismissing them i just tell them to relax and go off and do my thing.If i get attacked outside i just use the spell followers telepathy spell and choose who i want to come running.
  2. what about you eat strange alien mushrooms and in your trip your transported back 600 or so years back to earth and help out the old crew on some of there missions.
  3. More Remnant puzzles. It's not easy to get that Cartographer achievement. You literally need a guide to follow the entire game. Would be nice to have the option to recruit a Salarian to the team. I miss Mordin. i agree Mordin was great in 2-3 of mass effect shame he had to give himself in 3 to give cure to the krogan.i would also like to see more arks saved to and more aliens found through the game.
  4. I myself would love to see more planets open up for adventure and quests.Plus i would also like more choice on making my character with more sliders.i think we have enough weapons and armour at the moment but more ways to change them to suit our way of play would be good.I would also like to see more companions to join the crew for missions. What do you think?
  5. liara said in the fathers log in his room that she could not leave the milky way.the game itself need much done to it to be what everyone wanted or expected.A weak story and copy after copy of things from ME1-3.But i expect we will see what they do with patches or even DLC's in the future.As for modding that's where normally the best stuff comes from.
  6. I agree SAM needs to shut it.Same with other stuff like lexi when i ask her what how the crew is...Just F***** tell me..not every member at a time.human and non-human.Lots of crap like that in this game.
  7. I put the settings way up to ultra with everything on.seems to have dulled it down a bit but there is still some there.
  8. Bioware think they can do no wrong at the end of the day.At least with Bethesda they bring out games that can be modded to the point of fixing everything even before patches that normally breaks more than it fixes.I remember when X rebirth first came out..that was hell.it's like they can't wait for the cash flow and put things out way before they should.
  9. Not a Clue here... been looking for an answer pretty much every where. If this were the Fallout 4 forums, I'd have had a 100 responses by now. I'm thinking that it's an in-game setting that I'm missing. I got the newest NVIDIA Drivers, used the Optimal Settings, no change. I'm at a loss. maybe something beyond our fixing.like you i'v tried to mess with the settings with no results.My driver is also up to date.Nvidia just gave one out the other day.it's like there's a fridge inside everyone's mouth and when the mouth opens it,s like the door has..lol
  10. i also get the light in mouth problem.maybe its nvidia problem or maybe we just need another patch
  11. More hair would be good but i would like more sliders for the face and body myself.
  12. Is it just me or is the story line and most other things just a big rip off from mass effect 1-3.This is not a new game it 3 old games made into 1.Plus i would also add what does people think of the Ryders V Sheppard? for me they don't hold a candle to the late great shep and what's with that strange woman on Eos.
  13. Maybe a memory problem.Try using a tool like Skyrim INI manager.So you can use more memory and cpu cores to the game
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