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  1. For the stuttering, the larger the mp3 the longer it will take fallout to load it, and the more noticeable the delay will be. If you're using especially high quality mp3s or particularly long songs you might consider downgrading.
  2. I don't know of any mod which makes Fawkes stealthy. Personally, I've always wondered why people get so angry about the fact that the nine foot tall mutant that they asked to follow them around keeps giving away their position. I mean... it seems kinda reasonable that that would be the case.
  3. Rickerhk nailed this problem. Apparently the neutral, standoffish dialogue options for the quest don't actually trigger the stage required to ask Dr. Preston about the android, even though the dialogue options *do* indicate quest acceptance, and Zimmer does tell you to go speak to Dr. Preston. The fix is to go back to zimmer and accept the quest again.
  4. Many of the songs from the Stalker OST and Stalker CS OST are similarly eerie, and both are apparently free to use. They were given some kind of free release for whatever reason. You can find the music packs here and here. If you own the soundtrack to any silent hill game legitimately you could also use the iPip player mod to make them into a radio station. Or you could use iPip to play the songs from the Stalker OSTs, thus keeping them separate from the default game music. Alternatively, simply dropping the mp3s into the various music folders "battle", "explore", etc, will you allow you to hear those songs when not listening to the radio without the setup work of the iPip mod. I don't know of any prepacked radio stations with particularly eerie music except Existence 2.0, but that mod's music is not really silent hill's flavor of creepy.
  5. Yeah, I was glad when I found out masterupdate can get rid of that. I was running low on grenades to jump on.
  6. Oh... I'd forgotten that it does. Yeah. You should use that.
  7. Format it? I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Did you decompress it? If it's not showing up under "data files" that means that the .esm or .esp file(s) related to the mod were not put in the right place, which means that you either sent the unzipped files to the wrong place, or simply moved the zipped mod to the fallout/data folder
  8. Simply having good karma can cause Talon to go after you too, even if you never did the 'power of atom' questline. If you're looking for a mod which makes it so that the contract goes away if you hunt down and kill Mr. Burke, then I'm afraid it doesn't exist (to my knowledge). I would suggest putting it in the requests subforum. The only mod that I know of which changes that aspect of that particular quest is the one which makes it so that he no longer sends assassins after you if you use the black widow skill to convince him to not blow up the town.
  9. A crash when going through a door frequently means that it's crashing when attempting to autosave. Turn off "Autosave on travel" and see if it still does the same crashes. If it doesn't, run FO3Edit's masterupdate function. It fixed many such crashes for me. In fact, you should run masterupdate regardless, but I don't know whether or not it's important to have your load order issues sorted out before running it. As for the red triangles in Superduper Mart, are you playing the same game that you were playing with FOOK after deactivating it? Attempting to continue a game which had been using an overhaul mod after deactivating said mod is likely to cause all sorts of problems.
  10. Using some random 3rd party software to uninstall a mod, rather than, say, the FOMM package manager (which was designed to install and uninstall mods for Fallout) seems like a very bad idea.
  11. Not exactly critical, but this is the first time it has ever happened to me and it seems to be persistent (as I've reloaded before the quest was started, re-accepted it, and I still can't ask). I don't know whether this is truly a mod issue or a bug with the quest. I'm running *a lot* of mods, but I have virtually no bugs, and a well ordered mod list. The biggest mods I'm running are MMM, FWE, WMK, and project beauty. Does anyone know if there's a console command to set the correct quest stage where one can ask him about the android? Oh, and my quest log *does* give me the "[optional] Find out what Dr. Preston knows about the android." quest instruction. Does that mean the aforementioned stage is already set?
  12. Use this to disable games for windows live. It causes nothing but problems and some mods simply wont work with it anyway. Be sure to use it to also move your DLC into the non-live folders. Next, use FOMM to move your mods into the order suggested in the FOIP load order guidelines. You can use FOMM's auto sort feature to get it into basic order, but I'd change it to be more like their guidelines once that's done. Next, activate all the mods and patches, and use FO3 Edit to create a merged patch. This is *required* for the FOIP WMK compatibility patches. After that, run FO3's masterupdate function (by making a copy of the FO3edit and renaming it "FO3MasterUpdate, then running it. You should also make another copy of FO3Edit and rename it FO3MasterRestore in case you ever want to undo the changes of MasterUpdate, but don't run that now.). Once that's done let me know if you're still crashing. I've been running FWE, WMK, MMM, project beauty, and a dozen other mods together for months (although I too didn't bother with EVE), and I hardly ever crash.
  13. I just tried the game with FWE for the first time ever a few days ago. I'll never play without it again.
  14. Anyone happen to know where this visor came from? I could do without the rest of the outfit, and the midget anime girl, but I gotta have me that visor.
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