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Everything posted by fakedesign

  1. Updated the driver, problem fixed. Thanks a LOT mate! That was really spoiling the fun for me :)
  2. I set it to 1 (it was at 3 to begin with) but it didn't do the trick unfortunately. What I did notice now is the problem solves itself when I switch to 1st person view, something I never ever do normally. I'm a bit afraid this has nothing to do with prefs or settings, but a conflict the 1.5 update has with my graphics card.
  3. which video card do you use ? you can try this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13071 Thanks for thinking along, but this does not seem to address the issue at hand. I've got no problem with pixelation or anything like that: when I move the camera around I see huge shadows swooping everywhere, both indoors with localized lightsources and outdoors. I think the hardware question may be relevant though. I've got an Nvidia Geforce GTS250.
  4. Any fixes apart from finding a friend who's got an old copy of the game? Unfortunately that's not an option for me. I've had the moving shadows bug for about 2 weeks now and it's driving me crazy :/
  5. I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Objects are casting huge shadows that move around when you move the camera. I've been experiencing this since about a week or so. I've killed my mods but to no avail. I've even reinstalled the game but without results. The suggested change to the skyrimprefs.ini does nothing as well. Strange thing is that apart from this forum post I can find no mention of it anywhere, so apparently the problem is unique? I'm running a Windows Vista install on a PC with an Nvidia GeForce GTS250 and 4 gigs of Ram. Not the best deck but the game's been running fine for over 2 months before this happened... Any ideas?
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