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  1. I have a beginner's question. I'm reasonable experienced in OOP, mainly C++ and Python. I never worked with Unreal before. I'm very confused by the term "template". E.g. in the add weapon example they call it a template, but it seems all hard coded. Also the line local array<X2DataTemplate> ModWeapons; I don't get. It looks like a C++ code generation class template, but actually the class name X2Item_ModExample_Weapon is always used. I looked also in the X2Item_DefaultWeapons.uc and was even more confused. Now there is not a a single weapon but the entire class holds a list or array of weapons and all properties are set hard coded but the default ini values. So, is template class just a term or is there something more behind it. Maybe this is a unreal thing, so it would very kind to offer a link, the official online unreal documentation is rather sparse. Thanks
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