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Posts posted by falloutbr

  1. Well, the 0.1 version worked like a charm for me... I used it to change a few parameters like Skyranger capacity and starting soldier number and no problems so far. I am using Windows 7 with the steam version, along with the new patch that came out on the 11th.
  2. Actually I tried doing the same thing on several different maps. In one of them they were stuck in the Skyranger, outside the map boundaries. But in most of them, the extra soldiers spawned around the middle of the map. In the cemetary map they start just next the normal LZ, so it makes for an almost perfect playtrough (wish all were like that). Here is a little video I made with a 12 man squad.


  3. Unfortunately here is where we hit our next roadblock: Landing Zone settings on the map. Testing last night, I started a fresh game and 8 soldiers were deployed. However, only 6 were deployed into the LZ, while the remaining two were overlaid & stuck on a single block inside the Skyranger. They would receive turns, but are completely trapped!!




    I did the same thing as you, changing the SKYRANGER_CAPACITY to 8 using the modpatcher made by Dreadylein, and during the first mission I had 8 soldiers under full control. Six of them started in the regular landing zone e the two others started overlaid in another square, but they were not stuck at all, I could control them normally and finish the mission. I did that 3 times and the excess soldiers always spawn very near an alien spawn point. After the mission only the first six show up on the Debrief screen (proabably wasn't programmed to have a slider). The others show up on the barracks normally with the right number of kills they got during the mission, even ready for promotions.


    Seems like all the code need to fully control bigger squads is already in-game. People would just need to sort the spawn points. Too bad maybe that means that you'd need to go through every map file and manually edit each one. By the way, I attached a picture just to prove it did happen.

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