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Everything posted by Jeesmies

  1. I'm glad we are sailing on international waters
  2. do you have paint between the lashes in texture file
  3. I havent romance anyone yet in fallout, but can you do the nasty if you do?
  4. Maybe valentine doesnt want to be romanced :D
  5. I could probably make something... but those two coats are hard to mix into something nice
  6. There's this one mod you can put on gun that heal instead of do damage, it's probably legendary mod so you should get the mod that let's you mod legendary mods in your guns as you mod them.
  7. I had a problem once when I got the quest to find emogene. I went to find her at the beach where she is supposed to be but she wasn't there or anywhere else, the marker moved itself after that to her bedroom in the cabot house and emogene was virtually gone from the game forever. It could've been because of I didn't go ask for her in the third rail first, but I'll never know for sure. Even loading a previous save and starting the whole chain again and visiting third rail before beach didn't work. She was gone! I had to start the game from beginning to reset this malfunction.
  8. It wasn't aliens, it was the precursor humans -edit- yea i forgot, there was also probable aliens with them. Because if it was only these clearly not human shaped aliens Lorenzo wouldn't have so well fitting hat! I'm not even sure if this is still in the topic D: Anyhow this is a great idea if it's done properly
  9. It means that if you open it on let's say GIMP and paint this palette file green, the pistol turns green in the game.
  10. it is simply the color scheme. woops might be a late response :D
  11. Oh speaking of companions I was also so infuriated by paladin danse being kicked out bos. But maxson showing up immediately after sparing danse's life was pretty hilarious :D
  12. Have you tried installing the mods again? If that doesn't work just install skyrim and everything else from 0, don't delete save files.
  13. I was infuriated by the main story being so short, but then I realised I hadn't explored the 70% of all locations yet.
  14. it's actualy submachine gun not small machine gun. Yes technicaly it's not the same as an smg with the clip in front of the trigger, not in the grip. But when you start shooting it it is the same thing.
  15. About that 10mm smg, it already is there if you put an automatic receiver on the pistol. It does the same thing without the ridiculous looks and also if you put two-shot mod and armor piercing on it, it can easily tear through all enemies.
  16. Excuseme, for a moment I thought we were playing the same game. :D
  17. What's wrong with gunner plaza? You don't have to go back there if the respwning enemies bother you. Pretend it's been cleared and move on. I'll happily keep killing the respawning enemies.
  18. Hmm I haven't realy built a single settlement yet except for the mistake in my first playthrough when I went to finish the quest at sanctuary... :D Sorry I just read your statement bout economy and stuff but its false since I blast automatics all day and I dont even know what economy means
  19. The trick is to have many guns and buy out all the ammo for them and if it's not enough grab the machete. And if you clear the warehouses in goodneighbor with melee you get a ton of ammo from the gangsters
  20. Of course doing good things doesn't stop raiders but, you never know if they would've shot less accurately if you hadn't killed those dogs in the woods or that poor scavenger who tried to defend himself out of fear and you just murdered him :ohmy:
  21. Haha we definitely need more pimps in settlements :D
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