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About Perrinwolf

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Oblivion, Neverwinter online and Swtor
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, Grandia II, SWTOR.

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  1. I played wow and guildwars2. In a lot of ways guildwars2 better then wow. With it's in game events. Like random or set, escort missions or invasions of villages. I never try secret world. Looks good from my PoV. In the end counts if you like fantasy setting more or modern alt.. I left wow for swtor. I like the class story lines. Each class has their way of shaping how things ended up. I also play guildwars2 from time to time. Because of my brother.
  2. if you had a package of 10 hotdogs and package of eight buns. What would you do?
    1. VesemirTheWitcher


      Hmm... one bun+hotdog sandwich, two bunless hotdogs. i'll be full by then. :P

      in a scenario where i'm a bottomless foodchomper, i'll just eat them all. probably eight sandwiches and two hotdogs.

      but what exactly IS a bottomless food chomper? is it someone whose soulless greed causes them to eat all them hotdawgz? are the hotdogs in fact metaphorical pleasurable deeds which cause damage in the long run, like smoking or liquor, or meaningless sex? what are we, but soul-sel...

    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      ..ling hotdog sniffing sandwich chomping self-loathing earth-defiling beasts? HAVE ALL OF US SOLD OUR SOULS TO SATAN?! </senseless ramble of lolz>
  3. Guess a lore friendly way, might be a clockwork dwemer tech human. Theirs also desuchan perscom race. One called MU race. Can use something like spb assassin doll armor.
  4. I know might be a non solution. But why not go console command and just change the hair in showracemenu. Unless the hair doesn't exist for your race.
  5. looking forward to your Anime cm partners mod. Just Don't over do it. Can always make a part two. And three and so on. :)
  6. Currently their is one race replacer. Called XEO05. It's uses "more beautiful people" as it's base races to replace all the vanilla npcs in the game. If you wanted to gather together races and make your own version of more beautiful people. And call it something else, and create your own version of XEO 05 go for it. I guess peeking at what XEO did, and then doing so for your own races would be great. Sure are some races. That I would loved as alternate replacements for the ones added by mbp.
  7. No idea why I'm not showing up on your list.
  8. Guest room(s) and a garden / vineyard. Not sure if you could, have one of the guards. Guarding the front door. Inside or out. Option for female guards or mixed.
  9. holo not horo..ugghh..lol^^
  10. I believe either unoffical patch or cobl mod does what you ask. For deleteing spells from your spell list. I'm sure which of the two do it. You get an option item in your misc. item inventory that gives you options.
  11. Add Xeo5 and all the addons mods needed and get better cities. Should be plenty of housing in cities and you could always download house mods if you don't like the city house.
  12. midas magic. details on crafting spell could be in main book or midas magic for dummies.
  13. Would be funny. I never saw this mod you said. But would be cool if the goal was to send your minions to villages first to earn Overlord power and infamy to get more minions. Start getting quests to go on dungeon crawlings to find captains and generals for your minions like dark seducer and golden saint for generals maybe. Maybe Flame Atronach for captains. Then can start raiding towns. Then to the IC itself to cause damage and loot and pillage. And bring back some slaves to work the mines. Your infamy would be such that the npcs start yelling when you enter the IC market. "Curses it's the Overlord!!!" "Get out of here villain." "Run away the Overlord here!!" Guards might Whisper. "He/She don't look so tough. Just give me 5 minutes alone. I'll show them who tougher."
  14. I just offering suggestions and working on beta testing. But if you like this mod to be added to other homes. Maybe I can talk you into adding buyable portal to drop in your home mod that would lead to the trophy room of achievements. Or have some of the items dropable for you to buy. I know theirs a furniture mod that allows you to buy standard stuff and drop them adjust the facing. Then locking them inplace. I haven't used it. But I have read about this mod. I think I'll give this mod a try. Imperial_Furniture_Renovated_1_3a-33996 Might just be the thing we could do. To place items we want, including the trophies we gain. In standard and non standard player homes.
  15. Here to the palm size tiger.
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