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Status Updates posted by Perrinwolf

  1. if you had a package of 10 hotdogs and package of eight buns. What would you do?
    1. VesemirTheWitcher


      Hmm... one bun+hotdog sandwich, two bunless hotdogs. i'll be full by then. :P

      in a scenario where i'm a bottomless foodchomper, i'll just eat them all. probably eight sandwiches and two hotdogs.

      but what exactly IS a bottomless food chomper? is it someone whose soulless greed causes them to eat all them hotdawgz? are the hotdogs in fact metaphorical pleasurable deeds which cause damage in the long run, like smoking or liquor, or meaningless sex? what are we, but soul-sel...

    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      ..ling hotdog sniffing sandwich chomping self-loathing earth-defiling beasts? HAVE ALL OF US SOLD OUR SOULS TO SATAN?! </senseless ramble of lolz>
  2. looking forward to your Anime cm partners mod. Just Don't over do it. Can always make a part two. And three and so on. :)
  3. No idea why I'm not showing up on your list.
  4. Here to the palm size tiger.
  5. Here to the palm size tiger.
  6. I got a Kudos. *Flexes.*
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