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Status Replies posted by Perrinwolf

  1. Going to update my profile pic and stuff, the old one is getting boring X3 lol
  2. I like to move it move it!
  3. I live in a room in a house. Which is on a street and is in a nieghboorhood. And this nieghboorhood is in a city in a state of a county. Which adds into the 50 states of the United States (a country). And Huzah! This country is in a planet called Earth. Who is in the Milky-Way. Any Questions? Didn't think so.
    1. Perrinwolf


      yes. it's the 10% unknown that draws us carnivores in. :P
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  4. I live in a room in a house. Which is on a street and is in a nieghboorhood. And this nieghboorhood is in a city in a state of a county. Which adds into the 50 states of the United States (a country). And Huzah! This country is in a planet called Earth. Who is in the Milky-Way. Any Questions? Didn't think so.
    1. Perrinwolf


      Hey my question. Hotdogs come in packages of ten and hotdog buns come in packages of eight. Then why?
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

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