Ok. So I did the knights of the nine plug in so that i could clone myself and have it follow me around. BUT i didn't know that you could only have 1 follower at a time. So being a fool. I asked a clone of myself follow me. Shortly after i decided to disable him to make another one with different armor. After I spawned the new one it wouldn't follow me, so I concluded that it needed to follow me from the lodge area, since this clone i spawned in my house. So i disabled this clone and fast traveled to the lodge again to find that non of them could follow me either. After some internet searching *lightblulb* "f***! I disabled my only follower and I can't get another!!!" I refuse to start a new game. And tried, unsuccessfully of course, to get a mod that would allow multiple KOTN followers (among other things) and I assumed that it would only work fully if I started a new game, but hoped *fingers crossed* that it would allow multiple followers on my current save. And here I am. I would like some help to get myself as a follower if it is by a separate mod, if it successfully lets me have multiple followers with KOTN, or someone enables me to recover that deleted character/ make it so it isn't a follower anymore.