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About Thebestname

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  1. um..... well i just went to make sure that i was using the ESP from the mod... so i replaced again... now its working..... soo... continue life.
  2. Ok. So I did the knights of the nine plug in so that i could clone myself and have it follow me around. BUT i didn't know that you could only have 1 follower at a time. So being a fool. I asked a clone of myself follow me. Shortly after i decided to disable him to make another one with different armor. After I spawned the new one it wouldn't follow me, so I concluded that it needed to follow me from the lodge area, since this clone i spawned in my house. So i disabled this clone and fast traveled to the lodge again to find that non of them could follow me either. After some internet searching *lightblulb* "f***! I disabled my only follower and I can't get another!!!" I refuse to start a new game. And tried, unsuccessfully of course, to get a mod that would allow multiple KOTN followers (among other things) and I assumed that it would only work fully if I started a new game, but hoped *fingers crossed* that it would allow multiple followers on my current save. And here I am. I would like some help to get myself as a follower if it is by a separate mod, if it successfully lets me have multiple followers with KOTN, or someone enables me to recover that deleted character/ make it so it isn't a follower anymore.
  3. basically i would like a mod that makes when you swing a katana the attack animation is faster like in a ninja movie. (sorry for double thread, but other thread had really bad title and description.)
  4. just watched another corny kong fu/ninja movie. And i was like... it would b pretty epic to use some smexy armor, make a mystic elf, get a one handed katana, make it op to da extreme. But I needed Super fast attack animations, and move speed for it to be epic enough. I was thinking really light powerful... but i digress. I want/need faster attack animations for a katana basically.
  5. Are you genuinely asking or being sarcastic, because sarcasm can't really be effectively comunicated through the internet... and if you can, then I guess thats what I will do... ^.^
  6. mmkah, well, i think that first i am going to work on the blue will-o-wisp companion, then the light up weapons, as I think that might be easier. What I am gonna try to do is add a modified torch item with no mesh and a light blue light to the will-o-wisp's inventory, aswell as a endless duration, but i think creatures might not be able to equip torches. After two hours of pointless tweaking i will come back to learn that they can't.... brb!
  7. btw, nice lightsaber mods, I just downloaded them ^.^
  8. ya, i have been messing with this for a while, atm i am using a blue will o the wisp companion that i modded to have a 75ft radius of light around it.... but I have seen mods to make weapons be able to have passive effects on the characters. If i took one of those would it be possible to do that? Also, can you tell me if you know how if possible i can change the color of a particular light spell or effect. (like a spell that makes red light, but only that spell) because i want to make the will-o-wisp's light to be blueish, and not so strong.
  9. ok, well I am using darker dungeons and LAME, and i can't use my two handed weapons while in a dungeon cause it is pitch black... why doesn't my flaming sword light up my path? if somebody could make a mod to make enchanted swords light up about 1500 units (default for a torch is 700ish, custom made weapons also affected preferable, but not required) I would also like flaming weapons to light up like a standard torch (maybe redder), frost light up blue, and shock is like a more pale blue. Or something like that. I know this might not be possible, but if it is i doubt it would take long to do for a more competent modder than me.
  10. u mean like a weapon that uses hand to hand animation and is affected by hand to hand skill rather than blade or blunt?
  11. I know there is a fallout mod that does this, either in New Vegas or Fallout 3. But basically what it does is you get totally owned in like 3 shots (normal difficulty) to the chest with a 9mm if you are not wearing armor, but if you are in full power armor you can laugh as a 10mm rounds bounce off your armor. I would like a similar mod for oblivion (or somebody to tell me where I can get one already made.) I mostly want this because imo it is the best way to re-balance the game if you are using mage character mods, as they totally overpower mage characters. But I think it would be nice to stab right through one of those stuck up high elves.
  12. Well, ya like in Fallout 3 the traveling merchants have their merchandise in the Brahmin (spell?) but when you attemp to loot it, nothing... And if you think about it, that is what would happen irl, so you can't say it isn't realistic ^.^
  13. Well, ya, it is kind of a pain since I noticed that in New Vegas merchants of any kind don't carry their inventory, unlike fallout 3, can somebody make a mod to fix this / is there one already made? I couldn't find one in the 10 mins i spent looking.. so thx in advance ^.^
  14. Ok, well I don't particularly like that small guns increases damage,(not 100% cause I have mods... ^.^) and I would much rather have it affect accuracy (more than it does already if it does, and OUTSIDE of vats, I used a mod to remove it), any way I can do this? Either a mod, or telling me how I can do it myself, thx.
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