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About liliths234

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    United States
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  1. i have tried the Universal Skeleton Nif and Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeleton and they didnt work as for archive invalidation i gess what ever it is when you first in stall oblivion i mange to get it to work thanks for the help
  2. i've tried every thing i could do to get this armor to work even used 2 different skeletons the mod is BBB Yaarm Dark Fur Armorand this is what i cant fix http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s657/rana_ryugu/ScreenShot0_zps8f306d07.png ill take any help
  3. im currently looking for the Animetica Fate Testarossa armor mod with vary little results any help would be greatful you can pm me if you cant put the link in the forum
  4. im looking for the author of the Animetica Fate Testarossa mod any help would be nice
  5. i am looking for the moonshadow elf mod that was on the nexus the other day
  6. I fined ovlivion to still be better them skyrim sence almost every part of the UI has been moded in to oblivion
  7. im looking for a couple mods the first is one that levels you faster and one that allow you to gain levels like skyrim
  8. never mind i found a edited ini file that works
  9. im looking for a texture mod that reduses the texture down to 256x256
  10. i would also like a ultra low ini tweak as well
  11. i would like a mod that gives you a item after you finish the main quest could be anything like a weapon or armor
  12. Im looking for a mod that gives oblivion the 3rd person cammera view like in skyrim
  13. Im looking for the mod Avenger's Female Armor Pack for morrowind but every link i came acrossed was a to a broken web site any help would be greatful *edit* Nevermind i managed to get the site to work
  14. http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac235/darkrukia2/ScreenShot3.jpg im looking for a shrine maiden out fit like this one except with a longer skirt
  15. im looking for this armor mod http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/263027-1276602481.jpg
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