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About reimannsum

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  1. So I stumbled down this rabbit hole: I started playing XCOM recently after having it sit in my steam library for 5 or so years. I liked it and thought maybe there were mods to tweek it the tiniest bit. So really I have DGC.ini working and a Skill tree changer. nice and easy! I start a new game so I can reskill all my people, play through several hours and then I start to notice some of the skills don't seem to be working. I start searching on and eventually end up on http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/XCOM:EU_Perks and find the link to here but after trying it I realize it is for patch 4 and we are past that. is the answer as simple as changing the offset? or do I need to learn to mod to rebuild the mod from scratch?
  2. I had a mod that made you invisible as long as you wore the ring. but it started breaking. I noticed this glitch after a day or two and so don't want/may not have a save that goes back that far. the mod worked fine for several save/loads and even a few quit restarts; then one day boom perma-invisible. before I uninstalled the mod it was worse: I was actually stealthboy'd so I couldn't see my own reflex dot. now at least first person is fine. I cracked the mod files (the mod author took it down after I reported the bug or I would share a link) and saw that the ring just gave the stealth buff with a duration of 0. so i'm thinking it might just be stuck on, but if I can crack my save mayube I can remove the offending code myself. here is the mod so you guys can look at it yourself
  3. yes, which is only really irritating when trying to see what things look like on me or in conversation as I am composed of the shadows inside my mouth and around my outline.
  4. Is there some way to look at my save data? I seem to have what i'm guessing is the stealthboy invisible texture on me, but only in third person. I get into power armor and the armor goes nearly transparent. I can still see myself but I seems to have an opacity of 5% or something. I have tried to use console commands to end the magic effect but it doesn't seem, to do any good. I'll upload pictures when I get home today.
  5. HELP! The creator of a mod removed the mod after I submitted a bug to it! now I'm stuck! So I downloaded a mod for a "Recon Ring", which adds a ring that gives invisibility, the Recon scopes target marking ability, and highlighting of living creatures. Several days after downloading it I found it wasn't working right. All of a sudden I couldn't uncloak when I took the ring off. I uninstalled the mod and now I'm just mostly invisible. My arm and pipboy are again visible in 1st person but my 3rd person model is just my lighting outline. I can tell there are shadows in the mouth because its a darker patch where the face should be and I can see the outline of the armor. when I look at my pipboy I can see through part of the back and my arm isn't visible, although the pipboy itself is. I can upload pictures this and I still have the mod's .esp file. Any thoughts on how this can be fixed?
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