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Posts posted by Mycoturge

  1. I'm not sure about the first question.. I have mixed feelings about it. I don't think something that is nude is right off lore-unfriendly in itself, but specific if not most body mods are. I'm not saying the nexus is completely devoid of lore-friendly body mods, thankfully there are a few that actually fit the criteria. If someone wants to make a lore-friendly body mod that is fit to be put in the lore-friendly tag for mods, they should really take their time to see how the human body works, regardless of whether they're making a lithe figure or a body that fits a warrior, realism doesn't have to be limited to buff bodies. There are a lot of athletic body types on the nexus, but most of these are made in a way that the characters look like they've spent months pumping their muscles for a cosmetic look in a modern-day gym to basically look hot. That's not lore-friendly athletic. This is a touchy subject, obviously people can chose to use whatever body type they want, and I'm glad for the many choices available on the nexus, not every character is a battle-hardened warrior with the body of a warrior. In short though, I do believe nude body replacers should be allowed in the lore-friendly tag. My only wish is that people were a bit more keen on studying the human body and really finding out if their mod fit the criteria before tagging it as such.

  2. Maybe it's because she's the only housecarl who just sits there in that dark corner of your bedroom.


    Watching you.


    While you sleep.


    Quietly stroking her sword.


    And being bored.


    While you sleep.


    OMG................ Thanks. Now I'm happy I never bought Breezehome.


    Seriously though, I think it's 50% because she's convenient and p much the first follower you have and 50% because she sounds like she'd drive her sword through you the first chance she'd get if she could get away with it. Characters who suck up to your are boring.

  3. Not aimed at the OP, but I think saying stuff like "only preteen socially awkward boys play female characters" is really unfair and disrespecting to well...... everyone. Not that there's anything wrong with being a socially awkward preteen boy, but those phrases are thrown around in such negative contexts that it's disheartening. Men and women of all ages play skyrim and their characters don't always match up with them gender and age-wise. Nevertheless, that doesn't make them any less relevant. These are characters that they've poured hours of their minds and hearts into and it really shows if you take the time to read some of the RP stories people have set up for their characters. Isn't that the point of roleplaying? Having a choice to do something you normally wouldn't irl. And yes, sometimes the people that make strong female characters that can hold their own happen to be preteen socially awkward boys. Nothing wrong with that, I wish people would stop regarding it as something negative. Although I do play mostly female characters, I don't completely limit myself to it, it's always nice knowing I have a choice in it. tl;dr people like to have choices and do/be stuff that they normally can't/are not. Self-inserts get old pretty quick.
  4. Where are some good mods that enhance character creation(I'm not talking the ones that give you classes like in Oblivion before anyone suggests those) I mean some mods that genuinely enhance the creation of how your character looks, I've seen in a lot of screen shots where some characters look fantastic


    I believe you're looking for something similar to race plus. Basically it's a mod that unlocks a lot of complexions to be used by all characters and adds different skin colors and more hairs. For instance. there were about five different complexions on the vanilla sliders, for freckles and wrinkles and etc etc. They all had the same normal map belonging to a single race. What the mod does is allow you to use the normal map of a nord of an breton guy. thus you're able to use all the different morphs and eyecolors a breton has but on a nord looking face. I would also like to point you to Geonox' textures for men, they really improve a truckload. I'm not kidding.

  5. Ok, somebody please tell me I'm not crazy. I could have sworn I saw a mod that changed all the male armors to have real greaves or pants instead of bare legs or skirts. It must be called something weird, because nothing I'm typing into the search is coming up with it. I think the author did some of them individually before eventually releasing the compilation. Anybody know what I'm talking about?


    I believe you're looking for this mod.


    Do someone know a mod with nice Crowns, like this one (for example) ?



    Severus collection jewelry


    Ashara dragon jewelry

  6. Can anyone tell me if there is a mod (other than Extended Slider Colors) that adds lighter skin tones (similar to the light Nord skin tones) for wood elves?


    There's a mod called Race Plus that enables all skin colors in the game for all races. You can get it at the steam workshop and the nexus as well.

  7. Is there a mod that allows for two warpaint sliders in the character creation menu? I've seen some images floating around with merged warpaints. But the thing is, I don't know if it's original textures with the two warpaint patterns in the same .dds file or if it's an additional slider in the character creation menus. I'm hoping it's the latter. Help me out, please?
  8. I'm definitely interested in doing this. I know of the video you speak of. For the longest time I thought it was a feature in vanilla skyrim that was reserved for males, and I was kind of bummed out. I'm from sweden, but I sound completely american according to people. My voice makes me sound rather young though, not sure if that will be a problem. Think wood elf female voice in morrowind, but less high-pitched.
  9. This would mostly be useful for screenshots I suppose, but I think everyone could appreciate it if your character didn't go on full alert every time you wanted to cast a simple illusion spell.


    What I'm asking for is an animation for at least restoration that doesn't make your character take on the combat stance. I'd rather they remained neutral for that. Is anyone willing to make this?

  10. I'm looking for a mod that fixes the burning log textures from being pink. I've seen it on nexus before, but for the life of me, I can not find it through a normal search. I just can't remember what it was called.




    If you have purple treestumps in your game as well it's caused by a bug from the official high res texture pack dlc. You should get this mod to fix it.

  11. Anyone know what bow is this?




    It's not on the nexus, but it's a part of the Forsworn Berserker Bow Collection. A quick google search of that should lead you to it.

  12. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed this.


    Take a look at the happy facial expression for males, looks pretty good right?

    Now take a look at the one for females. It's more of a pitying facial expression than a happy one if you ask me. Something ridiculous going on with the eyebrows or...?

    I have no issues with getting good shots of my male characters with a happy face, but I have none of my female characters with a happy face because the ridiculous eyebrows just completely ruin it for me. Someone please make a fix for this.

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