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About jordan7890

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  1. Install order I purposely highlighted, underscored, and even considered using caps-lock to push the fact that this thread is about install order. This thread is even named "install order". No offence, but everyone and their mother knows about BOSS, so load order problems are nearly a thing of the past...
  2. Sorry, didn't notice you had duel cards. Try disabling shadows on grass like I recommended, but not before switching to 2k LITE. I can't stress enough how much it increases performance. Outdoors you will always have a performance drop, the fact that you're getting normal fps in caves, signals that it mostly has to do with foliage. Or rather, the foliage AND the shadows they're putting out. Now, are you saying it will NEVER go beyond 20 fps outdoors? Like there is something blocking it from going beyond? If this is the case, it might have to do with you having multiple video cards... My knowledge comes to an end here, due to the fact I've never owned multiple cards given the difficulties it causes for poorly optimized games. Try installing the 2k LITE and, if possible, running the game on only 1 card. Since I know next to nothing about having duel cards, I would also recommend double checking that your video card settings have been properly set up for BOTH cards for your ENB. (If that's even a something that happens in your settings) Examples: http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/nvidia1cr4pav712n.jpg http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/nvidia2wn2uqvk83d.jpg
  3. This might help http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1032885-step-investigates-the-31-gigabyte-ram-limit-and-modding/ once you break the universal memory limit, the game crashes. If you have too many mods it can even cause you to crash before the game fully starts.
  4. Yes, you did. Most of the time steam is running in the background but you just can't see it. You can check this by clicking your "show hidden icons" button near your clock (assuming you have a windows pc). Like Lord Garon said, Fire up Steam, X-out of the window. It should still be running, just out of sight. SKSE needs steam to be running to work.
  5. Sorry to disappoint, but you might not like my first answer... While your system is certainly very powerful, especially your processor, your video card is sadly right on the edge of being able to handle an ENB + lighting mods. And your video card is what it's all about. Your CPU and RAM are only going to affect your load times. You can do a couple of things to improve your fps though. As I see it, you can easily achieve 30+fps. First off, if you haven't already, open up your skyrim inis and under [Display] set: bShadowsOnGrass=1 to bShadowsOnGrass=0 This will massively increase performance in most outdoor areas for most machines. While you're there, double check that you ADDED this line under [grass]: iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=7 Since you use Flora overhaul. If you HAVE already done this, and use an ENB, you may have to switch to using a less performance-intensive one like RealVision. (It not only performs the best, but looks the best in my personal opinion) If you DON'T use an ENB and are getting low frames regardless... There is only one last thing I can think of... And that is, you installed Skyrim HD - 2K Textures (full). If you did, it would not show up on your load order. So I would not know from the picture you posted. If you DID install Skyrim HD - 2K Textures, I need to know if you installed the LITE or FULL version. Here's why... I installed the Skyrim HD - 2K Textures a few months ago with the FULL version. these are 4K textures we're talking about... I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti... a decently powerful card. Using it with a mid-high demand ENB I was getting 15-18 fps outdoors. Then I switched to the LITE version of Skyrim HD - 2K Textures, and got 30+. That is a MASSIVE performance difference... and considering I could hardly tell the difference from FULL, it was worth the change. Keep in mind, the LITE version is still double the size of Bethesdas Hi-Res DLC. If you Don't use Skyrim HD - 2K Textures, and all I said just went to waste, then all I can say is use the lighter versions of your other texture Mods. That's the only thing left that'll make a difference. If you do install the ligher version of any texture mod, it's usually safe to just overwrite the old files with the light version. (in case you were wondering) Also keep in mind that if you use multiple texture packs that cover the same textures, in some (rare) cases BOTH textures will load causing fps drop, and strange clips/flashing. Especially if you mess around with parallax mods. This can only be solved by downloading compatibility patches from the mod author(s), or by uninstalling a texture pack. Generally you should only use 2 large texture packs. If you use use any large texture packs, you are generally safe to install other packs for caves/forts/mines. I use Skyrim HD - 2K Textures with Vivid Landscapes - All in One, and it's safe as long as I install Skyrim HD - 2K Textures FIRST. (as is the case 90% of the time) Good luck, let us know what happens!
  6. After taking a break from modding I've come back for another attempt at installing 100+ Mods. I will ONLY list the mods that have possible conflicts/overwrites when installed. Note a few things: 1) Some items are subscribed on steam and will therefore always be installed first. I will mark these items with a (s) 2) I will list them in the order they are going to me installed. 3) This thread will have nothing to do with load order, just the installation order. I've done my best to categorize them for easier reading with simple spaces, but don't expect 100% correct categorization from me. Note that they are still listed by order of installation, all I did was add spaces. So, does this look correct? If you're curious about all the mods I will be installing, here they are: Items subscribed on workshop: Downloaded from Nexus:
  7. NMM does give you options for what you want to install. That's partially why Fomod is there :smile: Also I'm sorry for leading you into thinking that image examples of how dark nights are exist in 3 "Vanilla nights 1-8" folders. They actually are in the "images" folder... Although i'm sure you are more than capable of figuring that out :wink:
  8. I have the DLC installed, but deactivated, and I see aMidianBorn textures. I know this because I have the gold ebony armor version installed and the default ebony textures are definitely not gold. I have experimented with keeping the .esps active and using aMidianBorn landscape 1. It seems that it does indeed (somehow) override the road textures... don't ask how because now i'm just as confused as anyone else about this. Any texture mods I've downloaded have overridden the HD DLC but now everyone is telling me otherwise (for them) since it comes with esps. I mean It makes sense but... then why are my roads now aMidianBorn...? EDIT: To be on the safe side, I'm deleting all HD DLC .esp and .bsas EDIT2: BAD IDEA!!! deleting the .bsa caused distant objects to not load!
  9. True it does. But as long as you install your texture packs after the DLC has they will override all its files. I've been doing so manually for years :smile: I misread your post. I thought you said "what benefit do you get by using the low res rather than the high res mod" (I know, I'm not getting enough sleep) In truth, the difference in performance between using the high-res dlc and NOT using it is almost unnoticeable. At least it is for me, since I have a monsterous gaming rig. the VISUAL difference however, is quite noticible
  10. As I understand it, the Realistic Lighting Overhall Optional files causes conflicts with a few enbs. I'm not saying that will cause weather problems but... I am saying perhaps you need to do a little research before installing anything. I encountered this problem a while back as well. I never did find out how to fix it since I just uninstalled the game and re-installed it and that fixed it. However, I suspect that it was because I tried using rcrn, uninstalled it and switched over the CoT+enb. Sorry I can't be of more help :(
  11. No, you don't have to install and enb. But enbs make it look better :smile:. After downloading the file [link] open it with any program that can unzip files such as 7-zip. Now assuming you have a PC and not a mac, go to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data" Now assuming you've opened up the file you downloaded from the link I gave you, you should see these folders: http://i620.photobucket.com/albums/tt282/jordan7890_7890/1_zpse9f60b31.png Here is a breakdown of what each folder is: 00 Main files - These are the main files for the mod, just take whats inside of this folder and put it into your "data" folder. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data) NOTE: ALL CONTENT FOUND IN ANY OF THESE FOLDERS ALWAYS GOES IN YOUR DATA FOLDER (also note that im saying to put the CONTENTS of the folder in your data folder. NEVER put folders in folders.) 01 Dungeons Hardcore/ 01 Dungeons hazardous - Optional, choose only one and install it. These change how dark dungeons are, with Hazardous being the darkest. 02 Interiors Warm/02 Interiors cold - Choose one and install. This changes how well-lit interiors (such as your home) are. I choose warm 100% of the time. Looks allot better in my opinion! 03 Vanilla nights 1-8 - Choose only one of these folders to choose how dark you want nights to be. with 1 being brightest and 8 nearly pitch-black. These files won't work if you have an enb installed. The neat thing is all these folders have a picture example of how dark it will look. (You DONT have to put those pictures in your data folder!) FoMod/Images - FoMod is a file that makes the mod work with auto-installer programs. Dont use it. Images are just pics that the mod author included. Don't install it either. I don't want to never hear for you again :smile: let me know if you succeeded! :wink:
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