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Posts posted by ZeoTG

  1. okay, so i got busy, and i'm not exactly big on flowery wording i say what i mean, not what others necessarily hear. let me re ask the question.

    What expression of the need desired is not already in the game? That better?

    in order to even consider to make such a mod that question must be answered.

  2. Same reason we can't gt Cole as a Romance option or remove those pajamas, the models don't exist. therefore they would have to not only be created but inserted. The use of that much time with out access to the original development tools and code would be better served working on ones own game.

  3. I'm lacking understanding here. Where is the need or even ability to do this?

    This is not to be insulting or rude, but this a complicated enough mental/social issue in real life, Even the thought of attempting to implement such a internalized concept post production into a game this complicated,and with out developer support, is a mind boggling idea for the amount of work involved, if its even possible.

    First of all, one would have to add dialog options, esp for gender fluid characters(the correction of what I am right now option) Second one would have to implement some kind of cooldown to keep the game from going to an infinite loop, and this entire dialogue tree can quickly spiral out of control and interfere with the story lines..

    we have black emporium to help with physical switches, but that won't work while not at "home". more extensive work to basically turn BE into a carryable item or something.

    And the list goes on. Some hard coded scenes wold need tweaked as well.

    Also certain items are gender locked i think.

    The pay off is not really worth that much work IMO.

  4. My question is what the HELL was he doing attacking Flemeth? First off it seemed unnecessary, secondly if she ever comes back he's good as toast. third can he even do it if you make him drink from the well of ancients?

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