I’m going to be boring and unambitious here, but as long as the house is somewhat classy (not for royalty, but nice) and fully functioning – alchemy, double bed, etc. – what I really want to see is an attractive house. Nice, cheery colors, wood that is rich in color instead of gray (not just saturated), good light from windows or candles (don’t really care which), no freaking cobwebs, an actual color scheme with actually pleasing colors (a series of rich reds, royal blues, forest greens or creamy, clean whites or anything but gray and dreary), and so on. I don’t need a tower or a cave or anything fancy, just good taste in design and color. You’d think someone at Bethesda would have watched HGTV once in their life! Sadly I often find the same lack of taste in modders…but here’s to hoping?