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Everything posted by Masterday

  1. Has anyone else noticed the guards at Dragon’s Reach, the Blue Palace, etc. are a joke? I just walked into the Blue Palace, made my way up to the Jarl’s quarters and stole all her jewelry without even bothering to sneak. And just for kicks, I did it naked. Did anyone try to stop me? Nope. Not even when I was in the same room as a guard (on the first floor) stealing stuff from a cabinet. I got a few, “Maybe you should put some clothes on…” but that was it. Who lets an unknown naked person (that alone should have gotten me arrested, honestly) walk into the Jarl’s Quarters to do who knows what? I could have poured poison in every wine bottle in her room and no one would have stopped me. I’d like to see a mod that made it so trespassing in most places of the castle – anywhere other than the great hall, the court wizard’s room and possibly the kitchen (basically anywhere that made you go through a loading screen) – and being noticed by a guard would get you thrown out. Not necessarily arrested or attacked, but chucked out of the palace at the very least.
  2. I think the original price should be more than 7,000 – it is a castle, after all, even if a derelict one. I’ll just put in my two cents and say that after you’ve made a certain number of improvements to the castle/fort, a few quests start to happen there – a siege by bandits, say, who want revenge because you took over their hideaway. One of the servants actually works for the thieves’ guild and you have to figure out what to do with her. Even better, someone attempts to assassinate you in your chambers (lol, with your wife/husband freaking out while you try to grab a weapon and fight back…) and there’s a whole quest around that – maybe your steward has betrayed you? I know nothing about modding but heck, I like to write and I wouldn’t mind helping someone come up with quest details. Also, servants calling you and your wife/husband “my lord/my lady” would be epic.
  3. IMO this would be too much work to implement than its worth. I'm not surprised, just wanted to know your thoughts. Thanks. :]
  4. This looks brilliant, and I love that you’re putting in bright, less bright and dark versions of each color instead of a myriad of random colors. However, I have a question: when choosing a color in game to dye with, is there any way to preview it before hand, or plain old guess-and-check? Preview might be too complicated and not worth it as far as time spent and size of the file go, but you’d use up a lot of potions trying to find the one you want with guess-and-check. I’m not advocating either way, I’m just curious as to what you have planned.
  5. I’m going to be boring and unambitious here, but as long as the house is somewhat classy (not for royalty, but nice) and fully functioning – alchemy, double bed, etc. – what I really want to see is an attractive house. Nice, cheery colors, wood that is rich in color instead of gray (not just saturated), good light from windows or candles (don’t really care which), no freaking cobwebs, an actual color scheme with actually pleasing colors (a series of rich reds, royal blues, forest greens or creamy, clean whites or anything but gray and dreary), and so on. I don’t need a tower or a cave or anything fancy, just good taste in design and color. You’d think someone at Bethesda would have watched HGTV once in their life! Sadly I often find the same lack of taste in modders…but here’s to hoping?
  6. I love the idea of courtship, dates and quests, but I wonder about voice acting. How would that be handled? Would this be applied to vanilla game characters or would it be completely new characters created for the mod? Real wedding clothes = win. Perhaps even wedding music? Inviting people seems too complicated, but I can relate to the sentiment. Also, post marriage interaction is also a wonderful idea, I can’t stress this enough! Sadly, I think the children concept is awkward. Do they look like the parents? What if it’s an argonian imperial mix, or equivalent? Is the mother pregnant for 9 in game months and then gives birth to what looks like a 6-7 year old child? It’s too problematic. I prefer the idea of adoption, where the gamer could choose to install the mod with the child they wanted, rather than having a pick in-game (easier). This also takes care of the heterosexual/homosexual aspect; no, gay people can’t procreate, but they can surely adopt.
  7. THIS. Seriously though, I agree with you here. More than 2 magical rings is somewhat overdone IMO, but what can I say, I like looking rich! Also, the mod could simply have two versions, one with 2 ring slots and another with 4, 6, or 8 ring slots, whatever is decided upon.
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