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Nexus Mods Profile

About Brok3nZA

  1. This is like crysis graphics for New Vegas its AMAZING !!!! Please can you guys find this mod omg I need better graphics for Fallout New Vegas!!
  2. Can't wait for this to be done!!!! Can you maybe make a nice sized plane/VB and have some nice storage in it for weps and armor ? That would rule..Anyway will def be tracking this :)
  3. this would be awesome...Will track it and see if it gets made :)
  4. Yup, Exactly....Oh well we can dream right ;)
  5. Eh mate I must admit I agree hell ov a lot with this... games nowdays arnt made for the people, They made for profit or gain... I wish a company would make a game that gamers ask for...hell let the gamers make the damn game.... It's all about shiny graphics and making more money that this person....Oh well.....
  6. A Fallout set in San Francisco would be cool. I've always wanted a Fallout to be in Either : New York City South Africa ( What can I say its were I'm from ;) ) China (See how things are there ) This would be possible because there was a group of US Soldiers there in Power armor ( Fallout Bible.. ) and maybe they set up a fort after the war ? or London.... A place in any of these locations would rock....Though I think keeping it to America would be a good idea since thats were they have all been from...+ Meshes and Textures etc etc.... Need I say more... ? Either way this project ( If finish ) Will rock...A Game Made by Gamers....Oh yeas...
  7. PM sent... Bethesda shouldn't have a problem with it, as LONG as he doesn't sell it or make a profit with it eh..Really keen to see the outcome of this project ! Fallout game made by Fallout lovers...Add what WE want in a game...Not just for publicity or profit...Should be very cool....Anyways If this ever does happen I sure wouldn't mind "Donating" to help out :)
  8. Hey guys..Okay well I've seen most armor in-game and I've looked at almost all the Armor mods....Now the thing is, None are really original =/ Most just change the color or Stats...I would really like someone to make some custom Armor...Power armor is always good. Something like the Ganon family Power armor ( Its the most original power armor).. I have never got this armor in game and REALLY want it but I've seen it and wondering if anyones modded it to make it look...Epicer ? Haha but ye I'm looking for some really AWESOME original power armor.... PS : can someone link me to a mod that gives me a easier/less lame way of getting Power Armor training for my 2nd playthrough ..... Once again for South Africa, Enjoy and keep awesome :)
  9. Sounds shweet but some things might look funny ? Like the Thermic Lance...Its like a Minigun almost and will, In real life, go nowere... :) But the idea sounds coool :D
  10. Ahahahaha Nice nice :D I must ask man What guns are those and were did you get em ? Oh and are you using a graphics mod or anything ? You guns look a little better graphics wise eh
  11. Hey guys, I'm new to the mod scene and am looking for someone to make very nice and very big ( Like 3-4 floors big ) Villa and/or Mansion that will count as the Couriers House. I would like it to have random NPC's in them...Like a doctor, Random people ( Maybe some old peeps from Fallout 3 etc :) ) and some Enclave or Brotherhood of security there ( Anyone in good looking Power armor is welcome :) ) And maybe a robot or 2 and defiantly some Security Turrents xD...Maybe have a room with some sort of never-ending party :D And can it have like a gate/wall surrounding it ? Now for the interior :) Can it be very futuristic ( Duh.. ) But have some very nice luxury to it ? Like really awesome :P Should AT LEAST have : 2 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, A room that has some oldern day ( Samurai :D etc etc ) weapons and armor ( Kinda like a retro Museum ), A FULLY stocked Armory, 2 Kitchens, A Party room or two ;), A chill-out room xD ,A shooting range ( Would be nice doesn't HAVE to be included ) and Maybe a indoor pool ? Maybe inside the gate/wall area make it quite lush and nice ( Green grass, some trees and DEFIANTLY a little lake/pond and/or a very good looking and clean Fountain :) The space between the Villa and the Gate/Wall should be quite large ( Big Enclosure ) I'm a luxury person so can most of the stuff be very Clean and Luxurious :) no broken down old wardrobes etc etc :) I know this is A LOT to ask for but just think of how awesome you will be after making this :) I'm sure a lot of people will LOVE a mod like this so *THUMBS UP* to whoever starts it :)
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