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Posts posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. Sorry i dont understand :/

    I quote from my post above


    Windows 7 has this wonderful thing called UAC - User account Control - aka "that poxy thing that asks me if i want to take a 50:50/phone a friend / ask the audience every time I touch the PC"


    If Oblivion is moved to a different place, such as c:\games\oblivion, then UAC is not enabled for that location, and you can get things to work much more easily.


    Guide to how to do it is HERE. Please note that just uninstalling and reinstalling may not shift all the registry values, and can cause problems later.



    If you put it where I suggest, everything is MUCH easier.

  2. Question - Do you use BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software) to sort your load order? That often helps as the order it sorts things into is known to minimise incompatibilities between mods. The comments next to some of the files are also useful - they'll sometimes tell you that a file is known to be buggy, or that there is better alternative. They'll also tell you much of the time if something is missing.
  3. They use .tri files which contain morphs for talking and expressions. Morphs change the shape of the mesh itself. I don't think they can be used for what you're asking, with the exception maybe of having the tail puff when angry. That is if they can even be used on body parts that are below the neck.


    I've seen some morphing clothing parts, with some pretty sophisticated sequences of movement, so anything may be possible. The tail movements would be extra/different animations I expect, but the fluffing up of the tail could well be a morph (unless you just swap mesh/texture files and get a jump in appearance :( )


    If anyone needs some cat tail language reference shots, I have a tuxedo cat who has one of the most expressive tails I've ever seen on a cat - I can try to get a few video caps of him when happy / annoyed / sparring with his sister.

  4. EdSurly - if you have a good system (and I *MEAN* good), try the Unique Landscapes mods as well, with Qarls Texture Pack 3 (QTP3). You'll need a fast processor (2.8GHz+ and plenty of RAM, and a good graphics card (ideally with 1GB RAM), but the results are visually stunning. Start with the Imperial Isles module, and prepare for the change :) Check for compatibility patches with any mods you are currently using (like Better Cities)
  5. Well, your first problem there is - you are trying to run a mod which requires Shivering Isles, and you don't have it. That's an almost certain crash-maker. Disable AWS-ShilveringIsles and try again.


    If that doesn't solve the problem, read through the readme for every mod you have. Any which say they need Shivering Isles, they say it for a reason. Disable them. Look for other pre-requisites that you don't have, and disable those mods too.


    Finally, if that doesn't help, you need to read up on using OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) and BOSS (Better Oblivion sorting Software) - they're almost essential tools in helping Oblivion mods to play nicely together. The third "big" tool is Wrye Bash, which is well worth learning, but start with the other two.

  6. Use the "Full Editor" option when replying, and look up at the top left when posting for a tab labeled 'other styles' from the drop down select spoiler. Put the listing between the two halves of the spoiler tag



    This is in between spoiler tags


  7. The words make sense....unfortunately I am not a talented modder XD. I have not heard about morphing before though. Is that where a model goes through a transformation to another state? If it is, is it an immediate switch? Or can it take place over time?


    I believe it can take place over a short period of time, through a few intervening stages. I assume it's some form of animated mesh, but I know no more, only what I pick up as I hang out here.


    [Edit] There appears to be some kind of tutorial for Blender HERE

  8. Another item to add to the Khajiit realism discussion - TAILS (I was just reminded of this when our tortoiseshell kitty came hurtling past with her tail the size of a toilet brush).


    Khajiit ears are, as far as I know, linked in some way to the facial emotion states (I'm no modder, so please excuse my ignorance if I'm wrong). Can tail shape and animation be linked in the same way - so a scared Khajiit would have a "fox-shaped" standing-up tail, and an angry one thrash the tail from side to side, while a contented one would do those lovely lazy question-mark shapes?

  9. I reinstalled oblivion in c:\program files\bethesda softworks....


    But i still can't change video settings ...I dont get it?

    Which was precisely where we said DON'T install it ... :wallbash:

  10. Picking up on something from another discussion, I am aware of three ways to make an object move (or appear to) in Oblivion. There may be more - if so can someone please enlighten me.


    (1) Animate the object using a skeleton.

    (2) Make the object with a morph of some kind (someone is currently making a helm visor that switches from up to down using that method)

    (3) Animate the texture (similar to an anumated gif file)


    For a flag, a morph might be useable, with some kind of script changing to a different morphing mesh when the weather changes. No idea how badly this would hit speed if you had more than one or two flags. There might also be issues with flags flapping "in sync" which would look odd.


    For clothing, you'd obviously have a skeleton action already in existence, and I have no idea whether a morph could be used as well (superimposed on the animated object), but an animated texture might be able to give an effect which would be at least representative of motion of, say, a cloak edge in the wind.


    Hope those comments make sense to a talented modder who can use them to do something for you.

  11. OK, first thing to do is move Oblivion... :rolleyes:


    Windows 7 has this wonderful thing called UAC - User account Control - aka "that poxy thing that asks me if i want to take a 50:50/phone a friend / ask the audience every time I touch the PC"


    If Oblivion is moved to a different place, such as c:\games\oblivion, then UAC is not enabled for that location, and you can get things to work much more easily.


    Guide to how to do it is HERE. Please note that just uninstalling and reinstalling may not shift all the registry values, and can cause problems later.


    Where you got Oblivion from is an essential bit of info - as some versions are encrypted and will prevent the use of certain mods, and require patches from specific locations to update.

  12. First stages to us helping:


    Post this info here:


    Operating system version

    Oblivion version, install location, and any official addons (Shivering Isles, Knights of the Nine, DLC modules), including type of instal (Disk / Steam / Impulse / D2D)

    Any Unofficial patches installed.

    Any expansion utilities installed (OBSE, OBGE, etc)

    Full mod list in spoiler tags, ideally exported from OBMM or Wrye Bash and showing mod load order.


    Also any recent changes - updated drivers, service packs, whatever.

  13. First stages to us helping:


    Post this info here:


    Operating system version

    Oblivion version, install location, and any official addons (Shivering Isles, Knights of the Nine, DLC modules), including type of instal (Disk / Steam / Impulse / D2D)

    Any Unofficial patches installed.

    Any expansion utilities installed (OBSE, OBGE, etc)

    Full mod list in spoiler tage, ideally exported from OBMM or Wrye Bash and showing mod load order.


    Currently you asked the equivalent of "My car won't go - why?" - we need far more info to even start guessing.

  14. Semtex - there is at least one quest in Oblivion KotN (Path of Righteosness) where the player HAS to wear the Boots of Kynareth to complete it - so whatever is done for a centaur race, that specific set of boots MUST have an alternative which works for a centaur. Whether this is done using a blacksmith, or armourer skill, or just "magic" doesn't really matter.


    I suggest that, generally, some form of modified horse armour mesh should be used to substitute for the greaves/lower body, and that some form of wrapping or plating around the lower legs should be used for a footwear replacement (or maybe coloured horse-shoes?). The upper body armour, helmet and gloves should be more or less vanilla, apart from any mesh changes needed to avoid clipping issues.

  15. Given the other stuff we do, you might be able to script the change for claws - swap meshes when the emotions are right. Or maybe, if you wanted it animated, a two-stage swap with an animated texture (invisible to extended) for the claws, then to the extended claw version. You don't NEED bones if you can fake it with animated textures. Of course, SWAPPING fast and cleanly enough might be hard.


    If that'd work, you might be able to do fancy things with animated tattoos for a different type of character - a dragon tattoo, that "comes to life" and then extracts itself from its wearer. I can work out the stages for that easily enough if the concept works, and you'd only need bones and stuff once the dragon started to separate itself - and then you'd have a tricky overlapping skeleton setup. Hmmm...

  16. I agree about paw hands - heck, if they had paws they couldn't get dressed in armor, let alone wield swords and bows!


    Slof's claws are a must - or at least some variation on them. I'd also quite like the inner surface of the hand to retain a "paw print" style pattern, with the palm and parts of the finger as "pads", but that's probably just extra work for something that most people would find adds nothing to the "realism".


    What MIGHT be fun would be retractable claws ... triggered by emotions, so when a Khajiit's face shows fear or anger, the claws protrude...

  17. Although most voice actors dont sound ANYTHING like oblivion voices, it's still neccesary. The dialouge moves to fast without it. I don't have enough time to read it.

    That's what Elys Silent Voice mod does - it uses longer silent mp3s to extend the time the text is on screen - nakes too-fast text perfectly readable. Try it on a mod which lists it as a pre-requisite - both with and without the mod

  18. Some of the "lack of broadness" in big cats is the fact they are quadrapedal - the bipedal stance and using "hands" means the shoulder joint and hence chest shape would get modified.


    However I agree about the "perceived slimness" and so I'm going to be using the BAB female body and a slim Roberts Male variation for my Khajiit when finally installed (assuming that facility from Drake's Argonian mod is used). I'm looking for "modern feline" grace, not the bulkier "feel" of the old sabre-tooth cats.


    As for face jowls, and the like, that is a separate issue as it's a head mesh and texture change. Feel free to research it and see what exists out there, for everyone's information. The results might be interesting.

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