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Everything posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. Purple blood is a missing texture. If you didn't start with a CLEAN install of Oblivion, you may have it looking for a replacement blood texture that didn't get copied across.
  2. Check whether BOSS is actually re-ordering the files - if not, you may have file date lock set in Wrye bash. I vaguely remember having to right-click the column headings and un-ticking the "lock times" option.
  3. The reason for the lopsided pauldron is because of the direction of an attacker's incoming sword swing - if he is right-handed the attack will come from your left towards your right. Often the "defence side" pauldron is enlarged and even spiked to snag or deflect the sword blow away from the vulnerable neck. However, the same enlarged pauldron on the sword arm side would restrict movement of the arm enough to make it very hard to actually wield the sword. A fencer leads with his weapon, but a sword-and shield mane leads with his shield EXCEPT when he switches to attack - watch a couple of re-enactors trading blows and you'll see them swap leading sides as they change from attack to defence. The asymmetry was often exaggerated in arena armour as the pauldron and arm armour WAS most of the defence in some outfits. Of course, sometimes the asymmetry is taken to ridiculous lengths, especially in illustrations for computer games - for example Aribeth from Neverwinter Nights This site has a very useful guide to armour parts and variations. As a side note, "standard" Roman military armour is basically symmetrical. However the addition of the fittings needed to hold the gladius, and any other equipment items, can soon upset the symmetry by adding lopsided diagonal belts and straps.
  4. Once you get the game files moved, there are plenty of date-setting utilities which can be used on a file-by-file basis if it's a date adjustment problem, or use BOSS to set up mod loading order which should set all dates for recognised modules to a date before Drake's mod.
  5. Just a few thoughts... Truly symmetrical outfits are unusual in real life because both TASKS and PEOPLE are asymmetrical. Tasks such as wielding a sword are a right (or left) handed task - even a two-hander is used with one hand above the other on the hilt. People are either right or left handed and as such any activity involving a clothing fastening will tend to be asymmetrical too - even the modern zip is asymmetric. A tied bow, for instance, can't be truly symmetrical as the shape depends on one cord or ribbon overlaying another. Armour tends to be asymmetric as the two sides tend to do different jobs - one biased more for attack, one more for defence. Archery is a "handed" activity too - the arrow has to sit one of the other side of the bow, and in all but the most basic bows this is refelcted in their chape and thus forces a "handedness" - I've tried to shoot a left-hand bow righthanded and it's worse than using "wrong-handed" scissors. You mention a mage or thief character. A mage would possibly be amidextrous, but the moment you add a staff you "hand" your character, and most casting animations are handed too. Also a lot of symbols which might be embroidered would be handed - and the reverse of a symbol might be considered to invoke the opposite of the desired effect. A thief will almost certainly be handed - he'd require lockpicks stored on one side rather than the other for ease of access, so pockets would tend to be distributed for convenience of use, not some aesthetic sense of what is "right". Having said all that, robes and some styles of ladies dresses are likely places where near-symmetry can be achieved. Anything with a single row of buttons will be asymmetric, but twin rows can be symmetrical. Look at waistcoats for men, and corcet-style tops for women. However, I suspect for what you are looking for, you're going to need to learn to make your own meshes and textures at some point. Alternatively, does it help to give the character a back-story which explains WHY they have to be asymmetric? That might satisfy the "need for order" part of the OCD as a substitute for the "need for symmetry".
  6. Start with a mod called "Smarter Timescale" - then set the timescale to what you like. At the critical points for the quests it would break, it handles the bugs to allow them to work ok. Hope that helps
  7. From a realism point of view, the cities need the people. Sadly, they don't have places to put them - no living space! Most cities had a fixed population, plus an influx of traders and the like on a daily basis. THAT is what *I'd* like to see represented - the queue at the gates when the city opened, and people pouring it to trade and work. Can't see it happening yet though
  8. You might take a look at Enhanced seasons - that may change day length. Not tried it myself ...
  9. LOL - Sometimes they DO fall in ...erm..."odd" positions don't they?
  10. Use BOSS to sort load order, use Wrye Bash to make a Bashed Patch to allow mods to co-exist that overlap.
  11. I'd suggest a beta release once you have dating working, which will keep people interested and hopefully attract feedback about good/bad bits. Make each update a new beta, and eventually we hope you'll get there. Good luck.
  12. Post a mod order in spoiler tags. What you just asked was the equivalent of "My Ford car won't start - why?" - no useful details to help diagnose the problem, other than the brand.
  13. (1) Check pre-requisites. Ensure you have the latest Oblivion patch installed (1.2.0416) - and pick the RIGHT patch version depending on Oblivion or Oblivion-with-Shivering-Isles. (2) Check it's properly installed - if your Data folder has a Data foilder in it, SOMETHING isn't installed right. (3) Check load order for ALL your mods. Did you remember to tick the mod ESP in OBMM / Wrye Bash? (4) If all else fails, ask on the official comment thread for the mod - Goranga is still active here and ahould respond. However, READ the thread first - if he's already answered the "how to fix" ten times before, he's possibly going to be quite blunt if you ask again without checking.
  14. @Goranga. I think the x117 race may use a custom head mesh. However, it MAY be possible to use Reneer's method to change the skeleton for each character and thus alter body proportions. You might EVEN be able to use Growlf's body resize mod and some scripting to make them grow gradually, rather than in growth spurts. Beyond that, I don't know the details of how things work. The more complex problem would be the way face SHAPE alters with age, as the facial parts of the skull expand relative to the brain casing. I have no idea how you'd manage to represent that - noses get bigger, and so do ears, and the whole head chages shape around puberty, especially for males.
  15. Note on BBB conversions - solid cuirass-based sets wouldn't bounce - so there's no point. Leather or chainmail will, and glass at least SHOWS the bounce. Also you haven't specified which body type and what cup size - each is a separate conversion.
  16. Yeah, but female children will have boobs. This thing that Slygothmog mentioned with HGEC AA, A, B can simulate female children growing up. I need meshes for NPCs with clothes for those body types (and permission from author to use it). Also, the problem is the size of the head to the rest of the body, because children have slightly bigger head. There are also other proportions that are different in children than in grown people. It would be nice if someone solved the whole issue. I remember this one mod that adds children and more NPCs, but I forgot the name. I don't know if author used some special meshes or just resized the body. However, I can't find it. Changing size is option for male children. Most stock clothing exists in AA/A cup, C cup, E-cup, H cup and Oh-my-goodness-how-does-she-stay-upright-cup sizes - look for stock replacers. The X117 race has the head oversized relative to the body, which giveds a childlike appearance when used. the "x117" is the scaling of the head, it's "normal sixe x 1.17"
  17. If it helps with the definition/translation, "Ale" is originally a beer which is brewed without using hops. "Beer" has added hops, which means (in England) that ale teneded to come from all over the copuntry, but beer was more localised to the south-east, particularly Kent area.
  18. We're having a slightly related discussion over on our realism thread Keeping it "real" - discussing Khajiit and Argonian eyesight and senses. While not directly related, if you are remaking the Khajiit physically, an addon that adjusts their night-eye shaders to a "more catlike" effect might be relevant, and Argonians might have a reptilian heat sense - as might the Dragon Anthro race that Drake's making
  19. Our girl cat is a tortoiseshell, and the boy cat is a tuxedo - so no tabbies at our end. The boy cat's parents were also black-and-whites. However, his black fur shows a tabby pattern underlying it from certain angles in sun, so maybe that's why his eyesight is better. For the reptiles, trying to mimic their viewpoint would be interesting. We have to assume that Argonians have something close to human colour vision because they use all colours from red to blue colour for facial markings (although maybe not violet), but adding a heat sense would overlay warm-bloods with a localised heat haze on some areas. That would also tend to work through thin solid objects, but given most stuff is either stone or thick wood we can probably discount it in practice for out-of-sight creatures. At night, Argonians would tend to "vanish" unless in light, but warm-bloods should show up as heat sources. They should certainly have the equivalent of night vision for warm-blooded animals, although a dragon or a fire might shut that sense down due to overload. I'm not so sure about the independent eye movement or blinking - I think that would just end up looking disturbing.
  20. Hi Telyn, That's some really interesting info. Maybe I'll pass that on to Razorpony and DraketheDragon - they're re-making the Khajiit and Argonian races at the moment and that would be a very fitting expansion to the idea - the characters not only LOOKING better, but also seeing the "right" things As for the limits of vision for cats, they have a little less peripheral vision than humans because their eyes are more forward-facing - maybe 10-15° less. Also that varies from cat to cat - the younger of our two cats is actually long-sighted and loses stuff if it's too close to her. Her older brother is pretty much normal-sighted for movement, but I have no way of telling on static stuff. On the other hand, he can see a sweetcorn kernel on the floor at 40 feet and head for it so maybe he's pretty good long-sight-wise as well. The shader I was thinking of using has an option to blur the out-of-front-view area rather than a total cutoff - that way you'd still see movement in the peripheral area. Maybe that's the best choice.
  21. Well, it might be suitable if someone wants Posh Spice as a player character ... but it's too skinny for my tastes.
  22. Other mods added: Attack and Hide (because I'll be doing a lot of that once into the main game - no sniper should be without this mod!) SM Combat Hide - if you run and hide you might get away - compatible with the above Spell Deflection - lets you "bounce" some spells off your shield - maybe even reflect them back at the sender or his allies! BFG'd Enhanced armoury Realism - add wear and tear, and if armour breaks replaces it with the clothing that should have been underneath. Locked Doors and Knocking - Always seemed silly that you couldn't do what a normal person would do. SM Encumbrance and Fatigue - seems the most wide covering of the fatigue mods.
  23. That... sounds sorta depressing. No wonder I have no real life. Real life is an illusion brought on by lack of computer access. Books are an alternative to computers if you get desperate - I recommend anything apart from Robert Jordan (which is the literary equivalent of an endless pointless dungeon crawl).
  24. Once you have your dog mesh, you may be able to use THIS mod as a basis for adding her into the game - it seemed like the most "realistic" of the "companion dog" mods
  25. I'm an old-time Diablo player. Having thought about it, I tended to play a Rogue 99% of the time on Diablo, and now I have a character generator to play with I STILL tend to end up with a female, redheaded, archer. I tried playing a hack-and-slash type - and tended to get too badly hurt as my coordination isn't marvelous and blocking wasn't something I could do while fighting. When it came to magic, I get confuzzled by the options once I have more than half-a-dozen spells, so I don't play mage-types. Apart from the occasional assassin (a Diablo II class this time, and, yes, they tend to be female with shortish dark hair), I still end up playing a Rogue. I guess I play as a Rogue most naturally, and the female character just saves me having to be inventive. And she's WAY prettier than the blokes to look at if I do swap to 3p view. Having said that, I'm going to give a mage-type character a go again soon. A guy called Harry Dresden... (well, I liked the books AND the TV series)
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