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Posts posted by Dannyboy13

  1. I think this is a very good idea, especially the clothing change. I hate seeing my wife wearing some ratty old clothes when i have emperor robes and noble robes she could wear making her look much better. She does seem to have a rather boring life, either cooking or just sitting there in a chair, more interactions would be great, and since like all games there will be a sex mod, this mod could have multiple versions, like a PG-13 version and a R rated version. Can't wait for the creation kit to see what can actually be done with it.
  2. Definitely a good idea. I got so pissed off on my last character that I cheated a bit, just used a bat file to get all the gear to break down for enchants. Playing the game legit it is beyond frustrating using what little inventory space you do have to lug around weapons that you already know the enchantment for, sometimes bypassing gear worth some good cash for these weapons/armor.
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