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About xJustAdam

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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    The same three or four games over and over.
  • Favourite Game
    Life is Strange & Mass Effect for stories. Fallout for modding.

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  1. I'm trying to make my custom companion speak when the player successfully picks any lock or hacks any terminal and I'm currently at a bit of a loss. I have no idea how to call on that in a script. If MyCompanion.HasBeenHired != 1 ReturnElseif MyCompanionTalkedAboutHacking == 0 && () MyCompanion.SayTo MyCompanion MyCompanionHackingComment 1 Set MyCompanionTalkedAboutHacking to 1 ReturnEndIf I had a few ideas, like calling on when the player receives the specific XP amount for hacking (for example iXPRewardHackComputerEasy) or picking locks (for example iXPRewardPickLockAverage), but again, have no idea how to actually implement that. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  2. Title. I'm currently working on my very first custom companion, and I've done pretty well off written and Youtube tutorials thus far. I've worked out the scripting, dialogue and even made a small quest for them, which I consider an achievement considering I've never made a proper mod before in my life. However, I'm now stumped at how to implement location-specific ambient lines for my companion. Cass in the vanilla game has many lines specific to several locations, I've examined the quest for this and the script and I still can't work my head around it. I've also tried looking at other modded companions on the Nexus that have achieved this - but still no luck figuring it out. Any pointers would be massively appreciated. I'm so close to having this mod exactly the way I want it. One last hurdle. TL;DR, how to implement ambient dialogue for companions at specific locations/worldspaces.
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