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Everything posted by fg109

  1. I spent a couple hours messing around with collision and could not make it look right. The barricade kept rolling around all over the place. So instead of a barricade, you get a piece of firewood to move around. Then you activate the firewood to turn it into a barricade.
  2. I'm not really taking requests... just looking for ideas for a mod. @Conrad92 I could make that, and it would be pretty simple. The only problem is, I don't know how you want to move it. I actually made a Decorator Assistant mod, and I've had complaints about the menus being too large until I switched to using SKSE for hot keys. So while I could make that, do you really want a menu covering up over half your screen? @FalloutBeast I suggest you take a look at the falling rock traps. There's one in the "WarehouseTraps" cell. If the rocks don't make a splash on their own, you could put a trigger box in your water to detect when the rocks hit it, then use PlaceAtMe with the "DefaultWaterExplosion".
  3. What you want to do will require a lot of custom scripts. Explaining them will take a long time...
  4. It's actually really simple, maybe I just didn't explain it very well. You could try reading the Bethesda tutorial, particularly the portions for conditional and dependent aliases. Here are some simple rules that would probably work for pretty much any set of aliases: If you have an alias for the player, that always goes first. Location aliases should be above the reference aliases. Any forced reference aliases should come next. Then any unique actor aliases (remember that these only fill if the actor has "Persist Location" checked). The order of other fill types change on a case by case basis. External aliases are filled by copying from another quest. So you need to make sure that the original alias (in the other quest) is filled or else the one in your quest doesn't fill either. Aliases with creating reference to object always has to be after whatever alias that it would create an object at/in. For match conditions, if you use any conditions to do with an alias, then it must be lower on the list than that alias.
  5. Yes. Aliases fill from top to bottom. The last two fill types for aliases are: Create Reference to Object Requires you to select an alias to create the object at/in. [*]Find Matching Reference There is a "Near Alias" option. If you select an alias that is lower on the list than the current alias, then the current alias will never be able to fill.
  6. I guess you can tick the "Optional" flag for half of them. If your quest runs, then the bad alias must be one of the ones you changed. If the quest doesn't run, then the bad alias must be one of the ones you didn't change. Rinse and repeat till you find the culprit. Of course, that's a very simplified explanation. Doesn't account for having multiple bad aliases, and you have to be aware of aliases that are dependent on other aliases being filled first (eg creating an item at another alias).
  7. The way you're doing it is a good way to do it... not sure if it's possible to speed it up. I can only think of one other way to do it. If you look at the notes for RemoveItem, you will see that it allows you to pass in a formlist as the parameter. So you could try changing your code to this: Scriptname fg109TestMEScript extends ActiveMagicEffect FormList Property xGSxBooksFLST Auto ObjectReference Property xGSxBookStoreREF Auto Message Property xGSxBooksMenu Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) int iButton = xGSxBooksMenu.Show() if (iButton == 0) ; Store New Books Debug.Notification("Begin Book Sort") xGSxBookStoreREF.RemoveAllItems(Game.GetPlayer()) ;move all items into player inventory Utility.Wait(0.5) ;probably not neccessary, but better safe than sorry Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(xGSxBooksFLST, 1, True, xGSxBookStoreREF) ;move 1 of every item in the list from player to container Debug.Notification("End Book Sort") endif EndEvent It compiles successfully, but I have no idea how well it works.
  8. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1376413-skyrims-newest-beta-patch-the-ck/page__view__findpost__p__20838525 If you read the all the posts, SaidenStorm also says that he doesn't plan on releasing any time soon until Bethesda stops coming out with patches.
  9. You don't define the "StopInstance" function in your script: Sound Property bridgesound Auto ;begin event or function int instanceID = bridgesound.play(self) Utility.Wait(10.0) Sound.StopInstance(instanceID) ;end event or function Actually, why do you even need to play the sound? Activators allow you to set their activate sound. Just double click your activator in the object window and select what sound you want.
  10. I think the reason the sound loops is because it is set to loop, but obviously I can't tell since I don't know which sound you're using. You could try using StopInstance in order to stop the looping if you don't want to create a new sound that doesn't loop. As for the FX, I don't know why you want to script it if it already works by setting the parent activation.
  11. RemoveAllItems - keep ownership flag.
  12. Scriptname DKDrawbridgescript extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property bridge1a Auto ObjectReference Property bridge1b Auto ObjectReference Property bridge1c Auto ObjectReference Property bridge1d Auto ObjectReference Property bridge1e Auto ObjectReference Property bridge2 Auto Sound Property bridgesound Auto ;Thanks Cipscis - http://www.cipscis.c...als/states.aspx Auto State On Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) GoToState("Off") bridgesound.Play(Self) bridge1a.Disable() bridge1b.Disable() bridge1c.Disable() bridge1d.Disable() bridge1e.Disable() bridge2.Enable() EndEvent EndState State Off Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) GoToState("On") bridgesound.Play(Self) bridge1a.Enable() bridge1b.Enable() bridge1c.Enable() bridge1d.Enable() bridge1e.Enable() bridge2.Disable() EndEvent EndState
  13. Do a search for "Decorator Assistant".
  14. Just want to note that in this case, getting rid of the function and sticking OnActivate into the states make for a better and shorter script. If you do change it, you don't need to put a dummy OnActivate in the null state, like you need to do with functions.
  15. You can put a script on the player to use OnObjectEquipped and OnObjectUnequipped - those always fire. A better way might be to just leave your perk on the player and (depending on what your perk does) add a condition for GetEquipped YourShield == 1 to the perk entry point or ability.
  16. RemoveFromFaction 000E0CD9 or SetFactionRank 000E0CD9 -2
  17. I'm almost done with my trainer mod. I need suggestions for a name. Right now I can only think of "Train With Anyone"... Just uploaded it. How do I get the description to look like this? :facepalm:
  18. Actually, I just thought of an idea after tehx3n's post. I've always thought that you should be able to get training from anyone, as long as your relationship with them is high enough and they have a higher skill level that you in something. So that's what I'm going to work on. I'm going to turn everyone into trainers.
  19. Ignore this post. Working on an idea. I'm a scripter and I want to make something, but I don't have any ideas. The last couple of times I had an idea, I started working on it only to find out that someone else had already done it or is already working on it. I'm aware of the Mod Requests forum, but I've looked through that for weeks and didn't find anything that interests me or else that I can do. Most of the requests there have to do with re-textures or creating new armor or porting existing armor from Oblivion. Although I do have a very basic grasp of how to do those, what I'm mostly interested in is scripting. I'm also aware of the Modding Resource thread, and I just posted there. But I'm really looking for something that I can work on by myself. A project that's looking for a scripter would probably be for a quest, and they just don't require that much scripting. So I'd like some suggestions on what to work on, something which requires heavy scripting.
  20. I've tried using MoveTo while on a horse before... Ended up in some weird limbo. Not sure that it's possible to stay mounted. The game setting you found is just the message that will show when you try use a door while on a horse.
  21. Actually, when I said compatibility, I meant that I wanted the follower to be able to be managed through the different follower overhauls, as well as being able to heal other followers. I spent the whole day on making something that I think will work. Try it out and see what you think. A spell is added to the player to create a healing follower.
  22. I could make one, but it won't have any story/quest related to acquiring the follower, and there's no guarantee that it would be compatible with whatever follower overhaul you have.
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