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Everything posted by Elleh

  1. Hm. Well it could just be an adjustment that needs to be made in nifskope, but I'm not sure what. (I don't do much in nifskope beyond the minimum to make stuff work in-game.) Try what budcat suggested, and make sure you have BSNumUvSets at "4097" instead of "1" - from what I've seen the 4097 doesn't seem to alter how the normal map's alpha is read, 'tho. So just a shot in the dark. It looks like the spec highlights are just really broad. I'm not.... totally sure if/what properties might control that in nifskope, but maybe you could share the values of your "glossiness", "specular strength", and so on? Ooooor, maybe it is a shader issue? Do you have "Skyrim Shader Type" set to "Environment Map" - and what Shader Flags do you have set? Doesn't look like an e-map is showing up at all, really. Hmmm, hmmmm...... You could even share your specular map and environment mask (not the map - the mask) if you are comfortable with that, and you don't seem to have sucess in nifskope. A general suggestion for making the illusion of really shinyshiny metal, is to make the diffuse darker than what you think it should look like and make the spec-map have lots of bright white highlights. In-game, this will give the impression of the high-contrast you see in real-life, highly-reflective metals. Just some ideas. Haven't really run into this problem myself yet, so I'm not sure what went wrong....
  2. Oh, goody! I was wondering when you'd start thinking about bretons. I play bretons almost exclusively. Boring, I know. Leave me alone. It's kind of my thing. :P I'm really liking the idea of "moving points around" between stamina and magika. It could just be my play style, but I've felt that bretons operate well in that in-between area of mage-warrior-rogue. (Could be that whole half-man/half-mer theme?) The "Manmer Blood" could be exceedingly useful for observant players who like the push/pull of magic and weaponry, and for jack-of-all-trades type characters. ....Ah man.... I can have now, please? I was a hesitant about the "Zap" ability - because it seemed just a bit random - but then I remembered Mercer. And a rather successful mage/thief playthrough. I'm hoping this ability affects the stealth meter the way spells do - could introduce a little bit of tension when deciding to use it. One concern about "Harmonize": would it lead to stagger-locking opponents? That was one exploit while playing as a pure-mage that just made the game less fun. :( But I do like the idea of implementing something that requires careful observation and some quick-ish reflexes. Anyway.... I love the direction you're going in! I'm really excited to try it out. I spent that whole time babbling about bretons, but the rest of your ideas sound really clever as well! Could lead to some fun and more strategic gameplay once you get it all balanced out!
  3. Weeeeelll, I don't really have a fantastic answer for this. But I did make a custom voice follower for myself not long ago by following this tutorial: http://deck16.net/post/22645519500/making-a-unique-voiced-follower-in-skyrim-part-1 . It worked fine for me. (I used it with a dremora and just left empty sound files for the various follower commands. So he still yells stuff during combat, but doesn't make a vocal reply to commands. Funny subtitles, tho. teehee ) What I'm not sure about is how compatible with other follower mods. The method in the linked tutorial has you piggy-backing off of the various vanilla follower dialog quests, which I imagine (?) could conflict with mods that do the same thing. I don't know if there's a better way to do it. You could probably reconstruct the required quests from scratch, but that seems rather..... daunting. I would suggest taking a look at some other unique-voiced follower mods in the CK to see how they work (as I will be doing myself, once I start working on my follower again). Or...... is there someone out there who could give some insight into this?? I'd like to know more about it myself :) .
  4. So, I gotta say..... I've never really liked the vanilla circlets. And as primarily a mage player, I see them a lot. I've tried some beautiful texture replacers offered here on the Nexus, but that never helped the fact that the meshes were so..... chunky. I can understand it from a design point of view - smaller details and pieces of jewelry just don't stand out well. But in all the rugged manliness of Skyrim I just wanted something pretty, darnit. So I took a break from my custom armor and tried my hand at some jewelry. They had to be "delicate" (ish), and they had to, well.... not clip with my custom armor's hood. Heh. Below are shots of all 10 circlet gem/material variations that completely replace the vanilla models. They have settings for three stones, just like the originals. The bottom two images show some standalone pieces with possible new materials: ebony, opal, amethyst and diamond. Daedric will likely appear, as well as dragon bone. Or perhaps you folks would like to see some other materials.....? A larger image for detail: A little sparkle under that plain hood: I'm not quite done with these yet. But in the meantime, I'd love to hear some general opinions and any suggestions for improvement. :smile: I'm working on getting a bit more sparkle out of the faceted stones, maybe "cleaning" the metals up a bit, and adjusting the fit. Beast races will be supported - the khaajit model is all set, and just needs all the various materials set up. Argonian will be hot on its heals. I'm not really planning for a male version for a couple of reasons: 1) these look really girly(?) 2) the thought of setting up 30 (40, if I work out making world models) more nifs is really, really, unpleasant. :C If there is an unexpected avalanche of "blarghmalecircletplz!!111!!", I might work something out. But for now..... I'm also thinking of making some new meshes for a handful of standalone items (with additional materials mentioned above). I've done a couple dozen sketches and narrowed it down to seven. Out of those, I might choose two or three. Favorites anybody? Note that the top two are the same, just with the settings in a different arrangement. Anyway! I've been lurking around in this community for so long, I figured it was about time I shared something!
  5. First off - are you just trying to override the vanila textures with something else? Or are you creating a new mesh with new textures and then overriding the vanilla banner with it? Or are you trying to create a brand-new, stand-alone item with that banner as a base? If all you want to do is make the banner use your textures instead of the default, you don't need to touch nifskope, the CK, or even the nif itself. Just edit the texture how you like, and plop it into your data folder under textures > architecture > windhelm > SonsofSkyrimFancyBanner.dds . As long as your texture has the same file name as the orginal, it will automatically override what is in the Skyrim - textures.bsa . If you want to change the properties of the nif for some reason - say, give it a glow map or environment map or something - then you will need to open up nifskope and change file paths and add some properties. Hope that helps. If I misunderstood what you are trying to do, please feel free to correct me - then I'll see what I can find for you.....
  6. This would probably be really difficult to tackle, but it would be great if someone could figure out how to do it. The problem is this - aside from children, there is no difference between "old" and "young" characters beyond a single texture that is applied to only the face. It is called the "detail" map, and can be changed with the "complexion" slider of the character creator. (Or in the CK, of course) I don't know how closely you looked, but with the vanilla meshes and textures the case is the same - old people have the same body as the young people. When you install body texture and mesh replacers like UNP, they have a blanket effect because these assets are used by every race, "age", and body weight in the game. (Face textures are slightly different - they use normal maps to drasticaly alter the appearence of races. Head morphs have a hand in this as well.) If you wanted your PC to have a body like vanilla skyrim, but all the other characters to use UNP, you would need to make a new race for your character and assign the appropriate assets to it. It might be possible for someone to create an "old race" variation for all the assorted vanilla races in the game, but it would probably be a massive undertaking to try and implement it properly. Edit: Oh. You might check out the Realistic Body System , which randomizes the overall body shape of NPC's in the game. I haven't tried it, but it might add some more variety to your game. It wouldn't quite fix the young/old problem 'tho. EditEdit: Looks like the above mod implements some texture variations as well without races. Neet-o. :)
  7. Wow, that is wierd. But maybe..... This might be really obvious, but perhaps you accidentally typed "TC" instead of "TCL"? TC allows you to take control of NPC's. The funny thing about TC is that while you are controlling that NPC, you are also controling your player character at the same time. That would explain why you can still access your own inventory and why you used spells but heard them from somewhere else, and why you saw your own character running around. edit: meh. Typos. -_-
  8. Eh, just threw me for a loop for a while. But it's all good now. Now that I look at it a bit more, the second might be good for a longer event that still needed to be run frequently. The wiki mentions that OnUpdate can "pile up on itself", if the update occurs before the event has a chance to work itself out. I guess re-registering like that keeps the event from jumping the gun. I think I'm pretty safe by giving what I have a 5 second buffer, but it might be wise to use the second option for extra security. Never know. Ahhhh well. It feels good to have that all sorted out, at least. :) Thanks again for all your help!
  9. Ewwww.....Well okay. That doesn't sound good. Shows what I know....hmmmm..... Thanks for the insight steve40! I had actually looked over the assorted "OnUpdates", but decided - for whatever silly reason - that I couldn't use them. So I never actually tried. ^^; ahaha... bad, bad decision. Ishara, I tried that out as-is but it didn't quite work. A handful of seconds after he died, I kept getting "Ready to summon!" over and over at 5 second intervals. I think that's because if " (DayOfDeath + DaystoWait) <= utility.getCurrentGameTime() " it actually means he's alive. I eventually settled on this: Does that look okay? It seems to work fine, at least. I think this could work as well: I think they ought to do the same thing, but maybe one has an advantage over the other? I duuno.
  10. By the NINE! Finally. :O Pretty good "shot in the dark". Just taking the auto state out didn't work - resulted in the timer running every time, but he wouldn't teleport or resurrect. (Again, why??). But after trying several variations of mixing the timer script in with the teleport script - with and without auto state - I got one that worked. Whew. For inquiring minds XD : Still have no idea what was going on there. Note to self: states are finicky. So that about does it! Need to deal with "hunting bow" still, but I can put up with just grabbing it out of his inventory for a while. (Note: took those items out of the quest alias, but they haven't dissapeared. 99% sure this is due to another mod later in the load order. Will need to experiment.) But for now..... I reeeeally just want to get back to tweaking textures and building my little dungeon for the book. So much more fun. Heh. And once again - thank you so much, Ishara! No way I would have been able to do this without you and kromey holding my hand. Scripts are haaaaaaaaaard. XD
  11. Absolutely stumped. :blink: So I ended up making a completely seperate "timer" script attacted to the actor, used that global variable ect..... And it worked! ...the first time. I threw in a few notifications to make sure everything was running. I summoned him, killed him, saw that my timer was doing it's job, waited 24 hrs, and got my "Recovered!" message. I also tested the spell itself, and it returned the "Still recovering!" message and would not do anyting until the timer stopped. Good. I double-checked my global variable in the console to make sure it was toggling on/off - it was. So everyting seems like it is working as it should. But if I summon him and then kill him a second time, nothing happens. At all. I didn't even see the "I died!" notification, which leads me to believe that the script wasn't firing at all for some reason. But why? And it puzzles me further, because the resurrection script works every time on dying without fail. Am I missing something here? Is putting two seperate scripts on an actor bad somehow? Could it be caused by something not script-related? timer summon
  12. ARGH. So close. X3 I know I am doing it wrong, but I can't figure out what to do that would be correct. Or if there is even a correct way of doing what I need. So I checked out that cow milking script (lol), and yeah - it pretty much does what I want! Problem is this: I need this to work in my MagicEffect script, but I don't know how to get the MagicEffect script to know the actor that it has summoned is dying. I feel like it can be done, but I don't know how. (Left out the Summon function in this example. Long function is long.) It compiled correctly, but..... I know that "OnDying" event is not right. But I don't know what to do with it. Can this be done? Or should I just try a different approach? Or have I just totally missed the boat all together?
  13. Hey, while this thread is still getting some attention - Anyone have any ideas on how I might approach a spell cool-down? What I want to do is this: When he dies, I want him to be unable to be summoned again for a set amount of time. Like 24 game-hours or something. I'm trying to balance him, and make his death a big deal.... functional - but annoying enough that keeping him alive is an actual concern. Not having access to his muscle or inventory for 24 hours seems like a pretty good incentive. :P (With a huge spell cost and long casting time on top of that.) Can I get the summoning script to somehow check and say "Hey! That Death event happened 14 game hours ago! I can't be used for another 10 hours!"? Or maybe there's another approach that's all together different? Admittedly, I haven't looked into this much at all yet. But a point in the right direction might help speed me along. And Ishara - yeeeeeah, that would make a lot more sense. I'm going to play the game without the bow for a while, just to see if it causes any actual prolems. Probably wouldn't be a great idea if this mod were ever released for public consumption (which I'm starting to think about. It's pretty niche, but hey..... I can't be the only conjurer around that wants a more functional summon!), but it'd be kind of a huge pain in the butt to rebuild the follower quest(s) from scratch.....
  14. I found it. ._. It's in the Dialog Follower Quest. "Follower Hunting Bow" and "Follower Iron Arrow" are in the Inventory for the Follower Alias. I'm piggy-backing off of the Dialog Follower Quest, so this would affect my custom follower as well. Now I'm wondering what the repercussions might be if I remove them.... Oh well. Imma try it anyway!
  15. Oh. Oh my gawd. Thank you for this. I learned modeling on 2.6, so it was seriously discouraging trying to work with things in 2.49 or Max. I have a couple of armors in the works, and this will make my life sooooo much easier. Usually I have to jump around between Blender and Max, and that transition is more than a little jarring. And sadly, Max gives me crazy graphical issues. (That I highly suspect are being exacerbated by a potentially faulty video card.) Anyway. I'll be trying this out for sure, and let you know if I have any questions or concerns. :)
  16. It works. It works BEAUTIFULLY. Thank you so so much Ishara! I think I'm just going to happily flail about for a few minutes. \(^_^)/ No items are duplicating, none are going missing. Hunting Bow is still there - and *does* duplicate - but I don't think there's anything to be done about that here. I think some other mods take care of that, and if my guy plays nice with those I will be happyhappy. If not - as long as I have USP installed - I can just keep grabbing the darn thing out of his inventory and throwing it at unsuspecting wildlife. Without the unofficial patch, 'tho it'd be an issue -- he would eventually have so many in his inventory he could be over encumbered. :blink: Why Beth? Why? Anywho. There are a few more things I want to try out before I am through, but I need to play around before I come crawling back for more help. Well..... hopefully I won’t need to at all but.... you know. Thanks again, guys! Thanks so much!
  17. Oh my gawd. :O ! You're great. Yeah that...... that would have taken me some time to figure out, if at all. I'm just going to crawl back in my corner here and play with my photoshops...... Seriously though, thank you for your time. I'm getting ready to see if I can get this to work. And understand exactly what is going on here. Be back in a while....
  18. Managed to delete my response. OTL The gist is this: making a "new" armor in this manner just involves hooking up new textures to the mesh, duplicating an ArmorAddOn in the Creation Kit, and hooking up the "new" model to it. And making the new armor with the stats and enchantments you'd like. It's really very similar to doing a basic retexture - such as this tutorial describes - and just renaming a few files. There are manymanymany retexturing tutorials out there, so I will leave you to find one that suits your needs. You may also benifit from a tutorial describing how to create new items within the CK, since what you want to do is just a combination of these two concepts. I'm uncertain of how to get rid of comments on your armor - but I suspect this has to do with keywords on the armor piece. You probably just need to remove "ArmorNightingale" from the duplicated armor's keywords in the CK. As far as programs go, you will need nifskope and the creation kit for certain. I hope that gives you a good start. If you are having difficulty working it out on your own, I would be more than happy to give you a step-by-step. EDIT: Fixed broken links. Herp derp.
  19. Hi! I've been messing with dremora a lot lately, so this caught my eye. Sadly, I can only give you an idea about why this is not working. But I must ask -- are you trying to make this effect work on any dremora? As this magic effect should already work on any summoned dremora automatically. (ie. Sanguine's Staff and Conjure Dremora Lord spell, and anything a vanilla conjurer might throw at you) This Banish effect is tied to the Summon Creature spell effect archetype, which is coded into the game. As far as I am aware, the default banish spell will never work with anything that was not summoned with this pre-existing code. "Banish" kills the spell that summons the actor -- not the actor itself. If that makes any sense. And it might be worth pointing out that the DremoraRace already has the keyword "ActorTypeDaedra" which extends to any actors of this race. Just something to keep in mind. ;) If you want to make a spell that will banish a normal actor, it will involve creating a new script. Perhaps one that disables and deletes them while playing a shiny effect? Unfortunately, I'm just learning scripting myself so I cannot be much help in that area.
  20. Thanks for the input, Ishara! Although I think I should just come out and say that's a bit over my head. ^^; But I do believe I understand the general concept - remember what he wears and protect those items. I could give that a shot, but I was thinking of different angles I could approach this problem from, and I think I figured out a potential solution. I haven't had a chance to try at all yet, so it might not work. And if it doesn't, I'll likely give your idea I try. Could you perhaps suggest a script that might do some of the things you described, just to look at? Like reading into forms and all that? I have trouble working these things out without something in front of my face. I noticed you have some example scripts on your page that deal with containers - would one of those be appropriate? Off topic, but that got me thinking..... there's a mod I used for a while that summoned and equipped a set of armor, but it would leave the player naked when it dissapeared. If I can figure that form list thing out, maybe I can get it to remember what my PC is wearing. Would make it a lot more useful. XD
  21. I am certain he does not respawn ("unique" checked, "respawn" un-checked). And I'm 95% certain his cell does not respawn, after I went through and unticked "respawn" on every item in the cell. Unless there is something else I should be looking at...? Tested it out to see if that was the issue - and no. Still resets his inventory. So.... I dunno? I am running a couple mods, but the only one that does anything to followers/npcs is the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.... but I'm unsure if this would affect resurrection or not. That trick with the chest kind of passed my mind, but I didn't know RemoveAllItems worked that way. Cool! I tried it out, and it mostly works. Firstly, I did not put any of his outfit in the chest and left it on his person. I did put his weapons in the chest and removed them from his inventory. Here's where it gets weird: the very first time he is summoned - and only the first time - nothing from the chest appears in his inventory (except for the hunting bow OMG), but he is fully clothed. So, I take the bow, give him some items, kill him, and then summon him again..... and he has all of his weapons from the chest, his armor, and the items I gave him before I killed him..... and another hunting bow. After that, it works as expected. Doesn't duplicate items or anything. Well, other than spawning a hunting bow every flippin' time. Wut. I also tried not giving him an outfit and putting all of his armor and weapons in the chest. Just summons him in his undies. After killing him and re-summoning him, he has all the items I put in the chest but does not have them equipped - and still gained a hunting bow. Possibly a mod conflict going on here, but I think Beth is just trolling me. I think my next Epic Quest will involve lugging my 500 copies of "Hunting Bow" to the top of the Throat of the World and chucking them off a cliff. C: Oh, and here's what I added to my scripts as you described. I can't imagine I did it wrong, but hey who's to say... (Magic Effect) Actor Property DremoraThrallRef Auto ObjectReference Property HoldingCellChest auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) DremoraThrallRef.RemoveAllItems() HoldingCellChest.RemoveAllItems(DremoraThrallRef, True, True) Summon(akCaster, DremoraThrallRef) EndEvent (Actor) ObjectReference Property HoldingCellMarker auto ObjectReference Property HoldingCellChest auto Activator Property banishFX auto Event OnDying(Actor akKiller) Utility.Wait(4.0) Self.PlaceAtMe(BanishFX) MoveTo(HoldingCellMarker) Self.RemoveAllItems(HoldingCellChest, True, True) Utility.Wait(2.0) Self.Resurrect() EndEvent EDIT: Hold the phone. Just noticed I left the Wait time at 10 on the actor script (did this to test some things). :blink: Will need to re-evaluate the situation....... EDIT EDIT: Fixed. No difference.....
  22. You're most welcome. If you find that people who are using your mod still have the strange colored face issue, you might need to package the face tint files with your mod (Data > textures > actors > character > FaceGenData > FaceTint > YourESP ). ..... and if you already realized that, just ignore me. X3 Cheers!
  23. Unfortunately, I have not quite been able to reverse the summon spell. But I did get my guy to moveto and resurrect in his holding cell. Yaaaaay...... That just left the issue of having no visual effect. Obviously, the guy just blinking out of existence looked very, very bad. So I played around with alternatives a bit and came up with a very simple solution to my problem: Scriptname DeathDremoraThrallScript extends Actor {Teleports Dremora Thrall to holding cell and resurrects him after death.} ObjectReference Property HoldingCellMarker auto Activator property banishFX auto Event OnDying(Actor akKiller) Utility.Wait(5.0) Self.PlaceAtMe(BanishFX) MoveTo(HoldingCellMarker) Utility.Wait(2.0) Self.Resurrect() EndEvent That's it. Just found an activator that plays the default banishFX: "BanishTargetFXActivator". It looks great. :) I'm going to tinker around with this a bit more and attempt to address some other issues. The biggest one being his inventory resetting once he's been resurrected. Obviously annoying. I went into this with the assumption that there was some sort of function that would resurrect the NPC with inventory intact - as the wiki claims that typing "Resurrect 1" into the console will do. But apparently this is not a thing, and does not work in the console either. I thought about just disabling the "I want to trade some things with you" dialog, but I still need to get into his inventory to get rid of that stupid hunting bow (could do it via console, but I'd rather not need to. Feels cheat-y.). This leaves me with a few options: - Just don't give him anything to carry (as this is a personal mod, who cares right?) - Extend that first utility.wait considerably to give me time to loot (but this would look strange, and chances are I'd be in the middle of pretty rough combat if it was enough to take him down) - Pile of Ashes? Is this..... a thing? Here's what I thought about but haven't experimented with yet: If I could drop an "ash pile" and it remained at his point of death while his corpse moved away, could I still have access to his inventory with the ash pile? Is that what ash piles do? If that were the case, I could add a sufficiently long delay to his resurrection and take what I need before it goes bye-bye. I would also have to somehow add a cooldown to the original summon spell, to prevent myself from accidentally summoning him while he is still dead. I wanted to do this anyway - like "cannot be summoned for 24 game hours after death" - but I'm unsure of how to approach it. And kromey - you are very patient sir, thank you!
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