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About LotharOfTheHillPeople

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  1. ( Sorry, Mod request for KCD2 ) Everyone greets Henry with Jesus Christ Be Praised or other similar greeting. Henry stays silent. I want to be able to hit a button on the keyboard and reply back with "Jesus Christ be Praised" or other similar greeting. Perhaps you could have 4 or 5 of these in rotation. To me it's Really immersion breaking that you cannot greet these fine Christian people back. Now I'm not a modder but to me this seems like it wouldn't be so hard to do as it's a very simple request as long as the game allow you to add things like that. Is this possible? I'm sure others would love such a mod! What do you think?
  2. I'd love to play this in first person view! It seems there are some modding tools for this re-released version " Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning " , perhaps someone will make my dream come true while I'm waiting for the Elder Scrolls 6.
  3. Not OP IMO, because that's what a tranq round is supposed to do and does in every game, which is knock someone out instantly. Of course tougher enemies could have some resistance to the chemical the tranq injects causing you to have to use more of them and I wouldn't mind seeing that too. We know exactly what's causing the explosions. It's a secondary feature of the Projectile Launch System itself. Take a look at the description for the PLS and you'll see it. Apparently the game applies this effect to all types of mods for the PLS and it really shouldn't in the case of tranq rounds which are supposed to be a stealth option. This is why I suggested the devs could create a Common version of the PLS that doesn't have this secondary feature. I suspect there are several ways the problem could be solved. I would not mind if someone just created a new weapon with regular tranq darts, perhaps a pistol and sniper rifle version like is found in Deus Ex Human Revolution. That may be an easier way to solve the problem and no one would have to fight with trying to modify the PLS.
  4. I would go as far to ask someone create at least Two slots for all the body parts that have only one slot. Problem solved. LOL Really this should be a thing in Game to unlock more mod slots.
  5. There are only two versions of the Projectile Launch System I can find in the game, Rare and Legendary. Both have the Explode on Impact addition. This is no good with the Tranquillizer Rounds Mod for your PLS because the explosions alert the cops which show up instantly behind you, totally defeating the purpose of using Tranq rounds for stealth making them effectively 100% Useless. Either the devs need to create a Common PLS that does not have the Explode on Impact addition or the devs need to turn off the explosions on impact when tranq rounds are used or a nice modder needs to make a mod that somehow fixes this huge game breaking problem. Thank you for reading my Mod request. I hope someone can help!
  6. In response to post #79208178. #79209873, #79215763, #79815958 are all replies on the same post. Perhaps in Skyrim (think Skyrim Tank Neisa with big jiggly bodacious boobs) <- my Favorite, or the next Elder Scrolls 6 I can see a nude version but this is Morrowind.. even running on the superior OpenMW engine these boobs are gonna look so Crappy there is no reason to look at them. LOL
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