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About Tomdogg449

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  1. I need an admin to respond to me on this because I'm wondering, I have Fallout 3 mods for not just Halo but Section 8, Army of Two, Mass Effect, Metro 2033, Crysis and Battlefield 2142. I got these mods off Fallout 3 underground many many years ago and I'm wondering if there would still be an issue posting it these mods to this site. I only ask because I see a lot of Terminator and Warhammer 40K mods that have been up since like 2009. I heard some issues in the past with some of these mods mainly concerning the Halo ones so does anyone have any updated info about any of this stuff?
  2. So I have a bunch of mods that I got off of Fallout 3 underground more than a decade ago. These mods are things from other video games like Halo, Metro 2033, Section 8 and some others. Back in 2010 to 2011, all of these mods were getting pulled off the Nexus because they were copyrighted material or something like that. Does anyone know if it's safe to post them now? Because I would really like to share them with the world again.
  3. Would anyone mind porting this over to Tale of Two wastelands? Much like the mod author, I too don't like the fact that the lobotomy is forced upon the player and that there's no way to get around it. I know it says you can't Port the mod in the permissions tab but at the end of the description, he says you can freely distribute and modify it as long as credit is given. One other thing, I'm not using ttw 3.3 yet because many mods have not been Upgraded yet so if someone wouldn't mind making a version for 3.2 as well, that would be greatly appreciated. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/8107?tab=description
  4. So I've been struggling with Fallout 3 for over a decade with constant crashing and freezing and it's not like I pack hundreds of mods into my build. I think the most I ever had was around 50 and most of them were minor changes like adding a new weapon into a specific location or a new follower or things like that. I recently found out that three of the big mods that I used were known to cause many issues, one of them being energy visuals enhanced so I removed all three of them and viola, Fallout 3 ran like a dream. Passed every stress test I put it through and things were going great…until I beat the main quest. I leveled up immediately after and that was fine and then I leveled up again a short time later and when I went to pick a perk, the game froze. I thought it had something to do with one of the mods I was using but this seems to have affected all of my saves now. I can no longer level up and I don't know what's causing it. Here's my build order. Yes I used LOOT to sort them. 0 0 Fallout3.esm 1 1 Anchorage.esm 2 2 ThePitt.esm 3 3 BrokenSteel.esm 4 4 PointLookout.esm 5 5 Zeta.esm 6 6 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm 7 7 CALIBR.esm 8 8 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Goodies.esm 9 9 Abbreviated Effects.esm 10 a CRI-Squad-new.esm 11 b Tau Ammo.esm 12 c CALIBRxMerchant.esp 13 d speed.esp 14 e CRI-Squad-new.esp 15 f CRI-HQ.esp 16 10 Sleep in any bed.esp 17 11 EIP.esp 18 12 Skrees_BF2142.esp 19 13 Tau FireWarrior Chap - 1.esp 20 14 PointLookoutLoboto-mod.esp 21 15 HeavyGrenadeLauncher.esp 22 16 BrokenSteelNerf.esp 23 17 HZSmoothLight - FO3.esp 24 18 J3X-VertibirdPlus.esp 25 19 Mannequin.esp 26 1a CratersideSupplyStorage.esp 27 1b Kabr_CompanionRehiring.esp 28 1c BM19DisablePipBoyGlove.esp 29 1d BypassOpAnchorage.esp 30 1e outcast_comp.esp 31 1f EnclaveAPAMKIII.esp 32 20 ModBetterPArmorVanilla.esp 33 21 ModBetterPArmorAnchorage.esp 34 22 ModBetterPArmorPitt.esp 35 23 ModBetterPArmorSteel.esp 36 24 PointLookout_lesstraveltime-3to5days.esp PointLookout_lesstraveltime-12to21days.esp PointLookout_lesstraveltime-6to10days.esp Does anyone have any ideas?
  5. Yes I have, he never responded, dropped off the face of the earth it seems
  6. I'm here because I know nothing about modding and I really love this mod but I'm sick of Fallout 3 crashing on me every 10 minutes so I switched to Tale of Two Wastelands but none of Fallout 3's mods work with it. So could someone find it in their heart to port this mod to New Vegas? Or at least the power armor? I'd be happy with that too. Here's the mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5717 And a cool HQ someone else made for it: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/12281
  7. I don't suppose anyone would consider updating this mod, would you? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5717?tab=description It hasn't been updated in over a decade and won't even work with the Nexus mod manager. I would update it myself but I don't even know where to begin
  8. Was wondering if you could help me. Trying to remove a certain part of a mesh in a mod. I did the whole remove branch thing on the part I wanted gone, saved it and the annoying part is still there. I did this in fallout new vegas and it worked just fine and yes I'm aware skyrim has 2 nif files for each mesh, I did these steps for both nif files, still nothing. What am I doing wrong?
  9. Downloaded an armor mod and I want to swap a certain part of a mesh with another armor's mesh. I already have nifscope but do I need any other tools for textures or something like that? Sorry if I'm asking in the wrong spot, I've never done this before.
  10. I'm looking for a mod that allows me to showcase all my unique treasures that I've gathered across Skyrim. The best way I can describe what I'm looking for is the vault in Sjel Blad Castle. That has a slot for everything ranging from the Daedric artifacts to the Kagrumez trial gems. However, I'm looking for something a little smaller more concealed and practical. I've found some mods like this but they either don't function properly or are missing one of the DLC's entirely. Anyone know of a mod that could give me what I'm looking for? If not, could someone create something like this for me? I'm looking for everything found in the Sjel Blad Castle vault plus some other mannequins for the unique armors/weapons and maybe a few of the other lesser known artifacts like the skull keys.
  11. I'm looking for a mod that allows me to showcase all my unique treasures that I've gathered across Skyrim. The best way I can describe what I'm looking for is the vault in Sjel Blad Castle. That has a slot for everything ranging from the Daedric artifacts to the Kagrumez trial gems. However, I'm looking for something a little smaller more concealed and practical. I've found some mods like this but they either don't function properly or are missing one of the DLC's entirely. Anyone know of a mod that could give me what I'm looking for?
  12. Right, my bad, how do I delete this again?
  13. Anyone ever play King's Field? How bout Demon Souls or Dark Souls? If you have, you most likely know of the Sword of Moonlight. It was in a sense the focal point of the first 3 King's Field games (and I'm counting the very first release, not the first US release) and was a weapon in both Souls games. I noticed people were making a few mods based on Dark Souls but so far, no one has made the Moonlight Sword. So if anyone's up for it, could someone create one perhaps? I'd do it myself but I don't know diddly squat about making a mod nor do I have the patience for it. If you're up for it, shoot me a PM when it's done. I'd be very grateful if somone made this. http://demonssouls.wdfiles.com/local--files/swords/lsom-on-hand-large.jpg
  14. Anyone ever play King's Field? How bout Demon Souls or Dark Souls? If you have, you most likely know of the Sword of Moonlight. It was in a sense the focal point of the first 3 King's Field games (and I'm counting the very first release, not the first US release) and was a weapon in both Souls games. I noticed people were making a few mods based on Dark Souls but so far, no one has made the Moonlight Sword. So if anyone's up for it, could someone create one perhaps? I'd do it myself but I don't know diddly squat about making a mod nor do I have the patience for it. If you're up for it, shoot me a PM when it's done. I'd be very grateful if somone made this. http://demonssouls.wdfiles.com/local--files/swords/lsom-on-hand-large.jpg
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