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  1. Archery is sorely lacking the ability to target limbs, or aim for the head or toes with some support if you just feel like playing casually, my idea, is to have it that you can enter this mode (Hey i found vats in "Their" ini settings when exported using saveini command. I laughed, smiled and thought to myself how needed it was in skyrim for archers, imagine if we could handicap enemies, by targeting there legs, preventing them from having the option to run away, or target there head for a head shot kill, or their arm to force a two handed disarm, and only allow them to use 1 armed attacks, or target the wing of a dragon and prevent the sucker from being able to fly away...or its damned tail from death blowing me at 100% hp..(i was on Master diff but hey)... etc This could also allow us to target multiple foes and finish them off... Where is my Vanity Cam for a Kill shot with a bow.. I like the emergent gameplay of Skyrim, but the option to have this would be awesome.
  2. I would say if you cant spend the 2 seconds to add the perk your self you really got to think about the game your playing.....in my humble opinion... Anyway.. The idea is fine for automation... however if it "automatically" selects a skill for which does not benefit me in a situation where it chooses speech over lets say respite or block...or w/e then your more likely to get frustrated. This WOULD (again in my opinion, as perks are limited, until quests offering perks as rewards, or level cap gets higher then 81) )work if you can pre select perks you wish to gain, and select weighting on a tree and/or perk to choose over another one. Like a Perk Planer that automates itself...........In this case adding a delay of 5 to 10 seconds before it automatically gets selected would allow the player to select a perk before it "may" get thrown into one that may not benefit the situation.
  3. Wow, i got pushed back 5 pages in a day :( Any ideas anyone? Thoughts?
  4. Yes, could be added into the Speech Tree as a Perk. Another Idea, is to have tactics customization for them, a better customization ability for armor, weapons, and wielded spells. eg.Requiring Leadership Perk : Leadership Requires Speech: 25; Rank 2, 60; Rank 3, 95 Description: Increases Max Companion Cap Does: +1 CompanionMax Max Rank: 3 (So 4 companions total) Perk: Micromanagement Requires: Leadership Requires Speech 40; Rank 2, 50; and Rank 3, 60 Description: Gives Player control over Companion Armor; Rank 2, weapons; and Rank 3, Wielded Abilities(Spells) and Tactics. You may train them with new Spell Tomes. View their respective skill levels etc. Max Ranks: 3 Perk: Invigorating Shout Requires Leadership Requires Speech: 60; Rank 2, 70; Rank 3, 80; Rank 4, 90; Rank 5, 100. Description: Rank 1: Will Teleport all Companions to your position, even dead ones. OR: (Rank 3, AND): [if you have a fallen member close by will favor resurrecting over teleportation, (until rank 3 of course :) )] Rank 2: Allows you to resurrect your Fallen Companions to 30% (effected by Restoration Skill max 100% and will refill stamina if respite perk invested in.) OR; (Rank 4, AND): [Would be selective based on situation, so if you can heal your companion before using this then do so, or it will not buff them] BUFF them with increased Health/Magicka/Stamina (Affected by an average of the total Warrior, Thief, and Mage skills) OR; (Rank 5, AND): Increased Damage relative to companion weapon or spell...and 10% Haste (Haste effected by Leadership and Speech skill; maxed out at 25%) Note: Can only use once a day ........okay so a little intense in thought for an idea,,, but i think they are nice ones...
  5. My Idea (of Many to come) Is to have Quivers (to enchant), which basically allow for arcane archery as well as other abilities. I would prefer it that when using a spell that magicka be used as well as a balance. Some Info: -Quivers are just containers, and a medium to enchant to allow for this to work. So if you like the look of the Orcish quiver, but want to use your highest damage output arrows, it would work. -Size of Quiver unlimited if not enchanted (Arrows really should have weight but oh well.) -Enchanted Quiver Size based on Soul Gem used to enchant it. Grand (as I've seen so far) is the largest, and will "allow" up to 100 -Power of the enchant is Scaled. So if you use a grand gem, with minimal arrows in the quiver, power of enchant will increase. -Maximum of 25 - 100 arrows per quiver. (Balancing issue, as well as to not make feature OP, IMO) -When Expended, Quiver will lose enchant(s), and the enchant process will need to be redone. -May only contain ONE type of arrow. -When enchanted Quiver will have weight, based on number of arrows and Quiver/Arrow type. (perk to decrease?) -Quivers weight based on number of arrows (Balancing Issue, preventing OP) -Quivers should be craftable, and have realistic crafting requirements Well i have more thoughts on this, but think discussing them will be better, Possible Additions POST Vanilla (as in any enchant that is in the game already) that is -Ability to Have Grease/oil fired from arrow spawn under or at point of impact. Useful to cause lingering damage to multiple enemies. Can set traps, and draw enemies in. Set this oil up, place a Fire Rune, Draw an extra Arrow, and have fun. watching the fire works. Can create massive fields of oil, and cause havoc if you wish. -A Multi-Arrow Shot, with a bow drawn, press a toggle key, like the zoom, select multiple targets (perk?-up to max 3) then fire away Enchant is per shot, so each arrow needs to have their own hit/miss calculation. Fire and Forget shooting, as in if they move the arrow will miss.(if its oil who cares they'll burn anyway(if bow has fire enchant)) -Seeking Arrows (If arrow flight mechanics can be modified mid-flight this will work) Will seek to last highlighted/active target, or multiple if you used multi-arrow ability pre-shot. USES MAGICKA AS A MODIFIER. Will expend magicka at a rate per arrow fired, IF arc needs altering, As in if your magicka is to low the arrow might wander off trajectory as it cant move towards them anymore. Stray shots can be bad if your in town....... Eg, Mark your Target, Stand behind a wall Fire away, giggle like a little girl when your enemy screams out its last breath. -Scroll Wrap. (only bind to one arrow regardless of how many targets selected, goes to first target selected in this case) Want to send your target a message they'll never forget... send em a scroll. Will activate upon successful hit, or if hitting the target location on ground, if you hit the target, it will sap its mana for the cost to activate scroll if you hit the ground it will use your magicka. (scrolls are free, but this is a feature to bows, and will balance it) Using these scrolls are dangerous, as they are NOT bound to you, you are just as much as an enemy to them as they are to you... also will hurt you if you launch a blizzard or whatever at your feat..(more balancing) ALL abilities stack, so if you have a Quiver with Oil Pouch and Fire, and a bow, with shock, and MP/HP/ST leeching, it should work.
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