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Basically trying to find some help on identifying a mod I found years ago (like before 2011 sucked up years of my life with Skyrim) Reason is that I remembered a mod that had a ward like spell for Oblivion, even before Skyrim came out. Up to now I thought I still had it in my mod folders, but apparently I must have deleted it a long time ago/lost it. I really want to check out this Oblivion mod again for various reasons, but can't remember anything but a few details. So I hope other people who might have used this mod or encountered it in the past might help me identifying it. what I remember is that it did not add a lot of new magic (just one or two spells, cleverly interwoven in a quite complex system) one of them looked like a multicolored beam, while the other looked a lot like a multicolored version of Skyrim's ward (can't recall it if it also worked the same, but it was a shield of some kind, but did not attach on the characters arm, but instead floated in front of you after casting) Another defining part about the mod was that it had a quest that described the spells as "secret" and "newly created" magic. meaning none of the NPC's in the game actually possessed this one (or two) spells. And the quest further elaborates that you can choose to either keep the magic all to yourself, or share it with the world. choosing the later would ensure that other mage NPC's in the game would eventually learn these spells too. (what was quite a big thing back in Oblivion when it came to modding) The harder part is I'm also sure I got the mod from just somewhere on the web, not the Nexus (just to complicate matters) But it was all in English, so don't worry about some obscure sites nobody ever heard about. I remember getting to the mod via a video on youtube (I can no longer find due to not even remembering what the name was) so at the time it would not have been such a obscure mod. Its very little info to go on, but I really hope somebody actually knows what mod this was, and where I can find it again. Much appreciated if you can inform me when you know what mod I'm talking about. EDIT: After many years I finally found it. "Duke Patricks Combat Magic II"
Creation Kit for Skyrim Special Edition
jefthereaper replied to FenexFox1234's topic in Site Updates
Can't wait to finally get my hands on this! A shame the ini still needs to be edited tough, that pretty much confirms a lot of flaws are still going to be in the CK, hoping some stuff was fixed, or some new functions are added. -
Basically, I've been working on a mod for a long time, but at the moment I ended up at a minor barrier while trying to recreate past spells of earlier games. Mainly the problem falls to in what school of magic I should place these spells, so I was hoping by sharing and listening to the community here I could figure out where those spells would fit the best. Currently in Skyrim within the TES timeline, the magic schools have apparently completely abolished Mysticism and Thaumaturgy, while dividing the spells of those schools over the 5 left remaining. Alteration, Destruction, Illusion, Conjuration and Restoration. For most spells I've been recreating, the new category's are fairly obvious. Spells that increase your resistance to physical damage or magical damage are Alteration (altering the caster's/target's biology to resist a certain effect, similar to spells like Oakflesh for Physical damage) Spells that fortify any of your ability's are Restoration. Spells that *temporarily* damage a target's stats are Alteration (with the exception of a few spells that belong in Illusion instead) Spells that *permanently* damage your target's stats are Destruction type's of magic. (tough not direct physical damage, they do "destroy" specific parts of your enemy, like speed, strength or others) And spells that restore damaged stats on you or a target are for the Restoration type of magic. (if you were hit by a destruction based spell that reduced your stats, these spells will restore that damage) However, two types of spells are not that obvious to figure out. the Drain and Absorb types of spells. (In theory 3 types, there is also Leech, but its effect seems to constantly variate vastly over the games, so I'm trying to re-imagine that one a bit based on what it did in the past games) The problem with these spells is that they are far more complex compared to those above, a "Drain" spell drains a status from your target permanently, meaning it could be part of the Destruction school due to dealing permanent damage to the target's stats, BUT! A Drain spell that drains life, also heals you, so in theory it could also be part of the Restoration class. While a Drain spell that drain's a status like Strength could just as well make it a Alteration type of spell, as it transfer's the status to the caster. The "Absorb" types of spells are the same story, with the main difference being that these are only temporarily and not permanent. Even Bethesda seems clueless to where they need to place these spells as they have constantly changed schools over the course of the game series. I was hoping everyone reading this could share their opinion on where they think (and why) Drain and Absorb spells should be in the magic schools, to help me choose where they would fit. Alteration, Destruction or Restoration? Currently in my own eye's, Drain (permanent) seems fitting for Destruction (despite also healing the caster, it also harms the target permanently.) While Absorb (temporary) seems to fit in Alteration (temporarily altering the reality between the caster and target) Most ideal would be recreating most of the spells and dividing them over all 3 classes: Drain for Destruction, "draining" only 25-50% of the points of damage that are done. (so that the healing/fortifying aspect is only secondary, while damage is primary) Leech for Restoration, "draining" a equal amount that is done in damage, but doing a lot less damage then the drain spells from the Destruction class (but healing/fortifying more as well) Absorb for Alteration, "draining a equal amount that is done in damage, but every increase/decrease done is only temporarily (even health you gain or the opponent loses, but being able to do more damage then the Destruction version and Fortify more then the Restoration variants)
Basically a simple mod for people who have the tools and knowledge. Recoloring the sign textures to the original colors for Yrden and Quen I mean the sign's icon's have the correct color for crying out laud, how did the developer's even miss this? Yrden's effects should be purple not red, while Quen should be orange, not blue. If anyone has the skill, tools and time to do this, please recolor those two sign's effects to the correct color and fix this bug. (I'm simply telling myself its a bug as I refuse to believe anyone would be dense enough to give those two signs the wrong color on purpose, especially considering the icon's have the correct colors)
Functioning just like spell items, a set of items to summon (friendly) npc's to follow and fight for you (from the extend of a simple harpy, to daimon) just a mod for fun purposes.
Dragon's dogma is fun and all, but at this point I just want to skip forced main quest clutter and skip ahead right towards the Grigory boss battle during the main quest. many reasons, one of them being that I was trying to record footage, my memory ended up being full, but the game (of course) automatically saved after the seneschald fight, so my save is now stuck at the part where he asks me to just strike him down, if I want to record this again, I need to do ALL that bull in new game again, all to get back to that point... -_-"
Basically what the title said, really bothered me how most enemy's and bosses pose quite a challenge in the game, especially in the dark arisen dlc content, meanwhile the Seneschal at the end has a big air to him, yet no bite behind all the bark. Would be nice if he would attack more/use his special Seneschal powers a bit more and fight a little harder during the 3de phase of the fight. I mean Grigori was a amazing boss, the Seneschal looked even more promising, but ended up being easier then a dark souls tutorial.
Pretty much what the title is saying the Mabari has been a faitfull companion from the first game on, and now we don't get one? I would suggest (if anyone has the skill and tools) to pretty much take the enemy Mabari's from the game, and make a new unique NPC that has the skin of the Mabari from the trespasser DLC (so the mabari won't look like a blighted mut) and pretty much make it a "spell/skill" that is unique to the Inquisitor's skilltree basically summoning a 5th party member (no visible health bars or anything, not needed in the first place) that will follow you around and fight alongside you, no dialog or event moments, just a simple combat companion you can summon and banish at will (like in dragon age 2, or like the mod "extra dog slot" from Dragon Age Origins) I mean I can't be the only one who really misses having a Mabari, Dragon age 2 has the best solution to the problem if you ask me, simply summoning the dog in your group, and if he "dies" (knocked out), you just summon him again.
Helm of the Dragon Hunter Schematic
jefthereaper replied to Mokogin's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Mod Ideas
Would love a scematic for every armor and weapon really, I hate the fact that so many armor and weapons are "unique" or in other words, pretty much worthless scrap compared to the things I craft myself. -
Sigils, outside trespasser and better
jefthereaper replied to jefthereaper's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Mod Ideas
Thanks, I actually found those mods the other day, Its really nice as its kinda dumb how Bioware did not just add them to regular drops in the main game (or at least not so rare) still wish the sigil's would be made a bit better tough, removing or reducing the negative effects a bit to make them more useful. -
Right now Sigils are pretty underwhelming, and after playing for a while I'm starting to think they also don't spawn unless you are in the trespasser DLC, so can somebody add the sigils to the main campaign? possibly being sold in shops or added to the list of items you can craft yourself making them a bit better would also be nice by reducing the negative effect by half, or even removing it completely (as right now sigil's are usually just not worth using, as the negative effect usually negates the positive effect completely) as a blunt example, the sigils are like having a armor that is so light it won't hinder your movements, but as a downside also has 0% armor rating (basically having the same effect as just not wearing any armor at all, making it pointless)
As everyone might have noticed, most armor metal looks like plastic. if you take the full set of grey warden armor (for example on Blackwall) and and set all metal to silverite, you will clearly see the helmet has a texture pattern on it, to make it look more "metal" like, while the armor itself completely lacks any texture patterns, making it look brighter and plastic like compared to the helmet if somebody here has some experience with retexturing things in dragon age Inquisition, it would be really nice if you could add those texture lairs on all armor pieces (preferable those that match the helmet metal, as apparently Bioware did give most, if not all helmets a proper texture to the headgear metal, but forgot to add those to all metal on armor)
basically what the title sais, I'm tired of Bioware's/EA's choice to split the game in single player and multiplayer, and keeping both parts completely seperated. I'm wondering if anyone is able to make all multiplayer characters available as companions in the single player campain (yes I know they won't talk and all that, but its just that having them in the team seems nice) (perhaps also if possible add a mabari warhound, I mean who here does not miss that adorable pup you get to drag around all over the game like in DA Origins and 2? I really miss that in Inquisition.)
Fix Necromancer and Knight enchanter
jefthereaper replied to jefthereaper's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Mod Ideas
Nevermind, I found somebody who was willing to make the mod for anyone else who came here looking for a mod that fixes the focus from knight enchanter and necromancer, here's the link to that amazing guy http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/1236/? -
a simple request basically I'm sure every mage by now has noticed the bug that Bioware/EA is just not fixing. That the knight enchanter who uses space and time magic, uses Resurgence as focus, that heals party members and revives KO'd party members while the Necromancer who specialises in using the spirits to bring back dead, uses Haste to slow down time even the colour pattern of the spells obviously shows those 2 skills are supposedly meant for the other. I would really like it if somebody can switch those around (for both party members as the inquisitor skill tree) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aside from that it would also be nice if somebody could "fix" the necromancer minion by changing the way it looks (in past DA games necromancy is just a spirit taking over the body of a defeated enemy, so I'm just asking somebody to change the visuals of the minion so they are no longer transparent, but instead remain looking as they do, but keep the strange blue aura/glowing eyes) basically making it visual as if the spirit takes OVER the body of the one you kill, rather then the spirit mimicking the fallen enemy same for the special skill that lets the necromancer "revive" after being killed by being taken over by a spirit (main reason to ask for this fix is that basically the spirit skill makes no sense lore-wise and visually they mucked up to as there is no corpse if the spirit "mimic"s the dead enemy, leave alone if the spirit dies, there is suddenly a corpse of a spirit on the map, what makes no sense whatsoever.