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About startledwitch

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  1. I am a carrot. That is all
  2. random comment!!


  3. Hrm. So, were you saying you didn't used to live in the city?
  4. I feel sick, I blame the vegemite sammich
  5. Im not in that great shape, Im just good at climbing, I fail at knots haha
  6. Sounds interesting. Do you have to be in pretty good shape?

    And also be good at tying that little figure of eight knot (that I embarrassingly have to have a friend do for me when I go rock climbing)?

  7. Well urban exploration is exploring abandoned buildings, military bunkers, storm water drains etc, I usually spelunk in stormwater drains as I live in the city but go real spelunking whenever I get the chance
  8. You walking stereotype. Your baby will be eaten by a dingo. Or something.

    While I'm here, what is urbex and do you really spelunk? (can you use it as a verb like that?)

  9. Yes I do all those things, I say g'day and mate a lot and eat vegemite and drink and have barbecues, I often do all of those things at barbecues XD
  10. You friended me up, you monster!

    Just for that, I will imply that you use the words "g'day", "mate", that you eat Vegemite and have barbecues and drink a lot and...All of these things are true, aren't they?

  11. <- I look emo D:, anyways that was taken at the martigras
  12. Wont update too much, I have a bloody twitter for that
  13. I eat children
    1. tokyobiohazard


      Children's tears make a wonderful broth for soups.
    2. startledwitch


      That they do :P


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