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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. not sure where i should've posted this (didn't see a subforum for the collection specifically and wasn't sure if it should go in the tiberium sun or red alert subforums since it affects both games in the collection. anyway...i was just browsing the custom maps selection for skirmish/multiplayer mode then checked on the steam forums to see just how widespread it actually is and...oh boy. in skirmish/multiplayer, map titles and descriptions are censored. for multiplayer chat...censorship... for mods more censorship! and before anyone points it out, apparently the "profanity filter" setting in the options only affects chat while leaving all the other censorship intact. there's one map titled Church Warfrare that should say "Ok guys this 1v1 is gonna be epic" BUT it's censored and instead says "Ok guys this 1v1 is gonna be e***". another map has the title "epic gamer epic game win epic". guess which and how many words in that title are censored. or how about "(G*) **ploited Fields"? i bet those 3 letters spell something starting with an "s" and ending with an "x". SO...my question here is... might the modders of this game be able to strip away EA's censorship for the betterment of all? https://steamcommunity.com/app/1213210/discussions/search/?q=censor&gidforum=1746773126364501635&include_deleted=1 cause it's got some attention on steam alright.
  2. so...i found out why this game is locked at half texture resolution for some people. dev reply on steam forums: "Game detects how much VRAM you have on your GPU and allows only half-res textures when you have less than 3.5 GB. We plan to optimize textures and allow full-res textures on GPUs with 3 GB." so, yeah. the texture resolution toggle is there in the in-game graphics settings but it's locked to half resolution if you don't meet the devs VRAM requirement. my specs are Windows 10 Home 64-bit IntelĀ® Core i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz 8192MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz) and this is what the ship related textures are like for me in the game because i don't meet that one specific requirement: https://imgur.com/a/hS0JIEA it's not pretty.
  3. ty for the advice and given the general...attitude premium users seem to have on this site that's likely far from the only name that'll go on that list. anti-consumer business practices drive people away from a site while arrogant attitudes and insults lead people to hate a community. nothing good comes from either of those things. edit: ew, it seems nexus does that same type of "block" system discord uses where it only partially blocks those you add to your block list. what i mean is "This post is hidden because you have chosen to ignore posts by *username here*. View it anyway?" is still shown when they post and as a result they're posts are hidden but are not actually blocked at all and you're left with a nagging reminder that shouldn't be there at all.
  4. Free users are quick to point out the behavior of Premium users, while ignoring their own Hostile, Toxic, and Entitled attitude towards the nexus now that they have to see an extra screen and press a button and wait 5 seconds to STILL GET STUFF FOR FREE. Pot meet kettle eh? yeah yeah...just more insults... how can i be the pot when i don't have money to throw around and am not acting like i'm somehow better than other people. also, maybe less people would complain about them if your suggestions for ways to get the site money weren't using backwards logic that involves taking away things that would incentivize people to pay or make things worse for free users. if you actually want to make things better and care about anything other exclusively money, you should try to suggest things that actually make the user experience better if people pay for premium without downgrading the non-premium side of things. otherwise what you're doing is actually DIS-incentivizing people from paying for premium and giving them reasons to not want to use the site at all. but clearly you've got loads of money to throw around and that makes you superior to us non-paying users of the site. so, why should you care about us in the slightest as long as things continue to get better for you and you alone?
  5. which is exactly the impression i got from reading through this thread...and later seeing that "The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!" thread... that such a thread even has to exist at all tells me that there's a serious community related problem that needs resolving here on this site. and anti-consumer business decisions coupled with a community whose premium users are nothing short of hostile and toxic towards the free users is a disaster just waiting to happen. like i said before, just because you have more money than other people in no way makes you a better person than them. though that certainly seems to be how premium users here act towards non-paying users. premium? *points at ublock origin's element blocker* i don't see any premium links. what is this "premium" you speak of? if this is the type of people i'd be joing the ranks of and us vs them community i'd be joining... there's no way i'm paying so much as 1 penny. the price, money aside, isn't worth it imo.
  6. :thumbsup: nice job at downgrading your site, Nexusmods. you can now make the claim that you're as shitty as most other file host sites when it comes to restricting and throttling downloads while attempting to charge money for a problem YOU created to get more money. but of common sense advice: people will be more willing to pay you money if you make the service/site/etc. you offer more appealing instead of creating problems for them to pay to solve. but then again, i don't think executives and other business related people are all that known for having much common sense. edit: (just finished reading through the thread) this whole argument is ridiculous... hey, premium users, having more money than other people actually doesn't magically make you better than or superior to them. neither does insulting us and calling us things like leeches. all of your suggestions amount to is making this site an objectively worse place for people who, for whatever reason, can't or won't pay for premium. all you're doing here is showing us that you simply don't care that things are being made worse and more inconvenient for us because you have enough money to pay your way past the problems created specifically to funnel more money back into the website and the pockets of those running it. by making this change to the download process on this site the people running the site are literally creating a problem to get more money. it's the same exact reason sites like mediafire and MEGA do this. and all it says to people is that someone running the site has gotten greedy. it has nothing to do with people being "leeches" for using the site for free for X amount of time. the idea someone pointed out of the site employing an "ad-blocker blocker script"? great idea for giving people more incentive to LEAVE the site and take the potential cash with them. pay walling downloads...anti-ad blocker scripts...throttling download speeds and restricting how many downloads or how much bandwidth can be used on downloads before blocking users with a timer (i've seen 24 hour timers on MEGA in the past and their bandwidth cap is ~5GB)... these are all incentives, not for people to pay for premium on the site, but for people to flee the site and stop using the site/service/etc. entirely. it's a 100% anti-consumer business model born of greed. me? i have...$30 from christmas which i'm gonna spend to buy a game and 1 DLC for me and a friend in a few days. that's it. that's my big purchase in several months if not longer. i actually cannot pay for premium here. for people like me, this type of change to the site is an incentive to leave and look for other places from which to try and find/download mods for games. this is a downgrade to the nexusmods site no matter how you look at it.
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