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Everything posted by pegueng

  1. In response to post #43712115. #43712330, #43712525, #43712565, #43712575 are all replies on the same post. Yeah.. I know the console cheat for making more money.. use it :D
  2. In response to post #43706755. #43706855, #43711775, #43712720 are all replies on the same post. When people have cooled down and realized that they're cramping the site... You just have to wait and see and try again... simple as that. Patience mah dear... ;) Slaintë
  3. In response to post #43712115. #43712330, #43712525 are all replies on the same post. Why didn't you?
  4. In response to post #43700510. #43700730 is also a reply to the same post. Lol... Quite hilarious really... Whatever he meant :D
  5. In response to post #43643155. #43654780, #43657270, #43657865, #43658325 are all replies on the same post. Weird, i don't recognize your, what was it you called it.. oh yes HAZE... I just got out from the Helgen cave and It was a crisp day, Alduin wingin away in the sky, Bleakfalls barrow clearly visible in the distance... But ofcourse, as my PC isn't highend anymore, i didn't turn the knobs to eleven on the graphics. It did feel weird though to startup a playthrough without some effects that i had taken for granted, Like the SKYUI for instance, and the HUDs. I did think about the skeletons and character enhancements not being there, but i had completely forgot about the above mentioned... hehe. Anyway, i think I'm gonna make a playthrough unmodded, just for remembrance... if nothing else. I'm also quite happy that they made this one as a standalone optional separate install, and not an overwrite on the existing game. So, with that said, MERRY GAMING / Slaintë me lads and lasses
  6. If i'm not overly mistaken, you'll need to have SKSE installed in the "Skyrim/Data" folder to have SkyUI and iHUD working. if you have deleted that as well then it may cause your CTD at the mainmenu... i think
  7. In response to post #28858874. #28859009 is also a reply to the same post. Spoiler Quote Quote https://puu.sh/kibKP/47bf7026f9.png what am I doing wrong Umm... That's a wee bit short of info about what's ailing your Mod. What if you rightclick and what choices do you get? That seems to me as it is installed but not activated. What error message do you get? have you tried to erase and DL again?
  8. I must file a Complain... After reading a lot of whining about this or that doesn't work anymore and NMM team has RUINED their life and game... I cannot find any fault to this upgrade... Everything works smoothly :tongue: Propably because i've been on the bandwagon since released sometime this spring... Hehe. Now when 60.5 is out i think i might hazard a profile switch again. That was not so stable before. Or i may wait with that until i'm done with my ongoing playthrough. Anyway, you've got my standing ovations and thanx for making my Skyrim experience so utterly epic. / Slaintë me lads and lasses.
  9. My suggestion is that the file was erroneously downloaded. Try to erase it and DL again...
  10. Hmm, that's odd. I haven't experienced those problems. I upgraded to WIN x last week, (WIN X Pro that is, as i ran WIN 7 prof before) and i'm also Running the 0.60 Alpha build. But as i said, i haven't experienced any problems whatsoever with download with ModManager. Got no questions about Need to install any specific App to do it either. Perhaps you have to make sure you run NMM as ADMIN? That may be the problem. I seem to remember vaguely that from WIN 7 MS made the choice of not letting anyone making changes to the C:/ programs folder. Which i believe the mods are getting to...?! I'm a wee bit uncertain on this though, but i think that could be the achilles heel... ;) / Slaintë
  11. In response to post #28793429. #28793509, #28794449 are all replies on the same post. Umm.. You yourself are responsible for what you do to your computer. The updates aren't forced, only recommended. Read what they do before you update. There's noone to blame but yourself. Me i'm running on now AND on WIN X.. and it seems to work just great for me. Sure there have been some drawbacks and undesired CTD's and such. But that's propably due to badly composed loadorders and incompatible Mods... But i suppose there's as many different computer setups as there are mod users so there's bound to be drawbacks for some ppl. I'm considering to upgrade to 60.3 but i wanna have a read about the changes first... / Slaintë lads and lasses.
  12. Just out of curiosity... Who will break the 40k line and add file no 40'000? It's close now. according to the counter there's 39'910 Skyrim files. Awesome. :P I understand ofcourse that there have already been uploaded more than 40 k of files. And some of them have been removed. i may hazard a guess that the actual count could be around 45k or even more. But i guess they have been removed for a reason... ;)
  13. I suppose that the easiest way to do that would be to just click on the link on the Nexus site where it sais, Install NMM (0.53.7) and the update should start automatically. Don't ye think... ;)
  14. Dang.. all I was looking for was some way to find a console command to lookup what follower flags I have attached to my character, for not being able to follow Serana into the backdoor to castle Volkihaar and look for her mother in the garden. She implies that I still have a follower connected although the ones I know of are presumably detached. using UFO with all the addons and also Follower compability and having Vilja around. This philosophical thread is rather interesting to read. One would hope that Bethesda would have a complete character sheet filled with timelines and whatnot, but on the other hand they might just have different ppl writing the dialogues and therefore have these lapses in grammatical forms. Haven't played farther than that with Serena so I haven't heard all dialoges with her as yet. Hmm, wee bit off thread this one, sorry for that.
  15. No suggestions sadly enough, only a similar problem. Using UFO instead of AFT but as soon as i going sneaky, one of two followers leave as if dismissed. last it was my wife Lydia, and now i can't find her at any of the supposed places she'd be (when using "placeatme" she turns up but begins to walk away as soon as i done talking to her, and she won't join the party saying i already have a follower, may try to stalk her and see where she goes ;). have also tried to fix loadorder with BOSS and manually and moving around. right now i'm so tired of it i'll skip followers or just go with one . may even disable UFO. It's propably something i have done wrong but as i cannot figure out what i'm about to wreck the mutliple follower idea and go solo or just one.
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