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Everything posted by falloutfan11

  1. Praise the Lawd i finally got it! Thanks for sticking with me through this, im going to do a tutorial on terminals on my channel and i will give you full credits!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL4SiRfEBVHxAVvhS3947ug will be up in few days
  2. some how it acc wouldnt load the scripts still so i might re-install the sdk and see if i can get it to work after that, im running out of ideas lol
  3. what is a global variable? is that the piece i'm missing? or is that just something else
  4. are you literaly just puting ArmoryDoor.SetOpen() and that's it and its working? (ArmoryDoor) is my name for the property
  5. so i tried to leave it blank but that didn't seem to work so i re added it:P, i wonder if i can link it to a button and if i can activate the button from terminal because it works fine with buttons?! and thank you for helping, ive been at this for last 2 days lol
  6. Heres the script from door Scriptname Default2StateActivator extends ObjectReference Conditional Default {For any activator with standard open/close states.} import debugimport utility Group Required_Propertiesstring property openAnim = "open" auto{Animation to play when opening} string property closeAnim = "close" auto{Animation to play when closing} string property openEvent = "opening" auto{Open event name - waits for this event before considering itself "open"} string property closeEvent = "closing" auto{Close event name - waits for this event before considering itself "closed"}EndGroup Group Optional_Propertiesbool property isOpen = FALSE auto conditional{Set to TRUE ot start open.} bool property doOnce = FALSE auto{Set to TRUE to open/close on first activation only.} bool property shouldSetDefaultState = TRUE auto const{Should this activator use SetDefaultState? Set to False only for Activators with identical open/close events.} string property startOpenAnim = "opened" auto{OnLoad calls this if the object starts in the open state} bool property AllowInterrupt = FALSE auto{Allow interrupts while animation? Default: FALSE} bool property InvertCollision = FALSE auto{Typically this will be False (DEFAULT). The References LinkRef'd Chained with the TwoStateCollisionKeyword will typically be Disabled onOpen, and Enabled on Close. If you want that functionality inverted set this to TRUE}EndGroup Group Autofill_Propertieskeyword property TwoStateCollisionKeyword auto{Keword to link to the collision you want to enable/disable based on this activators opened/closed state.}EndGroup bool property isAnimating = false auto Hidden conditional{Is the activator currently animating from one state to another?} bool property shouldOpenNext = true auto Hidden conditional{Used for SetOpenNoWait. Should we open when the timer fires?} int property myState = 1 auto hidden conditional{true when static or animating 0 == open or opening 1 == closed or closing} EVENT OnLoad()if (shouldSetDefaultState)SetDefaultState()EndIfendEVENT Event OnReset()if (shouldSetDefaultState)SetDefaultState()EndIfEndEvent ;This has to be handled as a function, since OnLoad and OnReset can fire in either order, and we can't handle competing animation calls.Function SetDefaultState()if (isOpen)playAnimationandWait(startOpenAnim, openEvent) if (InvertCollision == FALSE)trace(self + " Disabling Collision")DisableLinkChain(TwoStateCollisionKeyword)elsetrace(self + " Enabling Collision")EnableLinkChain(TwoStateCollisionKeyword)endif myState = 0ElseplayAnimationandWait(closeAnim, closeEvent) if (InvertCollision == FALSE)trace(self + " Enabling Collision")EnableLinkChain(TwoStateCollisionKeyword)elsetrace(self + " Disabling Collision")DisableLinkChain(TwoStateCollisionKeyword)endif myState = 1EndIfEndFunction auto STATE waiting ; waiting to be activatedEVENT onActivate (objectReference triggerRef); Debug.Trace("d2SA RESETS: " + Self + " " + isOpen); switch open state when activatedSetOpen(!isOpen)if (doOnce)gotostate("done")endifendEVENTendState STATE busy; This is the state when I'm busy animatingEVENT onActivate (objectReference triggerRef)if AllowInterrupt == TRUE; send the activation\SetOpen(!isOpen)else; block activationtrace (self + " Busy")endifendEVENTendSTATE STATE doneEVENT onActivate (objectReference triggerRef);Do nothingendEVENTendSTATE function SetOpenNoWait(bool abOpen = true) shouldOpenNext = abOpen StartTimer(0)endFunction event OnTimer(int timerID) SetOpen(shouldOpenNext)endEvent function SetOpen(bool abOpen = true); if busy, wait to finishwhile getState() == "busy"wait(1)endWhile; open/close if necessaryisAnimating = trueif abOpen && !isOpengotoState ("busy")trace(self + " Opening " + openAnim)if AllowInterrupt == TRUE || !Is3DLoaded()playAnimation(openAnim) ; Animate OpenelseplayAnimationandWait(openAnim, openEvent) ; Animate Openendiftrace(self + " Opened") if (InvertCollision == FALSE)trace(self + " Disabling Collision")DisableLinkChain(TwoStateCollisionKeyword)elsetrace(self + " Enabling Collision")EnableLinkChain(TwoStateCollisionKeyword)endif isOpen = truegotoState("waiting")elseif !abOpen && isOpengotoState ("busy")trace(self + " Closing " + closeAnim)if AllowInterrupt == TRUE || !Is3DLoaded()playAnimation(closeAnim)elseplayAnimationandWait(closeAnim, closeEvent) ; Animate Closedendiftrace(self + " Closed") if (InvertCollision == FALSE)trace(self + " Enabling Collision")EnableLinkChain(TwoStateCollisionKeyword)elsetrace(self + " Disabling Collision")DisableLinkChain(TwoStateCollisionKeyword)endif isOpen = falsegotoState("waiting")endifisAnimating = false
  7. ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment Scriptname Fragments:Terminals:TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112 Extends Terminal Hidden Const ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_01 Function Fragment_Terminal_01(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE Grnlight.enable() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_02 Function Fragment_Terminal_02(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE Grnlight.disable() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_03 Function Fragment_Terminal_03(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE NewProperty.enable() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_04 Function Fragment_Terminal_04(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE NewProperty.Disable() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_05 Function Fragment_Terminal_05(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE ArmoryDoor.SetOpen() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_06 Function Fragment_Terminal_06(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE ArmoryDoor.SetOpen(False) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment ObjectReference Property EnableMarkerGreenRoomLights Auto Const ObjectReference Property Grnlight Auto Const ObjectReference Property NewProperty Auto Const ObjectReference Property ArmoryDoor Auto Const
  8. Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4 Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved. Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "Fragments:Terminals:TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112"... C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112.psc(58,23): no viable alternative at input 'stage2' C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112.psc(58,7): Unknown user flag stage2 No output generated for Fragments:Terminals:TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on Fragments:Terminals:TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112 im not sure hway tje stage 2 thing is tho
  9. i have a property linked to the wall (garage door re-skin) as an object reference const
  10. ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment Scriptname Fragments:Terminals:TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112 Extends Terminal Hidden Const ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_01 Function Fragment_Terminal_01(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE Grnlight.enable() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_02 Function Fragment_Terminal_02(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE Grnlight.disable() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_03 Function Fragment_Terminal_03(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE NewProperty.enable() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_04 Function Fragment_Terminal_04(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE NewProperty.Disable() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_05 Function Fragment_Terminal_05(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE ArmoryDoor.IsOpen(true) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_06 Function Fragment_Terminal_06(ObjectReference akTerminalRef) ;BEGIN CODE ArmoryDoor.playAnimation(Anim) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment ObjectReference Property EnableMarkerGreenRoomLights Auto Const ObjectReference Property Grnlight Auto Const ObjectReference Property NewProperty Auto Const ObjectReference Property hiddendoor Auto Const ObjectReference Property ArmoryDoor Auto Const String Property activatedoor Auto Const String Property Anim = stage2 Auto Const
  11. i get this error when attempting to use ArmoryDoor.SetOpen() Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "Fragments:Terminals:TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112"...C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112.psc(39,11): no viable alternative at input '.'C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112.psc(66,23): no viable alternative at input 'stage2'C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112.psc(66,7): Unknown user flag stage2No output generated for Fragments:Terminals:TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on Fragments:Terminals:TERM_UGBGreenRoomTerminal_03015112
  12. Im trying to open a door (Using same script as red rocket garage door) and i can activate it with a button but i wish to use a terminal but cant figure out how to activate the obj ref with a papyrus fragment
  13. Yeah i just need to get some free time, i work 6 days a week 8-5 so i dont get allot of time and yes fallout 4
  14. I make settlement mods mostly and I've been getting allot better at them recently, I'm always learning new tricks and tips from others but I would like to expand into quest mods, I have all the equipment and software to make good quality voice acting but lack the know how to acctualy start. I have dyslexia and find it hard to read text based tutorials and most of the videos online are too hard to follow. Would anyone be able to contact me and give me q little help? Also here's my channel if anyone's curious on my previous work. www.youtube.com/user/ALFARuberDuckNo1
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