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Nexus Mods Profile

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  1. I'm digging the addition of scars and cuts, adds more interest. I'm with throttlekitty on the depth of color you have for the muscle definition/veins. It just seems too forced to me. The contrast between your light and dark for the muscle definition is pretty extreme but maybe that's just me. The feet and hands are good but the design of the legs just seems weird the more i look at this. Since you're using the werewolf legs, they just don't seem like they belong. Again maybe its just me. jsnider had a good idea of making the hands and feet webbed? Maybe that would help. Overall looking good though.
  2. I just stumbled on this thread and figured i'd get my info in here. I've never modded before but I really want to score a job at Bethesda so I figure I'll get my hands dirty. Talent: Modeling Skill level: Mid-High Software: 3dsmax, Sculptris, Zbrush This is my best skill. If you have a concept I can model it to match and be as lean as possible on polys. Talent: Animation Skill Level: Low-Mid Aditional Info: I use 3dsmax(Character Studio) and I desperately want to learn more here. I'm good at rigging but want to dive into anmiation more. I just started setting up a Motion Capture rig with my kinect as well. Talent: Texturing Skill Level: Mid Additional Info: I use Photoshop and Illustrator. Not my strongest skill but I can get the job done. Talent: Scripting Skill Level: Low Additional Info: I can do basic scripting in vbscript/batch/actionscript and wouldn't mind getting my hands dirty here. See my portfolio for examples of my work: www.gosmallorgohome.net Contact method: PM
  3. Now we're talking! Looks much better in perspective, keep at it.
  4. The screen you posted looks like you're working in Orthographic view. Try switching to perspective, hit "P" in your view port, and "O" switches you back to Ortho. Then rerender that bad boy. Also 8k polys for a weapon is pretty significant. I think you can probably get away with it here because its first person and the character isn't on the screen at that point. For those that play 3rd person 8k is a little overkill. I've made entire characters with less than 4k polys. Granted systems these days can handle it but there's no need to waste polys if you don't need to. Keep at it though, this could be a great piece.
  5. This is a great start Nazo! The sword has a great amount of detail in it and the design has a lot of interest to it. I will say that this model looks incredibly poly heavy. I'd highly suggest you reduce the poly count to make it less wasteful on the system resources. You can achieve the same result with all the fine details you crafted into the hilt with a normal map and make the model of those areas flat or at least dramatically fewer polygons. The only other thing I see is that your proportions are off from your concept. It could be just the render itself of the whole sword but it looks like you made the hilt a lot bigger than the blade in comparison to your concept. Overall - good design, good execution, you just need to reduce your poly count but sculpt those fine details into a normal map.
  6. There wereshark looks pretty awesome. Smart to use the werewolf model and just repurpose. It reminds me of the cartoon show "Street Sharks" except he's missing army camo pants, belts stuffed with ammunition, large guns, and a big additude. I agree with throttlekitty that the skin folds just seem off for sharkskin but I'm not entirely sure how else you would pass it off. The texture you have going is great so far. Are you going to add any scarring or any other randomness to it? Maybe have a big fishing hook sticking out of lip or something? The hand or head would be pretty funny but would probably require more animation or physics.
  7. I hope you guys can get this project off the ground, I'm always a sucker for the Paladin role. I haven't found the Vigilants yet in the game but I'm interested in their story line. If you need more modelers I can certainly help you, I'm a trained game artist and I'm looking to get job at Bethesda and what better way than learning their tools. I've never modded before but hopefully with the release of the creation kit that part will be streamlined. Looking forward to your updates.
  8. Thanks for your thoughts Nellspeed! I'm still struggling to get this sucker into the game but I won't give up! I think its Havoc giving me grief, I think I didn't tie a collision mesh to it. We'll see.
  9. Hey Guys, I'm still new to these boards and I'm putting together my first sword to use with my first mod. I'm doing what the wiki states and that is to start small and build up from there. So here is my first two hand sword design in its current state. I'm taking a break for a bit and was just curious to see what you guys think. This is a screen of the concept, base mesh, and the current state of my Zbrush sculpt. I have a lot more planned for the sculpt and the texture. A lot of glowing glyphs running down the blade and dressing up the back cut out, etc. Let me know what you think.
  10. Very impressive! Its awesome to see this guy in the game. Anyway to bump up the emissive map? I would love to see those eyes really shinning. Did you just use the picture supplied as the base diffuse texture? Then just modified it from there? Keep up the great work tatts! I've been struggling to get a sword design of my own into the game. Whenever I add it it just comes up with a yellow exclamation. I'll get it though!
  11. You're doing a great job. The subtle work on the details is awesome and the fact you're doing it by pushing verts around is an even bigger accomplishment. You're doing it a solid way since baking your maps in the app you're working in yields the best results more often than not. So did you save your low poly version to bake your high poly version on to? What maps are you going to include with this? I'm still learning how CS works and what resources they use. I understand the primary ones are diffuse, normal, and specular maps. Do you know if they support like self-illumination and opacity maps? It would be awesome to see the skull have a slight glow to it with a self-illumination map, just a thought! Either way keep at this, its really coming out nicely.
  12. Yea I'm with ya on the studying I've spent almost 4 years studying game art & design but I've never created a mod before. Thats insane that the poly counts can be so high! When I was going through school 10k polys was high for a character let alone a weapon! I suppose thats back in PS2 days, our curriculum was so out dated at times. Anyway thanks for the heads up on the count that is way lower than I would have guessed. Thats the one thing that they never really detail is what are acceptable poly count limits for different objects. What are you planning to sculpt with? You going to use the built in sculpting tools in Blender or you using mudbox or zbrush?
  13. This sword looks sick. Very nice work here tatts! You've captured the shape very well and you've done a great job with the details. I'm just curious what your poly count is? Judging by the amount of detail in the hilt I'd say its pretty high. What is the acceptable poly count for a weapon in Oblivion? I'm new to modding myself and I'm simply curious. Any reason you choose to put those fine details of the hilt in the geometry rather than a normal map? Again I'm just curious. Keep at this, its really looking great!
  14. bobkornog


    Man you guys are quick! I'm glad to see this forum still so active, thats definitely promising. @Pushtaku Thanks for the suggestions I will certainly do that. As me knowing more than you, don't give me too much credit yet. Even though I'm due to graduate I still feel like a 4 year old lost at the mall. Its very overwhelming and competitive field. I just hope I can create something interesting on here. @bben46 Thanks!
  15. bobkornog


    Hello everyone! I'm glad to be apart of this community finally after so many years of lurking. I'm a Game Art & Design student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and I'm really looking to get my hands dirty in modding. I'm due to graduate on June 18th with my BS and I really need to work up a portfolio. My dream job would be to go work for Bethesda Game Studios in Rockville MD because they make my favorite games of all time and they're relatively close to wear I live now. Ever since I took my first steps off the boat in Morrowind I've been hooked and playing their games for years. Skyrim looks incredible!!! I will most likely "fall off the grid" when it comes out, at least for a little while. :) I just recently started watching interviews from Todd Howard, the lead designer/producer of Morrowind, Oblivion, and now Skyrim detailing ways to break into the industry. Creating mods and knowing Bethesda's tools inside and out would be a great thing to add to my resume. That said I've never created a mod before and just recently started working through the offical wiki not too long ago. I hope to start small like moding a piece of equipment with a custom model/texture of my own. If anyone has any particular advice or tutorials they'd like to share that would be much appreciated! Also I'm always very open to working along side a project thats already started as well. I have years of experience in 3DS Max, Zbrush, Photoshop, Topogun, Blender(well with the new 2.56 beta release they've changed everything around so maybe not!), etc. So if anyone needs some help creating 3D models for a mod please ask away and I'll do my best to help out. Please check out my portfolio/blog site to see my workflow and previous work. www.gosmallorgohome.net I don't have anything too terribly impressive in my portfolio yet but hey thats why I'm here! I'd say the model that best reflects my current skillset is Zimiri. Sorry for being a little long winded! Happy modding!
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