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Posts posted by fadingsignal

  1. A few things that may help you narrow this down:


    • Candles are particle emitters. Your INI settings for max particles will affect this.
    • ENB Particle Lights "piggy-back" on the particle emitters. If you have this enabled, and a mesh is emitting an extreme amount of particles already, ENB Lights can cause further performance drops.
    • tl;dr play with your max particle INI settings to see if that helps
  2. In response to post #48334372.

    Sarinia wrote: Another wonderful interview with a fantastic mod author! Fading has added so many amazing mods and while I am really looking forward to trying his latest explosives mod, True Storms will always hold a special place in my heart and my load order. I live in a place with a lot of rain storms almost year round, and the vanilla rain in Skyrim and Fallout 4 were never as realistic as what True Storms achieves.

    I do have to wonder if any of the storm sounds were recorded live as opposed to being artificially created, since there are a few times when a really deep boom of thunder sounded and it actually made my cats react. Normally, even with loud in-game weather, they just ignore it completely.

    Thank you! Yeah with the sounds, I have some FX libraries, naturally recorded sounds, and other bits and pieces (all use 100% cleared and royalty-free) that I mixed and blended with unnatural sources (kick drums with reverb, whips cracking, all sorts of other stuff) to get the sounds how I wanted them. Sound/music was my very very first passion and I have a lot of fun with it.
  3. In response to post #48344192.

    GamerPoets wrote: A good guy who does some awesome work.

    It's funny... close to 2 years ago I was searching for a song to fill the entire length of a very short Lets Roleplay Fallout 3 episode. I came across one that I felt fit perfectly and so I contacted the author to see if he would allow me permission to use the song in the episode. His name was "Vogel"... lol was I surprised when he responded and I learned that by coincidence I stumbled upon FadingSignals work.

    Likewise, bud!
  4. WORKAROUND SOLUTION that is good enough for now:

    • Made songs into _LPM with loop points so the songs loop to cover the potential gap when the timer and sound playback become out of sync (song gets ahead of timer)
    • Using LPM with fast envelope makes the 'tail' of where the loop ends play when stop is initiated, so songs still have a proper ending when Stop() is called, so both the "Tell bard to stop" and the PlayRandom functions that change the song make the current song end nicely using the tail
    • Worst-case scenario, someone spends the entire length of a song in a barter menu they will hear the song loop once before ending properly. They can always tell the bard to play something else for 1 Septim and kick off another song.

    Not 100% perfect, but what ever is in the CK? It should be seamless to the user. :)

  5. tl;dr I need multiple sounds to play back-to-back randomly without getting out of sync w/ script events, that I can also stop at-will.


    This is semi complex so thanks in advance for reading through this! I'm making a completely new bard system with new bards who simply play instrumental songs for a specific duration via a package (early evening into late night.) I am using an hour of full-length classical guitar songs that are selected randomly. The first version was very simple, clean, and works great. Except one fatal flaw, which I cannot seem to work around.


    In order to track when a song ends to select and play another one, I do a RegisterForSingleUpdate for the length of the song in seconds. I thought this was sort of clever. When the OnUpdate happens, I fire off the PlayRandomSong event again, and the bard starts playing another random song from the list (I have an array of the songs and the song lengths to easily pull from.) Songs are just very long sounds, emanating from the bard himself. The player can even tell them to stop playing, or to play a different song. Works great!


    I have the sounds set to use the AudioCategoryPausedDuringMenu sound category, so when the player opens their inventory, containers, or other menus, and the RegisterForSingleUpdate stops counting (this function stops counting when the player has menus open) the music pauses so it stays mostly in sync with that counter. Also works great.


    HOWEVER. When opening a trade/barter menu via dialogue, the game does not register this as a "Menu" like it does the inventory, and does not pause the sound. RegisterForSingleUpdate freezes, but the music keeps going. This makes the two out of sync dramatically, depending on how long you spend in the barter menu. If the song starts playing, and you talk to the innkeeper and spend 30 seconds selling and buying things, the song (since it continues to play) is now 30 seconds ahead of the RegisterForSingleUpdate, so there ends up being a 30 second pause before it properly counts down.


    I tried about 17 different ways to hook into the menus and all that, but without SKSE there are no menu events. Notable workarounds included:

    • There is the PlayAndWait sound function which fires an event when a sound is finished playing, but that method removes all control of the sound (cannot stop it or anything whatsoever once it's going) so that is out of the question, because the player (nor the AI package) can tell the bard to stop playing once a song starts. It'll just emanate from their body til it finishes.
    • I thought of using the WaitMenuMode function, which DOES count down during menu modes to re-start the function each time, but that has no way to cancel like events do, so using it in a recursive way like that is sketchy. Also when requesting a new song, a new WAIT is initiated before the other one finishes, so you end up with multiple Wait events that are beyond control (unless one can cancel wait events?)

    So, I re-made the whole thing using quests and scenes, using action timers in the scene phases under the assumption that those counters continued to run when the player was in a menu. Unfortunately, those too freeze exactly the same way that RegisterForSingleUpdate does, so it's the exact same problem, just with a different implementation.


    I could make a new sound category that pauses the bard music completely during dialogue, but that ruins the atmosphere quite a bit.


    I know this is probably hard to visualize without seeing it, but there are 10 or so components so I can't just paste a snippet of code in. This is more of an architectural problem and lack of supporting functions.


    This is for Skyrim SE so I cannot make use of SKSE functions. If I did, I could check for any menu opening at all and pause the music, but alas, I cannot.


    Cheers and thanks for reading if you made it this far.

  6. I've found NPC's actually spawn at the nearest vertex on the navmesh. So usually, just inserting a vertex right where u want them helps spawn them there.


    You know what, I think you're totally right. I have navcut geometry on top of the cages so NPCs don't mindlessly walk thru them, and I bet that is making them 'snap' outside of it onto the nearest navmesh.


    I had the same issue. It worked for me with placing a patrolidlemarker one the place I wanted them to be. The (Falmer) then spawned at the exact location of the marker, not where I placed them in the ck. Don't know if Xmarkerheadings are the same, and if so why it didn't worked for you.


    I'll try the PatrolIdleMarker to see if there's a difference. It's very possible my problem is related to what Di0nysys pointed out, and my using navcuts in the areas they're spawning.


    Thanks for the replies!

  7. I know nothing about this but can you combine the animal and cage into a single item like the bugs-in-a-jar?


    I thought about that but the problem is animation. They won't idle (chickens pecking, looking around) and that detail really feels great. I mostly solved it for now with a brute-force workaround:

    • OnInit and OnCellAttach I snap them to position
    • OnCellAttach I register for LOS gain/loss from the player to the animals, and snap them into place any time they come into view or leave view
    • OnCellDetach I unregister for the LOS gain/loss

    This ends up working out well. If I wait directly in front of the market, I see the animals move but once I look away and back they're back in the cages. Good enough for now but crazy there isn't a simple solution.

  8. Hey everyone! I made a little market scene with some caged animals, but the problem is that they do not spawn in their actual editor location, and instead keep randomly spawning sprinkled in a little radius around where they are supposed to be, which is 90% of the time outside of the cage. It seems the engine does this by default for "flavor" or something. They do not move whatsoever once they spawn, but they will not spawn precisely where I place them.


    Here is what I have tried to alleviate the problem:

    • Hold package set to Near Editor Location with a radius of 0 -- Result is the same
    • XMarkerHeadings set to patrol with linked refs on the animals - Result is the same
    • No packages at all -- Result is the same
    • Using a script to force position to a marker OnLoad works, but if I wait or do anything else that passes the time, they pop around again! Stop it!

    No matter what I do, the result is the same; the animals are "peppered" randomly around their editor location on cell load, making them mostly outside their cages (or sometimes sticking half way out.) They do not move whatsoever from where they appear, but I cannot get the engine to say "Hey, those literaly editor ID values I specified? Yeah use those please." like one can with objects placed.


    Any help? A travel package unfortunately won't work, since they'll be stuck outside their cages.


    This feels like such a simple thing, I have a hard time believing nobody has tackled it.


    Thanks in advance!

  9. Thank you, that's definitely progress. It didn't appear to work on the Weapon or Armor workbench, only Chem and Cooking, so I registered every single open close event to trap them ALL and narrow down which one it was.


    The weapon and armor use ExamineMenu, so that can be used as an event hook, and then look at keywords and what-not on the bench itself to determine what it is.


    Jesus, what a runaround. You would think they would have had some basic start/stop crafting events.

  10. I ran into an issue with crafting furniture (Armor, Chem Station, etc.) I need to detect when the player stops crafting, but currently cannot do so using standard furniture events, it seems. This simple test script runs perfectly on any other kind of furniture (chairs, beds, even vertibirds, etc.) but the OnExitFurniture event does not fire when this script is run on a crafting bench. The OnInit and OnActivate events DO run.
    If one compiles this code below and adds it to any furniture type, all three events will fire. Put it on a crafting bench, and only the Init/Activate events fire.
    Is this intentional? Are crafting benches not "real" furniture even though they are Furniture records? Is there any other event that can be used to detect when the player exits a crafting bench? I tried to place the furniture using script and then register for remote event, but that did not work either. I grep'd the source code, and It appears there are simply no 'exit' events for crafting benches, which I am hard-pressed to believe is actually true.
    Any help is greatly appreciated. Road-blocked on my progress currently.
    Scriptname ExitFurnitureTest extends ObjectReference
    {Place this in any furniture type to test}
    Int Property placeholder = 1 Auto
    Event OnInit()
    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    ;Fires on all furniture types but crafting benches
    Event OnExitFurniture(ObjectReference akActionRef)


  11. Started around 24-36 hours ago for me, no images on mods created after a certain date display. http://i.imgur.com/kqxq9Uw.jpg


    Specifically, these failing images are throwing 504 errors, and there is a distinct difference in the URL structure between the ones that fail, and the ones that work. I don't know how that's related but worth pointing out I guess ('mods' not present in second url, and images/1151 folders are swapped).


    A thumbnail that works: staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/thumbnails/17180-0-1470527165.jpg


    A thumbnail that doesn't work: staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/thumbnails/30723550-1470955154.jpg

  12. Hi! A large number of the bug reports I've received over the last couple of months appear to be related to the way NMM handles files when mods are stored on a different drive than where the game is installed, or when using Profiles functionality. Even when mods are compact and contain only BA2 archives (no loose files) very often random scripts will not load/run, random assets will not load, etc. when installed with NMM. A manual install always remedies this.

    With loose files, there have also been many instances of 0 byte files written in place of the full files as well.


    I've seen messages about this issue on other mod pages and forums going back to Jan/Feb (ish?), and was wondering if this is something that is a known issue with NMM, or if it's something that is a user-config/system issue. If it's the latter, is there a definitive method to resolving this that I can post up in my sticky notes?


    I hope this isn't one of those broken record issues that has been addressed / discussed already. I don't hang out in the forums a lot! :)


    Thank you!



  13. I posted on the Bethesda.net forums but that place is littered with tons of beginner questions, so I don't think it'll be answered.


    Anyway, I packed my BA2 for True Storms, but none of the sounds play. Scripts load, textures work, but everything is silent.


    Any ideas? For what it's worth, I packed it with the Archive2 tool (I had to, because the CK will not let me include the BGSM files that overwrite vanilla.)



  14. Hey there, Automatron DLC has some shoddy coding that threw my game into an infinite loop, and I need to terminate a thread. However, the tool just crashes when run on my save, no matter what command I try.


    I see you mentioned it has issues after the latest patch, so just throwing in some feedback. Cheers.

  15. As usual, I cannot reproduce this problem, but I'm getting lots of reports (both here and on Bethesda.net) that meshes are suddenly invisible. People can craft tents, but when they're placed they're just not there. Same with my West Tek Goggles, people can't find the new schematic mesh, and if added via console, the goggles are invisible when equipped.


    Does anyone know if there are some INI settings that need to be changed/removed/added/whatever since the 1.5 update? The plugins themselves are apparently active, since people are able to obtain the items via console.



  16. In response to post #37050440.

    eldritch68 wrote: Hi,

    Suddenly none of the preview movies for any of my voicepack pages are loading. They're linked from YouTube.

    For example:


    I use Firefox. Cheers, I know you guys'll sort it out :)

    Yeah it's due to having mixed SSL and non-SSL content on the page. The specific error I see in the network stack is:

    'http://www.youtube.com/embed/0SSnacWFyd8'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
  17. Most AJAX'y things (Posts, Articles, Images, etc. on mod pages) are just showing an E for me. Pages that do a full browser page re-load are fine.


    Specifically, the error when I watch it in Chrome is:




    XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/ajax/comments/?thread_id=3977975&mod_id=11664&randomcode=35823&gid=1151. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://www.nexusmods.com' is therefore not allowed access.



    EDIT II: I just figured it out, links I was coming from were still HTTP and there was no HTTPS re-direct, so any subsequent requests to HTTPS pages were failing. Traffic coming in from search engines / older links without HTTP will run into this issue of course without an https swap but I assume you'll do that once you finalize everything.



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