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Everything posted by YooReFa

  1. Here you go: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20387/?
  2. I mean... there's a "holds holotape" checkbox which lets you play any holotape in the whole game. Or did I get something wrong?
  3. Honestly, if there's a youtube video covering your questions, you're in a very comfortable spot. Especially if there's a video guiding you step by step through the exact thing you want to do. So I'd definitely recommend to go watch a video regarding your NPC based quest. For your radio station: Yes, you are able to add tracks to a radio station (through holotapes and whatnot). As you already learned, radio stations are actually quests with different scenes. You'd have to normally add the scenes (aka tracks) plus value condition (holotape acquired/activated true or not) to your radio station. You can put all of this and much more in one file, no problem. Lastly, http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/ -> files -> add a file.
  4. So, the Scavenging Station has the "WorkshopRatingScavengeGeneral" Actor Value. The "WorkshopParent" Quest makes settlers assigned to an object with the "WorkshopRatingScavengeGeneral" value a scavenger. So far, so great. Then we have the "WorkshopProduceScavenge" LvlList for the possible outcomes. Also great. However, I do not understand where the connection is built here. Where and what is the part that says: If there's a scavenger, generate (two) Item(s) from the "WorkshopProduceScavenge" LvlList?
  5. Geez, thank you so much. Of course I didn't call the function at any point. Was kinda expecting the snippet to work... well, on a tracked stat event and got so fixated on the idea, I changed about anything but that. Again, thanks a bunch! Edit: Another thing: The "List Of Tracked Stats" also has things like "People", "Happiness", "Food", etc. which got me interested. Since this would be for individual settlements, how would I approach this?
  6. Hey guys, to attain a quest stage in the specific way I was looking for, I was happy to find this form (from the creationkit wiki): Function SomeFunction() RegisterForTrackedStatsEvent("Barters", 50) ; Before we can use OnTrackedStatsEvent we must register. EndFunction Event OnTrackedStatsEvent(string asStatFilter, int aiStatValue) if (asStatFilter == "Barters") Debug.Trace("Player has bartered 50 or more times.") endif endEvent I was only going to test it first, but since "Barters" doesn't seem to be a TrackedStat in Fallout4, I changed it to "Locks Picked" for the time being. Also, I changed the "Debug.Trace" -line into "X.SetStage(x)". It didn't work. Debug.Notification didn't either. Nothing works at all. So... what am I doing wrong? :confused:
  7. So, I've altered a few places around the commonwealth; took some pieces, moved and added some. Mostly clutter and such. All good. However, when I revisited such an area after a while, the pieces I removed or moved were back again, while the added ones were there also. After a reboot of the game, everything went back to the altered state. My question is: What went wrong and what can I do to prevent this from happening?
  8. Sums it up pretty well, I guess. I'll queue this idea up while I try not to get too discouraged in the process of learning. :happy: Thank you nonetheless.
  9. I'm stuck on the idea to add a function to permanently and periodically add an X amount of a certain ressource to a settlement's workbench based on it's happiness. For example, on Abernathy Farm, per 7 days, there would have been 8 Tatos put into the workbench if the settlement's happiness was 70, 10 Tatos and 5 fertilizer for anything above. I want this function to run passively, not to be manually activated or renewed from the player in the world. However, this is one of my main problems. Grateful for any hints. Thanks.
  10. Hmm... actually, this might not be too bad at all. I'll probably need about as many as 3 different robe types for my character. Adding them via console command is also fine by me. Sooo... here's a great question! How exactly do I rename those items? :confused: Edit: Nvm, I got it. Thanks for the help!
  11. Hey guys, so I started a new playthrough with some kind of a seducing witch character. To match the optical premise, I searched some tempting gear for my character to put on. The only mod I thought to be fitting was the "a little sexy apparel replacer" (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5564/). However, since this is a replacer, every female NPC from merchant to maid looks like spring break is about to start, which is highly irritating. I don't suppose there is some semi-easy-ish way around it, is there? Thanks.
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