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About ch33s3cak3

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    New Zealand (Aotearoa)

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  1. Okay, so I ended up reinstalling all my mods and it turns out that the culprit was HDT Equipment. I am still testing to see whether I can resolve the issue while continuing to use the mod but if anyone could provide some insight into this issue I would be most grateful.
  2. Already using SPO and uninstalling SMIM makes no difference. But I'll give it a shot anyway
  3. Unfortunately I'm fairly certain that won't fix it. I don't use an ENB and uninstalling mesh and lighting mods made no difference to the framerate. Thanks anyway though.
  4. Apologies for the delay, I have been away from my computer for a few days, I have tried a fresh save, I experienced frame rate drop in Helgen keep and the same issue as before in Dean Man's Respite. I also tried an unmodded save where there were no problems at all. This would imply that it is a mod issue rather than a hardware issue. I really don't want to have to sift through 170+ mods to find out what the problem is but it's looking like my only choice...
  5. As per the OP, Potema's catacombs and Dead Man's Respite are the ones I remember. Dead Man's Respite is easiest since you can go there anytime. Regardless of any changes I make, exiting and re-entering, saving and quitting inside the dungeon the FPS drop is always there and it's always 1-4 FPS. I go outside and it's back up to 60, go in and it drops again. If i open a menu in-game (inventory etc.) then it shoots back up to 60 until I close the menu when it drops again.
  6. Okay, turns out that since this is a new computer, I can't rollback my drivers that far and Nvidia do not allow downloads of drivers older than 344.11. Any suggestions?
  7. Anything you've tried would be helpful in checking whether we have the same issue. Alas, as I do not live in the US, I can't call the number you provided. Edit: Just checked, my driver is 347.25. Would you suggest a rollback?
  8. So I recently bought a new rig, finally got my Skyrim install running stable, graphics at max over 170 mods running at 60 FPS nearly constantly. The problem: in several dungeons (three so far) the first being Potema's catacombs (all cells) and the most recent being Dead Man's Respite I get catastrophic FPS drops. Upon entering the dungeon my FPS will drop suddenly to around 11 FPS then slowly fall to between 1 and 4 FPS. Moving between cells in a dungeon will provide temporary relief, boosting the FPS back up to around 11 before falling again. I have tried uninstalling various mods that seem likely to cause issues in dungeons to no avail. I use LOOT after installing any mods and clean my save regularly. Reducing my graphics settings to minimum has no effect either. I would like to stress that at all other times my FPS is no lower than 50 except in dungeons where a major quest takes place (so far). Specs: Nvidia GTX 970, 3.6GHz quad core i7, 16 gig RAM and a 700W PSU Mod List: (note, some mods NSFW) I use LOOT after installing any mods and clean my save regularly. S
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