So I recently bought a new rig, finally got my Skyrim install running stable, graphics at max over 170 mods running at 60 FPS nearly constantly. The problem: in several dungeons (three so far) the first being Potema's catacombs (all cells) and the most recent being Dead Man's Respite I get catastrophic FPS drops. Upon entering the dungeon my FPS will drop suddenly to around 11 FPS then slowly fall to between 1 and 4 FPS. Moving between cells in a dungeon will provide temporary relief, boosting the FPS back up to around 11 before falling again. I have tried uninstalling various mods that seem likely to cause issues in dungeons to no avail. I use LOOT after installing any mods and clean my save regularly. Reducing my graphics settings to minimum has no effect either. I would like to stress that at all other times my FPS is no lower than 50 except in dungeons where a major quest takes place (so far). Specs: Nvidia GTX 970, 3.6GHz quad core i7, 16 gig RAM and a 700W PSU Mod List: (note, some mods NSFW) I use LOOT after installing any mods and clean my save regularly. S