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Everything posted by CausticRKS

  1. Handies from the Automatron DLC that are ordered to do certain tasks in a settlement don't have the cutting and snipping animation that the Vanilla Greygarden handies do when gardening plants. This animation would work great with both gardening and scavenging. I would do it myself if I knew where in the Creation Kit the files would be to replace it or add it to their list of animations. I will probably do more looking around myself if I find the time, but if someone else can give me a good starting point, that would be great! :)
  2. UPDATE: If it says Greyscale... There is a very high chance it isn't being used as a greyscale image. I was able to change the color no problem saving the image under the greyscale filepath as a color other than red. So deceptive.
  3. I can't seem to find the color information for the automatic laser barrel's red beam. Looking in nifskope, everything seems to suggest that it's greyscaled, but clearly that isn't true. How do I change this? I checked vertex colors and I didn't find any color options set at any obvious red value either. I'm obviously looking in the wrong place.
  4. I dunno, as a sandbox game, this just seems like something that should be in the fallout games. Experimental weaponry and whathaveyou...
  5. I honestly don't know anything about scripting or if the NVSE or vanilla scripts are capable of this, but couldn't you just basically run a check on the impact data? In other words, if said NPC is hit, check for that. If yes, cause grenade explosion at said impact NIF's surface normal? Seems logical to me... but I'm not a programmer. :P
  6. http://youtu.be/T4I0Yt_k9VA I was working on a questmod that was space themed. Abandoned it because I want to make higher quality assets for the next fallout game. :D
  7. I can't seem to find any, and don't know which mods have them. If there are some pretty decent mods that do this, direct me to them! The idea would be to have them work like the throwing axe. Where the art asset "sticks" to whatever part of the body they hit. I want to create a grenade launcher that shoots timed grenades that do this. I have a little Geck experience, but to my knowledge you'd need to do some serious scripting to make this possible.
  8. It seems The Cloud in dead money still alters color and brightness information when you're inside it, even with ENB settings active.. Is it possible to add scripts to night vision consumables, with similar information? The script could turn the effect off when the consumable wears off. Just like when you enter/leave the cloud. How come nobody has done this?
  9. Not a single reply? Oh man... This issue is doomed and will never be solved. This sucks.
  10. I've actually been experiencing this problem for years. No updates or fixes have been made and it turns out I'm not the only one having this issue. Before you reply, I would just like to say that the following are NOT an issue: It's not because of mods, or console commands, or a corrupted BSA, and I've reinstalled New Vegas, verified integrity, etc, and the problem remains. The most I've figured out is that at some point during my playthrough, something gets corrupted and the player voice will no longer function during power attacks. If I save when this happens, and I'm not aware, that savegame is permanently corrupted. There seems to be no way to fix this, and the only solution I've found is to load a previous save where I could recall it working. This seems to be an issue within the engine. Is it possible that a mod could be created to mute/unmute the player voice on command?
  11. This seems to be some sort of weird savegame corruption. I have to go back to an earlier save every time. I never figured it out.
  12. In the super duper mart there are these warehouse support beams the ceiling lights are attached to, what is the ID for those support beams in the geck? I'm almost certain they are separate from the typical dungeon assets used for the super duper mart. I COULD download the Fallout 3 geck and look myself, but I don't really feel like loading it on my machine right now. I'm modding for New Vegas.
  13. I've always clicked no. Nearly all of the scripts in FNVedit that were marked have only been browsed through. Never once did I say yes to saving anything. So I don't know what the issue was there. Either way, I figured it out.
  14. I figured it out if anyone cares. I had the exact same issue.
  15. Nevermind. I figured it out. Unfortunately, no matter what... If you’ve viewed a script in the GECK, it thinks you touched it. So when you save your mod after browsing the hundreds of scripts in the game you can use, all of those get marked as altered in some form, which confuses the game. AND THAT’S STUPID! I deleted all the conflicting scripts in FNVedit and now everything is fine! This is why the only scripts I use are ones I created my own ID for. But apparently that's not good enough for the GECK. I really hope the next Fallout game has a better mod kit.
  16. Regardless of load order or which mods are loaded with/without it... I've narrowed it down to find it was MY mod causing two NPCs, Oliver Swanick and Vulpes to not spawn. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to sniff out this information in FNVedit and fix it. I don't recall touching anything related to Oliver Swanick or Vulpes or even fiddling with scripts. I never save anything in the GECK that I haven't created a new ID for, so I'm confused as to why NPCs are being affected when I simply have not touched them. If I did somehow, I have no idea where to look in FNVedit.
  17. An ambitious mod project the size of a DLC. I've been working on it for a few years now.
  18. Yes, I believe you can. But in my case, no. :( Because it isn't the right kind of terrain for the environment I'm working on.
  19. Ohhh alrightttt. *grumbles* but how am I supposed to really understand the sense of scale I'm working in with the heightmap?
  20. Having a bunch of static meshes doesn't seem feasible. For a small worldspace, sure you might get away with it, but for something as large as the Mojave, or even half as large, is there another way of adding terrain that doesn't involve using the heightmap editor? Yeah, there are proper ways to use it, but let's face it that thing is broken. Far too unstable for me to have the patience to fiddle with. If there's no other way, what are some steps I can take to make sure a heightmap created within the editor will work? Preferably without screwing with all that RAW image nonsense. Also, I feel like there is no sense of scale whatsoever working in the heightmap editor.... am I missing something here?
  21. Mmmm. No. Try sculptris, because it is free. However it doesn't really have the amount of tools zbrush and mudbox do. If that doesn't work you just need a better machine. Also... you should just always go NVIDIA. :P With ATI cards you're just looking for trouble.
  22. In Creation Kit I've messed with the spell list, giving my new NPC both Destruction and Conjuration spells, yet it refuses to use any offensive spells but fireballs most of the time. I've created a new combat style for the NPC, but nothing in there says anything about increasing how often an NPC will summon creatures.
  23. I sure am! I think it'll look and work out much better on an updated engine. So let us all hope Fallout 4 happens!
  24. I'm bumping this up to the top since it's possible someone has found a way to do this, but I doubt it! If not, someone needs to give it a try!
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