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Everything posted by Tropelicious

  1. you....... YOU are the light of my life. I've been tearing my hair out for DAYS trying to fix this for a third time in two years, and now it works! Thank you, it worked swimmingly, and i'm now converting and adding a new version too and i am screenshotting your reply so that i never lose the method. Thank you so much, you'll be mentioned in the mod description, you've been amazing!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  2. Hi, I'm the author of the kurbits vallaslin mod, which was made before the amazing Frosty tool suite. However, after days of having viewed many tutorials and modding forums, I can't seem to make the textures work with Frosty. The last time i did this (2016/17 in Daimods) it required a .DDS file and a special plugin to properly compress the textures for them to show up in game. Now PNG and TGA files are available and i'm honestly at a loss, as nothing shows up when i use those as well. Since vallaslins are stored in the color channels in the image format, other texture tutorials which edit face or clothing textures don't really apply (to my knowledge). I would love to convert my mods to frosty and add a 4K resolution option to them too, but honestly i've been out of the modding game for like 5 years now and i'm very lost at the moment. I understand the modmanager and the loading order of mods, so at least that's something. Does anyone out here know how to mod the vallaslin-textures, which image-format to use and how they should be handled/compressed? Or perhaps there's a tutorial i've not seen yet that someone could point me to? Again, those only talking about face textures and clothing don't really work for me, as they don't cover the us of RGBA channels. Thanks so much, Tropelicious/Suveraen
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