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Posts posted by RufiohMagnusSeptim

  1. In my modded Skyrim SE, whenever my character uses a magic staff of any kind, it unequips his armor/clothes. Even when I sheath the staff, this will unequip my armor/clothes. I don't really use staff's so this issue was something I would just ignore. But recently I have found a powerful staff I would like to use. I've searched all over the internet to find out if someone has had similar issues, but none has shown up. This problem doesn't effect the npc's, only me.

  2. Does anyone have a guide on how to download it? I'm stumped. I'm pretty good with basic modding but anything beyond a simple click and download I get really confused. I've downloaded SOS to vortex, it shows up as being installed and active but it does not show up in my game and I cannot edit it using racemenu. I am also currently using tempered skin for males. I've tried everything but I cant seem to get it to work...



    2 MB means 2 million bytes of data (size of a mod)

    2 MB/s means 2 million bytes per second (download speed)



    Again, it comes down to not reading carefully what a website says ....

    More and more people are too lazy to actually read, they just quickly glance over any text ...

    I guess that is just a thing nowadays ...

    To be fair to a lot of people, a ton of people are dyslexic and don't even know they are. I wouldn't say it all comes down to laziness though.


    Yeah ....

    I keep forgetting that that is a thing ...


    I'm not dyslexic but I do have dyscalculia, which is basically the math equivalent of dyslexia. I have issues understanding number related concepts, doing math problems and completing calculations. It used to be worse when I was younger but now that I am an adult I like to think I've gotten better, but sometimes I get confused by what I see or just make blatant mistakes. Not a big excuse for what happened when I looked at the mods, but it kind of explains why it may have went over my head so easily. I have been downloading mods for years so I usually just remember how everything works, its been a while since I've played skyrim though and I think I just forgot some key stuff I used to have memorized.


    When I wen't on their website to look at mods, they did not say that. Even when I clicked on the option to pay for a subscription, they did not say that. In fact, they didnt give me any concrete information on what the subscription would give me exactly. It is my bad for not knowing what that meant, I admit, but then again how they worded it was still misleading.

    I don't know when you last checked, but they most definitely explain what you get when you subscribe, as found here with the 1 month subscription. Is it the best description? No. But it does adaquately explain what you get when you subscribe.


    Thanks for sending me this link. I definitely did NOT see this description at all when I clicked initially. This explained it adequately but what I saw did not. I admit, I was ignorant of what "2mb" meant and assumed that it meant I could not download a mod larger than 2mb, that was my fault because I was judging it at face value. The first thing I saw looked to have been something explicitly telling me I could not download it. I was wrong though, obviously.


    If this feature is essentially only making download time faster/better... why didn't they simply say that???

    They did say that. It's not their fault you don't know what 2MBS (which really should be written 2MB/s, but meh) means.


    When I wen't on their website to look at mods, they did not say that. Even when I clicked on the option to pay for a subscription, they did not say that. In fact, they didnt give me any concrete information on what the subscription would give me exactly. It is my bad for not knowing what that meant, I admit, but then again how they worded it was still misleading.

  6. The majority of users here has no "permium account".

    You can totally download mods, use the forums without having a premium account.


    It is optional, if you like faster downloads and other benefits but it is not required to pay anything.


    Let me repeat this:




    The 2mb/s thing is a speed limit, not a size limit!

    So you can download large mods, but only at 2 MegaByte per second speed.



    And people can upload whatever mods the like here. As far as I know, for a mod to be able to be sold through the Creation Club, it needs to be "approved" first or something like that.

    If this feature is essentially only making download time faster/better... why didn't they simply say that??? They make it sound as if people HAVE to subscribe to a premium membership in order to download large mods. That is a bit misleading for people seeing it for the first time, Iv'e seen plenty of people who thought the same as me. They should make that a bit more clear, instead of leading people on to believe they have no choice & need to get a monthly subscription in order to download large mods.


    "Nexus Mods offers mods freely. We do not require our users to pay for a subscription. We have a large number of users who have never paid anything. Nexus Mods earns enough money to support itself."


    But every two seconds they have annoying pop-up ads urging people to pay for a monthly subscription in order to download mods over 2mb....What blatant liars. Doesn't matter if they said this two years ago, I thought they earned enough money to support themselves? What happened between then and now?

    A website is not something you pay for once.

    There are lots of re-occuring costs, like getting a conection with the needed bandwidth, upgrading / replacing hardware, ...


    If the pop-ups bother you, just ignore them ...


    It's not like they actually stop you from downloading mods.


    Pop-ups can be ignored, that is true, but its not being able to download mods over 2mb that annoys me.


    "Downloads for non-premium members are capped at 2MB/s"


    "Nexus Mods offers mods freely. We do not require our users to pay for a subscription. We have a large number of users who have never paid anything. Nexus Mods earns enough money to support itself."


    But every two seconds they have annoying pop-up ads urging people to pay for a monthly subscription in order to download mods over 2mb....What blatant liars. Doesn't matter if they said this two years ago, I thought they earned enough money to support themselves? What happened between then and now?

    More users, more bandwidth, more mods, more storage, etc. All of which costs more money.


    If you want to get rid of the pop-ups, my suggestion would be to pay money and support the site. It's a very reasonable cost and definitely worth it.


    I have more so an issue with their lack of integrity and honesty; they boast on how their site is free to use and how they are more than able to support themselves, yet later on they're on their way to becoming like Bethesda's Creation Club. The prices are reasonable, which is why I am considering getting it. But this seems like only the beginning, as if they are testing to see how far they can go and how much they can get away with before they raise prices etc


    The whole point of me preferring Nexus over creation club was because I could get quality mods without having to pay (unless I CHOSE to donate and support mod creators, something I have no issue with). Idk, this seems kinda slimy to me how they took a complete 180 from what they previously said.

  9. "Nexus Mods offers mods freely. We do not require our users to pay for a subscription. We have a large number of users who have never paid anything. Nexus Mods earns enough money to support itself."


    But every two seconds they have annoying pop-up ads urging people to pay for a monthly subscription in order to download mods over 2mb....What blatant liars. Doesn't matter if they said this two years ago, I thought they earned enough money to support themselves? What happened between then and now?

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