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About marcussims67

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    United States
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    FNV and Skyrim

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  1. that happened to me once, i married someone but when i arranged the marriage ceremony and waited for the next day, the church is empty but when i reloaded a save then redid all that stuff it worked fine, maybe you can read something about that in here (try under bugs section) http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Marriage
  2. you cant just add armor in her inventory unlike in GECK or Oblivion Creation Kit, you have to make a new "outfit list" with all the stuff you want her to wear in that list, then go to inventory in the character tab and scroll down and add the list you made, you can probably find some tutorials in youtube or some blogs
  3. that's a pretty long mod list, did you try playing without mods? too see if anyone of those mods conflict? and it one of them does, then all you need to do is deactivate them one by one and then test in-game then deactivate one more then test in-game, repeat until you find the conflicting one
  4. you can make a new race that is almost exactly the same are the one you like then use a custom body model and texture you want for that race, then switch to that race in-game
  5. i might not fully understand what your asking but if your question is if its possible to cure vampirism because towns are attacking you because your a vampire then yes, it is, just read this http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Vampirism_(Skyrim)#Curing_vampirism just scroll down and you will see the instructions on curing vampirism for skyrim if that's not your question then i suggest you give more details to clarify the situation this is especially the part the confuses me "is ther any possible to dispose vampire forces?" you mean kill enemy vampires?
  6. my character is named as myself, i like to think that my character is me playing skyrim on PC and got magically sucked in the game
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AeLuw2Lm1Y i dont know if that works though
  8. https://www.google.com.ph/search?hl=en&safe=off&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=how+to+make+.exe+installer&btnK=
  9. i just remembered that Daedric Princes can change forms or gender like Sanguine did in the drinking contest, so i think its possible that Molag Bal transformed into a girl when he did Harkon's ritual, or its possible that Molag ordered Harkon to raep 100 women for him to grant Harkon pure blood vampirism or something like that and i just realized that Molag Bal has STD that grants you Pure Blood Vampire powers 0__o i never quite understood what or how things happened with Vivec and Molag, did Vivec get raeped by Molag or the other way around? and what was Molag's form when they did this? male or female form? and i found this page here, it seems legit but its really funny if you get what it means http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:36_Lessons_of_Vivec,_Sermon_14
  10. hybrid races have happened in TES lore, some Aldmer kept humans as slaves and sometimes impregnated their female human slaves which led to the creation of the Breton race, so an Orc/Dark Elf race is possible
  11. *WARNING* (this thread may contain subjects and themes that are inappropriate for people below 18 years of age, if you are 17 years old and below please leave this thread) anyone know the exact details of how Serana and her mother became a vampire? I've heard in-game dialogue and read wiki and all i know is that females who wants to become a pure blood vampire offered themselves to Molag Bal and we know what Molag Bal is, the king of rape and asking Serana about leads to her telling you that she'd rather not talk about it because it was degrading and not really a wholesome family activity, so do you think in order to become a pure blood vampire a female have to be raeped by Molag Bal? and how do males (most notably her Father) become a pure blood vampire? i don't have much details on that
  12. well, i wouldn't want to marry her after what Molag Bal The King of Rape did to her "pussy-cat" but she is beautiful compared to other non-modded NPCs
  13. yes, i wanted this too, i mean no matter how bad a weapon's condition is its still using the same ammo, the damage should not change, i think only accuracy will get worse and jam more frequently, probably not the case for energy weapons tho, like when a laser rifle's lense get misaligned the laser should be less focused and should probably cause less damage and accuracy
  14. @Terralventhe there's a reason why FNV is not on the list and FO3 is, because FNV did not introduce anything revolutionary or anything unique, FO3 on the other hand had great atmosphere, map design (except for the repetitive and annoying subways), great lighting, immersion, music and decent mix of both RPG and FPS elements. FNV however is merely just a big FO3 expansion with less a immersive atmosphere and map design, horrible interior lighting but FNV's amount of weapons, iron sights, combat oriented gameplay is pretty fun too, eh, but its just my opinion, no one's forcing anyone to like what they like strangely though, i play FNV more than FO3 nowadays because most new mods are now for FNV
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