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Everything posted by kellerkat
Now SKSE is here I'd love to have a journal mod again, Skyrim just isn't the same without it.
The leather AI outfit Addison and others on the Nexus wear. Or even the coma outfit just for a bit of variety.
Sorry to say it but I'm glad it's not just me. I had some success with DownloadThemAll it takes a long time but it does work.
Anyone else still have a problem with downloads not finishing?
I've followed a tutorial to create a party member and in the CK it all seems okay but when I load the game and go to where I inserted him he's not there. I think I'm missing a step somewhere. I created him in Actors added Relationship and inserted him in the Bannered Mare then saved. The mod is ticked so it is loading but the npc isn't in the game, help?
Suggestions for a female Hunter/Rogue Armour to use in my mod?
kellerkat replied to samv96UK's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm not the modder but I do like the style of this leather/fur outfit and I have seen a retexture so they're probably open to it being used. Leatherbound Huntress -
Cicero - Did you kill him or let him live?
kellerkat replied to Cynster's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
He got to live only because Lucien kept insisting it was what mom&pop wanted. I would have happily killed him for attacking the rest of the Brotherhood. -
Killing the dragon outside Whiterun will cause dragons to spawn throughout the game don't do the Jarl's quest and the game stays dragon free.
here Is there a mod that will let you name the horses you buy? I can name them in my head but it's not the same.
That's what I did, my TG non-dovakiin was shipwrecked and needed some quick cash (she was also on the run from her homeland and had to keep a low profile, that one went nowhere without a hood) and I had a bored vampire join the DB. Without the main quest demanding some sort of hero to answer the call it's easier to build characters who will follow the darker storylines. Like most of the guilds the DB has questionable quests but once the prerequisites are out of the way you can pretty much ignore them.
I've always wanted a converted inn where I could dump my companions, they could relax and I wouldn't have to go all over the map just to recruit them again. I don't know of a mod that let's us re-assign their homebase but I still like the idea of having somewhere with plenty of bedrooms. More like the Windhelm and Solitude inns in design than the dirt poor village looking ones. The bar converted into a living library/magic crafting area with the forge etc outside. And a stable!
I love how the draped scarf looks but I'm indifferent to the hood so I definitely want this mod.
Beth played well the first meeting with Stormcloack's head. Instead with the Imperials you get 1. Death penalty because you look the type who doesnt likes their head attached to their body. And when meeting Tullius 2. "I dont give a f. about this place. Fo' teh emprah!" Even playing a pro-imperial Khajiit, i find hard to not to get the f. out of there and run to Windhelm. Though at the end of the campaign i dunno what to make out of Tullius words. "Its what they wanted" ? I played a quest that explicitly stated that its NOT what "they" wanted... It may be just bad writing (or miscommunication between the main quest team and the civil war quest team), since its cool to make think the player he made a bad call and all that, but its hard to think that when you have proof that "they" want to prevent both sides from winning so the war doesnt ends anytime soon. Maybe Tullius is just mis informed, though i'm leaning to that its just an oversight from the writers, which would be on par with Beth's usual writing. Or it's what Tullis, an imperial general, honestly believes but you as a player know is wrong. It would have been nice to be able to point this out either when he says it or after his death to Ulfric so not to ruin the scene's pace. I agree it feels like a developers' oversight not being able to say anything.
To me it seems Ulfric is at best apathetic and at worse manipulative when it comes to anyone who's not pro rebellion. By which I mean he just doesn't care, you're either with him or against him. For him Skyrim for the nords! is a political statement, it means the Empire should keep it's nose, and bribes, out of how Skyrim is ruled. Unfortunately this sort of sentiment attracts people who are genuinely racist. Ulfric lets the racist elements of his army continue unchecked because taking a stand against it will lose him more soldiers than it could possibly gain. I really wanted to ask Ulfric about the Butcher and the Grey Quarter, his response would have revealed a lot about him, but alas all his dialogue is civil war focused. As the duel is an old nordic tradition as is the use of the thu'um and the fact no-one says Ulfric using it was wrong/cheating I have to conclude he was perfectly in his rights to use a Shout while fighting Torygg. To me it seems like an unfair advantage, it's wrong to take something taught to you by pacifist monks, while training to be one of those monks, and use it as a weapon but it's not presented that way ingame. The jarl of Whiterun says it outright- the duel with Torygg demonstrates Ulfirc's personal prowess (strong warrior and possessing the legacy of the ancient kings) and the assault on Whiterun demonstrates the strength of the Stormcloak army. I'm of the opinion that the Thalmor did break him during the Great War and that's the demon that drives Ulfric to want to become high king. He wants to destroy that which destroyed him. And as the empire are conceding to the Dominion they too are the enemy unless they change their passive stance.
Elissa's family were travelling 'snake oil'' merchants when in small village in Cryodill she met and fell in love with the local blacksmith. She was young to get married by modern standards 15 or so but she got married with her parents' blessing and that's pretty much the last she heard from them except for the occasional letter or package. Elissa developed uncontrollable bursts of mana and being a nord she struggled to accept her magic talent, her husband had even more difficulty especially when it lead to the village to consider her dangerous and shun her. Everything came to a head when he discovered she was using magic to prevent pregnancy. He beat her bloody and kicked her out. Emotions out of control, trying to heal herself and reason with her husband, she magically torched several houses. Furious and scared the villagers drove her out of town. Desperately needing money she sold her jewellery for much less than it was worth to a khajiit merchant caravan. Knowing she needed to learn how to control her magic and wanting to get far away she decided to go to the College of Winterhold. She begged the khajiits and they agreed to drop her off near the Skyrim boarder where she got caught up in Ulfric's mess. I have a mod that makes Tolfdir archmage so in my head canon Elissa is like a journeyman of the college freeing her up for the dragonborn quests and supporting the Stormcloak cause even though she has reservations about the man himself. I'm doing a bit of world building with my toons so while Elissa is the dragonborn I also have a dark elf vampire in the brotherhood and a khajiit in the thieves guild but as average joes thanks to another mod.
Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod
kellerkat replied to tomhughes's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Probably but I've just read through 18 pages so I'm giving my thoughts anyway. The dragons need a reason to join up and with their natures it needs to be selfish and self-serving. I'm not sure what the lore is regarding dragon eggs but them not hatching, maybe being stolen or something else happening that requires investigating in a way that dragons can't would work. I think the mod needs to avoid the main quest as much as possible so people who have finished the main parts of the game can still play it but ambassadors could still try to curry favour depending on who won or all of them if the civil war is still going on. Random ideas- Ulfric donates history books he's kept from his time as a greybeard initiate, the Empire send a Septim relic, the Dominion an armoury or something equally big and impressive. As for the riders (npcs not the PC) I don't like the idea of them being dragonborn but why couldn't they learn how to say the words but lack the power of them? While mounted, for example, they can yell Yol Toor Shul and the dragon breathes fire. The only Shout that imo they really need to learn is Dragonrend and it can be argued that it's easier to learn as it's not a dragon word at all. The rider's, including the PC's, shouts could be based on the enchanted metre and meditating could increase their power. While I don't think the greybeards would try to stop the dragoborn from forming what is essentially a dragon army I can't see them supporting it either. As for the Blades it would take a change of leadership for them to change their All-Dragons-Must-Die stance.