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Everything posted by KimChiBenny0

  1. Hey areal53 - I can offer some answers, but not all of them. First, the 0.15 (I'm going to use American notation). When you do the math, 0.15^0.365 = 0.500349315.... so they basically just pulled it out of the equation and truncated it for simplicity I suppose. So the original equation now becomes damage coeff = (damage/DR)^0.365 * 0.5. Now why the exponent changes to 0.366, I have no idea. It seems strange and arbitrary, I can't find any mathematical reason to support it. I'd like to say its a typo, but it happens so often that it can't be the case. The only thing I can suggest is to do some experimentation in the game and see how much damage you take with various weapons and various armors and see which one seems to correlate better. I hope that helps at least somewhat. Good luck with your modding!
  2. Audio files are local. Should be packed in a .ba2 file and placed with all the other assets like meshes and stuff. So in the Fallout 76 Data folder you'll see all the ba2 archives, and SeventySix-sounds01/02.ba2 are at least two of the files of interest. Good luck!
  3. @Thuggysmurf - I ran into a similar problem so have hit a brick wall. Currently edits to the esm file cause the server to disconnect. I also suspect that esp files are just explicitly being ignored for the time being, but I could be wrong. As far as I can tell, you can make changes to assets like graphics/audio, but not to the guts per se found in the esm file.
  4. @kukipett - I'm not totally sure banned is worse than disconnected. @UlitihiumDragon - A script extender is a little beyond the scope of such a small thing, but who knows? And there are definitely mods that make changes to graphical assets, but I haven't seen anyone that was able to edit the .esm file which does hold a lot of the rules of gameplay. Or at least anyone who will talk about it. I wasn't sure how "trusting" the servers were when it came to client-side changes, but it does appear that they at least checksum the main .esm file. I'm not sure how much the server side interacts with the esm file; I suspect it leaves a lot of the rule grinding to the client. But such is life. People smarter than me are hopefully making better progress, and honestly I'm not sure if I'll be interested in modding Fallout 76 when it finally opens to modders. I guess we'll see how dim the future really is for mods and private servers.
  5. Oddly enough your ammo request is the first mod I'm trying to ram through. So far it doesn't look so good. I can solve the problem in my local file, but the server won't let me use it. So I guess we'll see when, if it ever gets better. Honestly I might not be playing long enough to get to mod support.
  6. In an effort to create my first Fallout 76 mod I decided to go straight to the source and edit the SeventySix.esm file directly since all the indirect approaches seemed to be failing miserably. For my purposes I was testing if I could make ammunition sellable since I was tired of just throwing it away. I found that in Fallout 76 they added a flag to ammunition that makes it unsellable. So I went about removing that flag and fixing up the file so it wouldn't have any errors. I managed to get the esm to load and boot the game, however once I selected a character and tried to join a world, the countdown would hit zero and I would be disconnected by the server. I am curious - has anyone else managed to make more progress than I have? Can you get into a world with a modified esm file? If so, what was your trick? My best guess is that they do a quick checksum on the esm file and if it doesn't match they assume it's either corrupt or been hacked and then won't let it load any further. I'm not sure how to get around that if that is in fact the case. It might be something simpler that can be bypassed, in which case I'm all ears if anyone has managed to get a modified esm file to work. Any thoughts or paths forward would be much appreciated. And good luck getting more mods working before official support turns on in like a billion years.
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