Hey areal53 - I can offer some answers, but not all of them. First, the 0.15 (I'm going to use American notation). When you do the math, 0.15^0.365 = 0.500349315.... so they basically just pulled it out of the equation and truncated it for simplicity I suppose. So the original equation now becomes damage coeff = (damage/DR)^0.365 * 0.5. Now why the exponent changes to 0.366, I have no idea. It seems strange and arbitrary, I can't find any mathematical reason to support it. I'd like to say its a typo, but it happens so often that it can't be the case. The only thing I can suggest is to do some experimentation in the game and see how much damage you take with various weapons and various armors and see which one seems to correlate better. I hope that helps at least somewhat. Good luck with your modding!