One recurring theme that I love about player home mods is that there's always a trophy room. A large room dedicated to displaying all the unique weapons, armors, and artifacts in the game. And they're always organized so well. Dragon claws go on this wall, daedric artifacts go on that table, mannequins over here, etc. But quite often, the center piece of these rooms is always the dragon priest masks. Why though? Out of all the unique and powerful relics you have in this room, why are the dragon priest masks the ones in the center? Why are they treated as the most significant trophies you've collected? They're really not that special. Hell, the daedric artifacts are more significant than them. I think it's because the main premise of Skyrim revolves around dragons. So of course it would make sense for the masks worn by dragon priests to be the most important items in the room. But you know what's more important? You know what SHOULD be the center piece of every trophy room? THE f*#@ING ELDER SCROLLS! I mean for Christ sake, people. It's the name of the series. The elder scrolls are the absolute most ancient, most mysterious, and most powerful artifacts on the whole planet of Nirn. Their existence transcends the divines themselves. No one, not even the greatest scholar in Tamriel, can decipher their true origin. If ever there was an artifact that deserves to be the center of attention in a trophy room, it would be the elder scrolls. But more often that not I find that in player home mods the elder scrolls aren't even included in the trophy rooms. You know where these mod makers prefer to put them? In the library, completed unguarded. Just sitting there on the wall for any thief to break in and take. One mod even has the elder scrolls displayed RIGHT NEXT TO THE FRONT DOOR! Anyone could just walk right in and take them. It really breaks the immersion. You know what I think would make more sense? Put whatever you want in the trophy room, but the elder scrolls deserve to be locked away within a secure vault deep beneath the house which can only be accessed by a secret door. Now that is immersive. That makes sense. Because let's be honest. If you had the most powerful artifact in the world, where would you put it? On the wall over the fireplace, or in a secret chamber that not even Batman could break into?