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About ArchAngelAlien

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  1. Hey, guys! Sorry to be a bother. I just need a little help with my load order. I've taken a week installing the mods for Fallout 4 I desire. I don't plan to alter them in any way or add any more. This is the list I am happy with and want to use it for a full playthrough. I've used Loot, and it does order things around a bit. The only issue I have experienced is CTD when in combat? For example, I pull a gun and shoot or shoot another human character, the game crashes. Load Order: So far it's been extremely stable, with little isues. The CTD happens randomly in gun-play. For example in Diamond City, pulling a gun and shooting somebody in the head. Instant CTD< every time. Not sure why? I appreciate any and all help. :)
  2. Recognized Plugins: I've cleaned WTF, as it had about 4 dirty edits. Here is my install order for overwrites: Pic 1:
  3. Since I am running my old Nvidia card, and people say not even to use the bethesda high res dlc with 1.5 vram, I am going to disable all my texture mods and see if it's stable. My exchange won't be here for a week or so. So that will be a good test to see if my load order is actually stable and I am just not crashing by overloading my Vram. GPUZ says I am capping my Vram just inside dungeons, outside it sits at max. So I assume it's my Vram causing the issues. Also running about 15 highly Vram intensive mods inside my combiner, including SFO punish your system. I am going to post my mods, and BOSS order for you to look at as this is my final build. The only thing lacking in this provided information is my texture mods, which I will sort out myself later when I get my video card exchange back and I can post them later after some testing. For now I am just going to not use any texture mods. If I get good results, I will try the official bethesda texture packs with this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9080#content The only texture mod I have installed for use is W.A.T.E.R as I use it's compatibility with RND, I don't think it should be an issue. <p>SKSE Plugins: <p>SKSE Version: CFM_extensions.dll SKSE_Elys_Uncapper.dll Version: Unrecognized Plugins: dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp / - Enhanced Blood's Dawnguard file for compatibility RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp Active / - Realistic Needs and Diseases Dragonborn Comp Patch Even Smaller Spell Light Radius- 65%.esp Active / - Spells GIve Off Light ESP KWTelescope.esp Active / -Guess the Distance's ESP I reinstalled the latest version of SKSE and Wyre Bash. I was able to patch with Wyre Bash flawlessly, and my bashed patch was made with no difficulty. I am also using automatic variants, but only the 3 suggested packages from the main site. Will post my boss order below.
  4. So I had to return my video cards, when running them in crossfire I got weird artifacts on screen and something wasn't right, so I have returned them for a exchange. Using my old 1.5 video card atm, I am finding myself CTDing often once more with my new build. I built a texture pack with the texture pack combined, and it basically assured me that it's all compatible and won't crash my game. Running my mods I have now after some extensive trimming, and got about 3 CTDS and 2 freezes with 3 hours. I am not sure if it's the Vram, it very well could be. My sensors indicate it's capped at memory usage. But I am not sure if a VRAM issue would cause it to freeze, or just crash. Alot of people said it will just cause slow downs, but won't crash their game. Can't get a straight answer. I know my current video card cannot handle the texture mods I have installed. I used nearly every file possible with the texture pack combiner. Even though my game looks different, there is one thing that always remains the same. I can't play the game for a few hours straight, without a crash or freeze still to this day.
  5. If it is working as intended I don't mind. I just figured they were needed to make the batch patch correctly? No? I have decided to overhaul my texture mods and use Texture Pack Combiner, I think it's compatible with Mod Organizer as long as I use it's executable through MO. This will allow me to just have 1 simple file for my textures, instead of 25. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20801#content Actually it doesn't matter where it's executed at. So I figured it out. Going to take a few hours to get all these texture packs merged. I used a texture pack or two that automatic variants use, so I don't think I will be using Automatic variants as I am happy with just a simple texture mod.
  6. I installed 302.1 and got these display messages for some files. "Plugin is missing String Localization files. Master File. Active in load list." http://i.imgur.com/xENyGgg.png I ignored it and tried to patch, and it worked. Did I need those files present for it to patch correctly?
  7. Well I decided to try out some patches and see what happens till I can get an official fix later. When trying to run Wyre Bash to make a merge, and level list, I get this error: http://i.imgur.com/pSapF6Y.png Not sure what that means.
  8. When I cleaned those files, they went back into the overwrite folder. So I still have duplicates.
  9. So most of these ESPs were duplicates. Ran Boss, and all my main ESMs are dirty once more. Same with the cloaks patch
  10. So cloaks.esp exists in the overwrite folder, and also inside the cloaks of Skyrim folder. I highly doubt I have 2 mods using the same ESP. So another duplicate?
  11. Everything I seem to do is just off. I experience issues that nobody else seems to be aware of. =P
  12. The esms in the main skyrim folder are not missing. http://i.imgur.com/1viZ8hI.png ?
  13. I don't see a default game folder for my esms. Do you mean back into the main game folder in steam for Skyrim? I have not made a bashed patch yet because ReProccer still isn't worrking. I am not able to play and never finished my load due to ReProccer halting my process just like I predicted. So now I am waiting for a fix before I can go any further. The game will load just fine, but the fact that I know I have weapons missing animations and sounds make me worry that I will encounter CTDs along the way and blame it on mods and have to rebuilt my entire load order, just to experience the same problem after a few days of rebuilding. The funny thing is, nobody on their page complains about this, from what I can tell. I think alot of people just patch and play, and don't run it through TES5Edit. TES5Edit shows many errors for weapons that ReProccer altered in a way that actually made them damaged. I wonder how many people realize this. As the damage weapons are apart of the official game DLC for crossbows. The Refined silver weapons? No idea where those are from. I will move these folders around but I am not sure if you want the main esms actually BACK in the MAIN Skyrim folder. Because MO doesn't have a data folder outside the organizer that I can see,
  14. Ah I see it. I don't understand where the Esms for the official patches go, as the mods folder doesn't seem to list the official patches? http://i.imgur.com/SOHcmba.png
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